
Shi Ailin felt cold. 

She was unsure about where she was, but she could see the dampness of the walls nearby from the dim light; she could smell the salty air that escaped through the cracks, most likely caused by rain. She could sense that she was somewhere abandoned and long forgotten. 

She tried to wriggle out of the bonds again, but it was pointless. It was tightly wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and it was chafing against her skin. Shi Ailin gritted her teeth. 

The Emperor had left behind some people to watch her, and there was nothing she could do until she's freed. 

She kept waiting, thinking, strategizing and waiting until—after what felt like an eternity—Shi Ailin dozed off, still seated. She hadn't slept in over a full day and night, and despite her fear, she was exhausted.