
Soon Throzahk ordered again [GO! Study… it will be necessary for you to be of use… you can take the tome and sit here if you need] with this the skeletal acolyte took Jiagoss's tome and began to walk towards the archives.

Seeing this Throzahk uttered [interesting… most interesting indeed…] and he then returned to the egg, and put his ghostly arm on the shell, and began chanting something inaudible to the skeletal acolyte, while a strange light covered the room, blinding the skeletal acolyte.

"Hmmm…. I wonder what that was… hmmm… even if I knew… no matter… yesss… proper draconic… after all… that's what a proper dragon would do… yesss… yesss…." Thought the skeletal acolyte, now that he chosen hi growth path, he fancied himself close kin to dragons.

Then suddenly the mystical light dimmed down, and he could hear Throzahk's voice, it was something uttered in draconic, so he gave no importance to it, if his master needed him, he would be called and he would answer the call.

The journey to the archives was once again filled with temptation, yet the skeletal acolyte resisted it even more easily, it seemed that he had grown accustomed to the scenery of the hallway, the runes no longer looked so bewitching to him.

When he arrived at the archived to the archivs, he sat on the floor near the entrance, and resumed his reading, a few pages back where he had been unexpectedly interrupted by his master's calling.

He soon found the pages where he had seen the Latin alphabet "Hmmm… Tua lux illvminabitvr me, Dominvs noster! Lvx Sacrae!..." said the skeletal acolyte in his mind, he felt a slight discomfort for a few moments, but nothing happened, nothing came from the incantation recited by the acolyte.

"hmm… I feel tired… yet I don't feel like I need to sleep… wonder why… yesss…. yesss" thought the skeletal acolyte, the sensation of tiredness made him feel sluggish and heavy, he then tried to shrug off the slime like feeling by reading more.

Jiagoss's tome went into great detail explaining the Latin phrases, it looked like Latin was known as common in this world, it was something that the masses used to trade, talk and a myriad of thing that had no need for the use of such a noble language like Draconic, the disdain flowed from the letters towards the reader, it seemed like Jiagoss thought that the only 'proper' language was Draconic, the tome even stated that incantations and spells on Common were lesser and paltry versions of the proper magic, poor imitations of the real stuff.

The skeletal kobold felt that Jiagoss's statements were somewhat correct, however he still felt that Jiagoss thinking was flawed, if someone was able to cast spells with Common, then they should be taught to cast in Draconic, he then continued to read, and found even more exercises and more complex formations for proper spell casting both in common and draconic, then after passing the last passages of Common, Jiagoss's explained the more complex rules of the Draconic tongue, after each page was read the skeletal kobold felt a strange sensation and soothing sensation, it filled his head after each page was turned.

Soon the pages were being turned faster and faster, the sensation became clearer and clearer, and then he reached the final page of Jiagoss's tome, he was expecting the immediate ringing of the mechanical voice in a monotone announcement, yet it hadn't come, all that he was met with was silence.

"well I didn't expect it to would be so easy to learn… let alone just after reading the basic lections just once… well… that's to be expected… sort off… yesss… yesss…" thought the skeletal kobold, who proceeded to read the tome once again from cover to cover, repeating the process, practicing the phrases both in common and draconic, but the announcement hadn't come for the draconic language nor had it manifested for the Common tongue.

"Am missing something… yesss, yesss… I am missing something… there should be more books… scrolls… something containing more knowledge… yesss… yesss…." Thought the skeletal acolyte, angered at his ignorance, but still unwilling to give up as he stood up carefully placing the tome on the floor.

After he left Jiagoss's tome on the floor, the skeletal acolyte began exploring the archives carefully, combing through each of the shelves that had even one tome, most of them were of no use to him presently, as the tomes titles were related to mana cores, runic scripture, manipulation of minor mana circuits, mystic rituals, theurgy and the divine, however he found two very interesting things, the first one was a truly bulky tome, it was at the least four times thicker than Jiagoss's Basic Lections, deep blue was its cover, written by Damos of Belthiod, and the second a scroll similar to a papyrus, that was attached to the tome of Damos of Belthiod, its contents were written in a different yet similar language to draconic, the runic scriptures looked more refined, and a more spectacular power seemed to come from them.

The kobold Acolyte was carefull in detaching the scroll from Damos's tome and placing it on top of Jiagoss's tome.

"Damos of Belthiod… A complete teaching in draconic and further studies on elder speech…. I wonder… may… may it be that there is something like elder draconic?... well it is possible… considering the evolution that English and Spanish had… yesss… better… stronger… yesss…" thought the skeletal Kobold, remembering the drastic changes that both of those languages had suffered in order to become the languages that he once knew.

"Hmm considering that lesser draconic has no power nor strength to its runic letters and that draconic scripture flows with strength… but this one… it feels even more powerful… yesss… yesss… me likey… yessss" thought greedily the skeletal acolyte, he was now filled with greed comparable to a very avaricious merchant.

"Let's get into it then… yesss" with that thought in mind the skeletal acolyte carefully moved the tome's cover aside, revealing the same runic letters that were contained on the scroll, however these were written in a way that made them look crooked, this wall of runic text was followed by Draconic and lower draconic, it seemed that the author had tried to find similarities between the three languages, the following pages were filled with the ruminations of the Damos, he had considered that the current form of draconic, the one that so many like Jiagoss had deemed the 'proper' draconic, was nonetheless a degraded form, lost to time and useless traditions were many of the works that had been written in what he dubbed Elder Speech.

To Damos, this was the one true root of language, the unaltered and raw source of Mana manipulation, the thing of myth, the spring from which the many tongues had spread, the skeletal acolyte found this intriguing, he willingly ignored the soothing sensation that came after each passage was read, powering through them at an astonishing speed arriving at one part where Damos had begun to create exercises on the three tongues and explained what he thought were the simplest of rules of Elder Speech, however for the skeletal acolyte they seemed quite the complex and mystical thing.

After he had succeeded in recreating the rules of Elder Speech in his mind, and in engraving them on his memory, he continued reading the hefty tome, however things kept becoming harder and harder, he had to read twice and thrice some passages for him to engrave in his mind the rules that Damos had considered as simple rules, and after reading at least three hundred pages he arrived to the middle of the tome, he had become mystified by the thing, and an unnatural obsession was born in him.

The skeletal kobold repeated the process thrice, and each time he ignored the soothing sensation, it seemed to lull him into complacency and lazyness, however he succeeded in his task, engraving in the process the knowledge contained in half of the tome.

"This… This… it is harder than I thought… yesss…. But I must succeed… yesss… after all even as an undead I'm close kin to dragons…. Yesss…." Thought the skeletal kobold, he had begun to dismiss that his form had been chosen as a form of entertainment for gods that he didn't know even existed before being brought to where he know was.

Then he began reading the other half of the tome, this was even harder than the previous one, the three tongues suddenly became one, and Damos explained that this was the natural order of things, as Elder Speech, he thought, was the language originally spoken by the elder dragons, most of which had disappeared when he had written his tome, and by this part of the tome, the runic letters suddenly turned elegant and grandiose, and the exercises proposed by Damos came to be written all in Elder Speech, and so was most of the second half of the tome.

And then the skeletal acolyte repeated the process until all of the rules and words filled his mind, then suddenly it finally rang, but this time it had come with thunderous noise, and the Acolyte was pulled from his trance by the announcement.

[Skill Acquired! Draconic Language]

[Skills Merged! Lower Draconic Language! Draconic Language]

[Skill Acquired! Elder Speech]

"Holy hell! That made me tremble… well no matter… I understand that I would learn Draconic… but Elder Speech? Hmmm interesting… yesss… yess… but now it seems that I only have one language… I wonder if I will be able to speak the many languages that came from this one… or not… until I speak with someone that does not speak draconic I won't know….", thought the Kobold Acolyte, intrigued and prideful at the suspicious speed with which he had learnt the language, it was after all not a common thing to learn any language so easily he thought.

Yet he had heard the announcement made by the mysterious system "Hmmm… with this of gods and all… I wonder… does everyone know about this status stuff… maybe Throzahk knows… yesss…. After all him and his spooky arm nonsense!" said internally the skeletal Acolyte "Never mind that… Let's learn more… yesss… Yesss…" said the acolyte in his mind, then he began reading the contents of the scroll.