Mana Heart

The skeletal kobold followed the runic pattern, carving it carefully on the stone slab, he was instructed to first carve the runes big, then after he had completed the pattern, Throzahk had instructed him to begin carving them smaller, to the point where the movement of the mana beam coming from his claws seemed almost nonexistent, however the skeletal kobold movement lacked the finesse expected, prompting Throzahk to speak [Don't simply carve them like you were scribbling on the ground, do it with care! Tarnishing the pattern could cause the core to be ruined!] at Throzhak's warning the skeletal acolyte began to carve slowly until his mana was almost drained, pausing from time to time to recover.

This process continued until he had completely filled the stone slab surface with runic letters [Good, now do it again!] said Throzahk, who then moved his hands on the surface of the slab, repairing the surface, until it was smooth again, the skeletal kobold had wanted to protest, but his impatience to manipulate the precious core had overcome him, so he kept quiet and simply obeyed.

And so, the skeletal acolyte resumed his task, carving ever smaller runes on the surface of the slab, each time trying to perfect the form and shape of the runes, each time he carved them, he felt the drain, this process was repeated until Throzahk was satisfied with the results.

[Good, good, now you will need to imbue your mana onto the carvings, that should…. Hmmm wait before you do that… let's make some preparations] said Throzahk, he once again repaired the surface of the slab, before a different appeared in the air [it will be difficult to lift the curse of undead without a living priest.. however, more of these… this formation will help to stop the spread of the curse… it may even reverse it a bit…] said Throzahk, instructing the skeletal kobold [after you finish carving this we will carve the Core, it will be attached to you… you need to be prepared… it will try to take over you…] said Throzahk, pointing towards the stone slab, instructing the skeletal kobold to begin.

The skeletal acolyte obeyed, this time the process was swift as the kobold acolyte began to carve the slab, once he was finished with the first row of runes Throzahk spoke to him [Good… now add this!] said Throzahk creating a different runic pattern, a longer and more complex pattern was forming each time the skeletal acolyte finished carving the tunic patterns, until the complete surface of the slab was engraved in runes that followed a six point star shape [Good… now you will begin carving the core... however you will have to pour mana constantly into it, it won't be an easy feat, however it must be done!] instructed Throzahk, pointing towards the mana core.

Once the skeletal acolyte gathered mana on his claws, Throzahk created a runic pattern in the shape of a five pointed star, however it was a short one, but before the kobold acolyte was about to begin Throzahk spoke [Don't forget to pour mana into the runes, make them small enough to fit the core, now begin!] as Throzahk instructed the skeletal kobold simply obeyed, writing the runic pattern on the round surface of the core, while pouring whatever drop of mana he had, he had to stop each time he finished a rune, as his mana was completely drained in the process, resting until he regained his strength, and so the pentagonal pattern was finished, its eighteen runes glowed with mystic light, and the strange mist that seemed to pour from the core condensed slowly on the surface of the core, just to disperse all at once when it reached its most dense form.

Seeing the glowing runes Throzahk spoke once again [Good… good… that should do for the condensation and release of mana … and there is space for two more patterns… now you will begin carving the next incantation, this one will serve to inject mana once the core is attached to your chest…] said Throzahk, preparing another runic pattern, this runic pattern followed a circle and was made of Thirty two runes repeating in a series of elaborate curves and crevasses [you must carve this one around the previous incantation, begin!] said Throzahk, who watched with great care the pattern being engraved on the surface of the core.

The process was as slow as the first incantation carving had been, however, the finesse, and the craftsmanship of this runic pattern was superior to the previous carving, though they weren't a masterpiece, the runes were functional enough to be called an engraving, several moments later, the kobold acolyte finished the runic pattern, at that moment the skeletal acolyte heard the mechanical announcement once again.

[Skill Acquired! Amateur Engraving: Incantation!]

The skeletal acolyte greeted this announcement with greed as he tought "Yesss… good... good… very good… yesss… me likes… yesss…" as he was thinking this Throzahk spoke again.

[Good… now there is space for a small incantation, it should help you attune your own mana with the core, however it will make it harder for you to control it… it will overtake you if we don't make the correct preparations…]said Throzahk, looking towards the skeletal remains of the giant alligator.

Seeing this the skeletal kobold used his spectral voice spell to raise a question [What do you mean about the core overtaking me? does it have a will? yess... yess...] his mind rending voice had been somewhat tempered to a less maddening tone, however the volume remained as high as it was before.

After listening the question posed by the skeletal Acolyte throzahk answered [To put it in simple terms... the core will try to control your body... as it once did with I'tzhal's bones... however… there are ways to lower the risk of using the cores, one of the would be doing as Keretar had done… which involved engraving his own scales with runes… however he didn't encrust the cores he used onto his body, he merely manipulated them with his staff…] said Throzahk before continuing [however Keretar's method is quite difficult to use if one intends to make permanent use of the cores… but as you are an undead you would require either more cores and some form of catalyst… like the slab you engraved to be used as a conduit… or pure luck to make it through… are you still willing to take the risk?] ended Throzhak awaiting for a rebuttal from the skeletal acolyte, however it hadn't come, he simply stayed silent.

after hearing Throzahk speak the skeletal kobold simply nodded while thinking "Shit… can't talk again… that drained me… yesss… need to make use of the core… Yesss yesss…" thought the skeletal kobold, the spell had drained him of his mana, so he had been muted once again.

Looking at the muted kobold acolyte Throzahk resumed talking [Seeing that you can't talk I must assume that you have used most of your mana… no matter… and from your answer I must believe that you are willing to take the risk, that simplifies things... and as for the matter of your mana... that will be fixed once we encrust the core… now once you rest we will resume with the engraving… for now I will prepare I'tzhal's remains… they should be of some use... now that i think of it... seeing that you are already making use of them...] said Throzahk with a solemn tone, while moving towards the skeletal remains of I'tzhal, the Temple's alligator pet.

At once Throzahk began to cast a spell, moving his hands in the correct sequence, and only voicing the spell [Disolve mana!], at which the strange blue strands that connected the bones disappeared, causing the skeleton to collapse and disassemble in place, with a simple movement they fell to the ground and rolled a bit.

Once the bones had stopped moving, Throzahk produced an extremely slim beam from his right hand index finger, and began engraving each bone, it took him no time until all the bones, with the exception of the skull, were engraved and glowing with small runic incantations, he showed extreme mastery in this craft, his runes were so different that it seemed like the ones carved by the skeletal kobold were made by a bumbling fool that had tried his worse to carve the symbols.

After he had finished, Throzahk spoke to the skeletal kobold [you will be using most of I'tzhal bones… I have carved a simple spell in each one, this should help you to permanently control the core… or at least that's what I expect… now you should have regained your mana, so let's finish engraving the mana heart] said Throzahk, moving towards the skeletal kobold.

Seeing that he had to resume his task the skeletal kobold looked towards Throzahk as he produced the final set of runes, it was a complex pattern, that had inside of it the two previous patterns, it formed an estrange figure, that looked like an Asian dragon's mouth, that contained a small marble in its teeth.

Seeing the skeletal acolyte gaze at the runic pattern Throzahk ordered him to begin engraving, at which the kobold acolyte begun to carefully carve the pattern, trying to imitate Throzahk's finesse, keeping a slow pace however, repeating the process of resting each time a runic letter was carved.

Once the kobold acolyte had finished, he could see the mist condensing and forming what seemed to be lightnings being swallowed by a blackhole, it was a truly terrifying view, he then heard Throzhak speak [Good… excellent… you have surpassed my expectations… now we should begin the ritual… you will need to lay next I'tzhal skeleton, and be still, it will take some time to change all your bones, however your skull will remain untouched… it is what makes you, you, now let's begin!] said Throzahk with a thunderous order to the skeletal kobold who proceeded to hesitantly obey.