No Escaping (2)

"I think we should find a quieter place and talk about everything—no more lies and half-truths. We'll be honest. You and me," Yuan Ning said to Wu Genji. 

Wu Genji stiffened, her limbs loosening with each exhale she took. 

"It's not that simple," she said to him, her eyes searching his. "If I tell you what I know, then I have to go."

"Go where?" Yuan Ning questioned. 

"Anywhere but here," she answered. "It's not safe." 

Yuan Ning took a step closer, prowling closer. His eyes held a harshness and softness as if he wanted to protect her and be cautious. She sucked in a breath. 

"If you were to leave, would anywhere truly be safe?" he questioned. 

Wu Genji took a moment before she shook her head. "No," she answered. "But I can't betray him."

Him? Yuan Ning thought. "What you just said implies that there is another and that you've betrayed us."