Alarming News

Heading towards Chenzhou, Hunan:

They rode for hours through long and endless roads, grasping the view of karst hills along countryside valleys. Shi Ailin had been to main cities throughout the country, and beyond it, but she hadn't taken the time to appreciate the beauty of small towns and rural areas. 

Most of the roads were empty, and it felt peaceful as if they were away from the noise and large crowds. 

Luo Wanting pulled over to stop for gas. 

Shi Ailin walked inside the empty gas station to pick up some snacks, a physical map of the province, flashlights, tampons, and an on-the-go pack full of other essentials. As she went to the counter, Luo Wanting joined her to pay for the gas while the local news channel played in the background. It reported missing people the families are concerned about. There are no leads, and the local police are searching for more information.