The Temple's Story

After hearing Throzahk speak, the skeletal kobold swiftly obeyed, walking fast towards the slab, placing first the tome on his head on the left side of the slab, then placing the other tomes on top of the stone slab, "There you go Throzahk, your tomes on the slab, as you wanted, now info please, yes yes…" thought the kobold, moving his head in an inquiring gesture towards the specter, then he heard the him talk [Good, good, now I believe I promised you to continue with our conversation… yes, please sit there] said Throzahk pointing at a chair near him.

The skeletal kobold obeyed with eagerness, finaly he would know the history of the temple, for that reason he sat on the chair [Good, now.. where were we…. Ah! Yes, the curses, yes… I have already told you of the betrayal of Kolztak and Icceamond… and you may very well see that the curse on the egg is not a simple one… neither is the one they placed on the temple] said Throzahk, his voice filled with strong sadness.

Looking at the skeletal kobold who listened with an uncommon interest he continued talking [The curse on the half-born egg… it is a modified and twisted version of Ushragotz's petrifying spell, his is very simple to remove, you just need some Capricorn blood and horns, these creatures are quite common to the swamps and rivers, that's the reason why it's quite easy to rid oneself of said curse… now the difference lays in what is used to cast the curse, this version used black scales, taken from our bodies in a sort of sacrifice and as a gift to Arae, harlot and mistress of curses, damned be her name…] he finished his speech with a phrase that was filled with tangible hatred and sadness.

He then continued, seeing that the kobold was listening with evermore interest [Now the second curse… Icceamond was the one to cast it… it is a most insidious curse, where she offered her own life to ensure its success… it is the curse of Undead, as simple as its name may be, it is fitting enough, this one is most difficult to lift… if I'm not mistaken, first the body of the caster must be burnt in holy fire, then the grounds where the curse was casted must be washed with purified salt and finally a priest must bless the place in order to purge it… in this case… that is quite a… challenging task, to say the least…] said Throzahk, his voice contained a mocking and self-deprecating tone.

The kobold looked towards Throzahk, moving his skull slightly "Aren't you a priest? Yes yes, I remember you saying you were a priest" thought the skeletal kobold, pointing at Throzahk in response to the last words said by the specter [ME!? No, no, impossible, I may be a priest but I'm dead... so to say I'm but a soul, I can't channel any energy of the divine in this state! Besides I'm bound to the Half-born egg, I can't even leave this room until it hatches, and that cannot happen without ensuring that the curse of undead does not harm it… but you… you may be able to… but you are still too weak… Hmm… I need to consider this… now back to our conversation] said Throzahk, his voice had a mysterious tone.

Throzhak proceeded to look at the skeletal kobold lower legs, letting out a heavy sigh [It seems you have made acquaintance with the temple's pet… it seems that it wasn't spared from the effects of the curse either… well it is not an important matter, you have already given it peace I assume… lets continue with the history of this most sacred place] said Throzahk eager to continue with his history lesson.

[This most sacred place is the temple of the Seeress, it bears the name of Eal'Itzhal or the Temple of Souls, this is in honor to most blessed Quilrorry role as the Seeress of Souls, it used to be under the authority of the High Seeress Faldrari, she used to be the guide for the six hundred of us acolytes, priest and the like… she was the first to perish the day that Kolztak and Icceamond betrayed us…] said Throzahk, his voice was filled with sadness.

The kobold made a small gesture as if asking Throzahk why had Kolztak betrayed [Now… the reason for Kolztak betrayal is unknown to me, all I know is that he was seduced by Icceamond, his pupil, it seems she bore quite the heretical views on Blessed Quilrorry, but… he was my hierarchical superior, and I was not under his command, that is why i know not why he did it, that and the fact I was under the tutelage of Olqejia the Pale, she was the one who made me bound in duty to the unhatched egg, and by blessed Quilrorry's command I serve even after my dead] said the specter, his voice had a solemn tone, a sense of unwavering loyalty filled the room.

The skeletal kobold looked quite intrigued at this, and continued to listen to Throzahk's tale [The betrayal was swift… the traitorous Kolztak and that harlot Icceamond had conceived a plan, and in the night of the baptisms they enacted said plan, the screams came, people ran in horror, the undead had risen from the graveyard… some of them began eating anyone near them when while their victims were still alive, tearing them limb from limb, it was an horrific sight to behold] a deep sadness and hatred flowed from Throzahk's voice, his face showed great anger and from his eyes flowed silvery tears that made the specters shine with a pale light.

Throzahk noticed the obedient behavior of the kobold and continued his speech [The rest of the undead began murdering their families and then anything that was near them… after that the blood began flowing like a crimson river down the streets, somehow the undead were being ordered to hang the people upside down to drain the people of their blood, in a ritual of sorts, their bodies where arranged on an star patter, their blood drew runes on the city's streets…. and then finally came the deafening silence, no sound was heard, what once was the proud city of Mulred and this most sacred temple, were now a gruesome mass grave that was left unattended and this temple became the ground for two curses, and it too became unattended, and defiled by the undead, even though I remain here…] anger and resentment resonated from Throzhak's voice.

The skeletal kobold shook his head side to side in a disapproving gesture [As to what happened after that… I dare not to guess… all I know is that when I arrived to the temple, Keretar was already dying, my master Olqejia had tried cast the protection on the egg, but it was already too late, and High Seeress Faldrari laid dead on her room from grievous wounds, and I was wounded from all the undead that attacked me on my way here from the city… after I arrived I spoke to my master… she was already weakened and could not perform the ultimate sacrifice to fulfill her duty, and so it was decided that I had to become her replacement, and thanks to the most blessed and holy Quilrorry's guidance I took this form, undead yet not a a mindless one, yet neither am I something created by mad men or heretics, nor am I bound permanently to this egg… as I will pass on to the afterlife… but first I must fulfill my duty, and for that I must find a solution to the curses…] said Throzahk, his voice carried a sense of deep thought as he put his hands on his chin, trying to think solutions for the situation, now he had someone, or something that could carry the more physically involved tasks that he needed to do, this presented him with new possibilities that he didn't have before, so he submerged himself on deep thinking leaving the skeletal kobold to its own designs.

Seeing the spectral Throzahk submerge into deep thought, the skeletal kobold decided to inspect his status, as he was intrigued at what Throzahk had said about him not being so weak.

"STATUS!" shouted the Kobold in his mind, but despite his energetic mind shout, the status windows appeared without any surprise.

Name: Unnamed Kobold Skeleton

Race: Modified Skeleton Species: Kobold

Type: Humanoid Height: 80 Centimeters

Job: None Level: 5


Mana: 15 Intelligence: 16

Dexterity: 17 Constitution: 6

Strength: 19 Charisma: 16

Perception: 14 Growth Points: 5


Qadarr's Gift Mage's Eyes

Qadarr's Gift Meager Non-Elemental Mana Affinity

Lower Draconic Language

Four-legged Sneaking

Lesser Sling Proficiency (NEW!)

Lesser Sneaking Attack (NEW!)


Immune to Sleep

Immune to Fatigue

Immune to Hunger

Cut damage

This is what the status window read; he had gained two new abilities, and he was less of a glass mug and more of a glass rock, his race had changed, possibly due to his brand-new lower legs.

"HEY! I thought that the system would ring a notification when I gained new powers, never mind then…. Oooh! Growth Points I wonder how do I use them… and more mana, that's good, yes yes" said the Skeletal Kobold in his mind, who proceeded to touch the core on his cloth pouch.

"And I wonder how may I be able to use you… yes yes, precious core… I need to learn magic, I have what I would consider a good disposition towards magic, yes yes…" thought the kobold, who suddenly felt himself being lifted into the air and dragged towards the specter by the same strange force.

"No, Not this sh*t again…" tought the skeletal kobold being dragged slowly towards the specter.

[You know, it is quite boring to be the only one to talk… and you will be needing a name, it is getting tiresome to refer at you, with only 'you' or 'skeleton', you may feel some pain or discomfort] said Throzahk, this time with less of a grin and more of a curious expression on his face, while he put his arm through the skeletal kobold chest.

What he felt amazed him, this was most rare for a kobold, specially an undead one [Impressive, you didn't have any room to grow, but now… it seems you have the possibility to grow, to get stronger, this is quite rare indeed…I wonder why that changed…] said Throzahk his voice hinted at the fascination and amusement caused by the skeletal kobold new potential.

He then proceeded to move around his arm inside the torax of the undead kobold [Hmm… yes, yes… there it is… this should work... hopefully] said the ghostly Throzahk as he once again grasped the thing inside the kobold before sending something to be absorbed by the skeletal kobold [There… now it should be easier for you to learn…] muttered Throzahk while withdrawing his arm from the kobold's chest.