Bad Dream rode to the North Pole, something he didn't understand but followed the Nightmare the best he could. A yeti stopped him at the gate, "Excuse me, I need to speak to whoever is in charge here."
They yeti called out and another appeared, the first told him something, and the second returned inside. Shortly after, a big man with tattoos on his arms returned with the second yeti, "Yes?"
"Excuse me sir, I am Bad Dream. I am the protector of the Nightmares and I am looking for lost ones to bring home. May I search your facility for missing Nightmares?" Bad Dream spoke respectfully and without fear.
"You work with Nightmares? You be gone before I kill your Nightmare! Tell Pitch to stay hidden or the Guardians will be after him!" North yelled holding his sword out to the Nightmare.
"Pitch is dead; I do not work for him, never met the man actually. I work for Tragedy and she has asked me to gather all of her Nightmares and bring them home. I know for a fact that you have one in this facility because this Nightmare brought me here," Bad Dream stepped in between the sword and his Nightmare.
"What is Tragedy?" North asked slightly annoyed by the black skinned man before him. He knew he should hurry this along since the other Guardians would be arriving shortly to have a meeting about how things would work now that Pitch was 'gone' and the Nightmares were disappearing. It had only been two days but a plan needed to be made if the darkness ever came back.
"She is my boss. I don't have time for this. I need to find the Nightmares, they will go hungry without their master!" Bad Dream yelled, agitated.
"Eh, Mate what is going on?" Bunny hopped out next to the yeti and North.
"He thinks there's a Nightmare in the North Pole," North said.
"I know there is. I also know it has been here at least two days and will die if not given the proper care," Bad Dream was getting more annoyed by the second. Tooth and Sandy came outside to stand by their friends. "Do you really need all this back up for an unarmed man and a horse? I mean really?"
"Are you going to cause problems?" Tooth asked crossing her arms.
"I just want the Nightmare," Bad Dream sighed rubbing his nose where his eyes met.
Jack, the last to arrive flew up behind Bad Dream and starred at the Nightmare. "What's going on?"
Bad Dream about repeated himself until he saw Jack, "You're Jack Frost!" Bad Dream stuck out his hand and shook Jack's, "I can't believe I am actually meeting you! I have seen your heroic deeds many times but I never thought I would get to shake your hand. My boss would love to see you!" The Guardians looked shocked, they were supposed to be the famous ones.
"Do I know you?" Jack asked confused.
"Oh, I am sorry. No, we don't know each other. I think you would remember a black skinned man. I know you from the Nightmares. Most of them have a memory of you, it is pretty amazing. I died with the love of my life in my arms but you died saving your sister," Bad Dream looked at the Nightmare with him; she had a little boy's fear of horses, ironically.
"How do you have a memory of Jack dying in a Nightmare?" Tooth asked looking at the Nightmare.
"This one doesn't but the Nightmares have a similar power to the tooth boxes the Tooth fairy uses. They hold the worst memories a person has, their biggest fears, and/or their nightmares. The memory of Jack falling through the ice is what created the most Nightmares and the most powerful one, Kōri that a man named North killed," Bad Dream looked at the tattooed man that he guessed was North. North stood taller.
"How did Pitch use my memory of falling through the ice to make the Nightmares when I didn't even remember it until three days ago?" Jack looked lost.
"He didn't. The Nightmares were made from my boss's memory. Kōri was Tragedy's biggest Nightmare. Apparently she was so powerful she held most of the traumas that happened to Tragedy," Bad Dream smiled, "I am really just trying to take the Nightmares home so they don't hurt anyone or die themselves. Please, this Nightmare will be able to find the other, they are all connected." When one dies, the others feel its pain and now that Bad Dream was connected to them so did he.
Jack looked to North who was pondering when he could have killed a powerful Nightmare. "North? If I go with him, can we locate the Nightmare?" Jack asked politely.
"Yes, I think that is best," North sighed giving up.
"I will go with you as well," Tooth said flying towards Bad Dream who smiled with his shinny white teeth. "Your teeth! They are almost as perfect as Jack's!"
"Thank you, ma'am. I use to be a slave but my wife made sure I was taken care of," Bad Dream smiled remembering Kathrine.
"You were married?" Bunny asked walking beside him.
"Yeah, Kathrine Elizabeth. She was the Master's daughter, we died in each other's arms. She was shot and drowned by slave traders and I was beaten and then shot. We were lucky," He sighed.
"I am so sorry!" Tooth said wrapping him in a hug.
"Don't be," Bad Dream patted her shoulder, "Tragedy has promised to help me find her again as long as I help her with the Nightmares."
"What kind of name is Tragedy?" Bunny looked under a tablecloth.
"It is the name she gave herself after being dead for a couple hundred years. She had a really tragic life and when she died she worked for Pitch Black. She also went around doing the job of death. She reunites lovers and friends even if sometimes she has to do so in the afterlife. It is a really sad job but it suits her," Bad Dream thought about the scared little girl he first met in the ally. It was hard to believe he had been scared of her. "Although she is a great deal happier now that Pitch is gone, well, other than the fact that we found out today that Pitch is really dead forever. She is kind of hurting especially since he told her he loved her in a letter we found today."
Everyone stopped walking except Bad Dream, "Pitch loved someone?" North shook his head.
"Impossible! He only cared about himself," Bunny stared ahead trying to focus.
"Is he really dead?" Tooth asked trying to get the idea of him showing something as good as love out of her head.
"The Nightmares say he is, they ate him because they were afraid of him hurting Tragedy. He loved her; I saw it in his eyes when he stopped by the caves. At the time I didn't know who he was and I was scared to be found by anyone other than Tragedy without her there," Bad Dream whistled and heard the soft whisper of a Nightmare. "Tragedy is not a normal woman, she is special. She is the kind of person you can't help but love in one way or another. What is through that door?"
North followed Bad Dream's finger, "The sleigh."
"Well, my Nightmare is through there. She is badly injured, I will need some fear to give her," Bad Dream looked at the group. He took a deep breath and held out his hand, "Jack? Would you mind helping me?"
"Why me?" Jack asked coming forward anyway.
"Because there is a good chance she will recognize you and you also seem to be afraid of what she has to reveal," Bad Dream opened the door and pulled Jack through.
On the other side the sleigh sat empty to the average onlooker, Bad Dream though saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A Nightmare to rule them all; badly injured but still alive. "Kōri?"