
Yuan Shun tried to wriggle out of his bonds. He couldn't see what was happening, but he heard swords clashing and clanging. With every second that passed, Yuan Shun felt more useless. Shi Yen should have taken the Emperor down by now, and yet they still kept going. 

Yuan Shun realized that untying wouldn't do anything. He tried to see through the seams of the sack, and saw a shadow faintly towards his right, facing away. All of his weapons were stripped from him, so he twisted his wrist from the rope, trying to unsheathe the hidden knife from the thick bracelet he wore. 

He unfastened the bracelet, and it fell from his wrist. Shit. 

His bound hands tried to find it when he heard, "Does he not know?" 

"Know what?" Shi Yen asked. 

"That you killed his brother," the Emperor replied. 

Yuan Shun then heard a female cry and scream. Yenni—