Yuan Shun vs. Yuan Ning

The food was hot and ready, and Yuan Xinyi did most of the talking. She filled them in on how her courses were like at school. And how she was doing in her job as a manager at one of the branches. She inquired about Shi Ailin and Luo Wanting, and Shi Yen told her about their journey, except she had said it was a long trip filled with romance and adventure, leaving out the danger and searching aspect of it.

Yuan Xinyi clapped her hands and smiled. "That sounds likely a lovely trip," she said, glancing at everyone. "We should all go on a trip, too, as a family!" 

Shi Yen gave her a gentle smile and nod, but Yuan Ning said nothing, and Yuan Shun picked at the food on his plate. "Not unless Ning disappears, again," he muttered bitterly. 

"Shun!" His mother scolded, her face turned ashen.