Yuan Ning (2)

Yuan Ning remembered reaching his lowest point, drinking and walking carelessly over a rooftop at night. A man had come from the staircase, approaching him. 

"You're going to fall," he told him. 

"I don't care," Yuan Ning replied, swallowing more liquor. 

"Would you care to know who killed your fiancée and unborn child?"

Yuan Ning staggered forward, swinging a punch and missed. "Was it you?" he questioned. 

"No," replied the man. "But I know who did." 

Anger and pain overcame him. Yuan Ning gritted his teeth. "Who did it?"

"Well," said the man idly, "Who else could it be, other than the Empress?" He paused, a smile stretching his face. "You had gone rogue and abandoned your organization, placing mistrust and disorder with your people. And as a punishment, she ordered the execution of your fiancée. Unfortunately, those are the consequences of your poor actions, boy."