Part 2

P'No: WTF someone call the ambulance

Person: we need to kill him (hit with a bat )

Runner: *screams*

Person: let's go goddamn!!!

*Ambulance Sounded*

Doctor: his breathing give him CPR...

Nurse: Calm down can you tell us what happened

Runner: My name is Angela( from Chapter 31 ) I just show two guys in gray and black screaming we need to kill him…

Nurse: do you know him…

Angela: his name was huh it was P'No

Nurse: do you know his family members because he lost to much blood I don't think…

Angela: you have to save him please!!!

Nurse 2: the guy dropped his phone here call his people…

Angela: oh ok what is his password could it be know why so old fashion it was Angel( Angel is a popular password that is 1004 but now it old fashioned) Hello is this P'Pam?

P'Pam: why is their a girl calling me with P'No phone!!!

Mom: what?!!!

Dad: told you how could he make you gay in the first place…

Mom: put it on speakerphone!!

Angela: P'Pam I like girl not guys and the other thing is that P'No is in the hospital he had gone and got himself stab in the stomach… and they hit his head with a bat…

P'Pam: what hospital are you at…

Angela: the one next to the mall…

P'Pam: ok I'm coming up their now

Angela: sorry to tell you but before we came to the hospital he already lost 3lb of blood they said hope for the best…

Mom: hurry and go talk you father car…!!

Dad: no go in your mom car…

Mom: He already gone !!!


Angela: are you P'Pam he still in the surgery room it been 2 hours…

P'Pam: thank you um...

Angela: I'm Angela

P'Pam: is that your real name like birth name…

Angela: um no it not I don't know my birth name I'm a orphan…

P'Pam: oh sorry to bring up something sensitive…

Angela: people when they ask that question all the time so it ok …

P'Pam: is that why your You know like girls…

Angela: Yah my mother left me at age 5 probably why I need a girl in my life…

Doctor: code red code red sir are you O negative

P'Pam: no I'm not what happening doctor

Angela: I'm O negative

Doctor: ok were need you to do a transfer of blood he lost a lot of blood so we're but some in him but that not a lot so we need you are you scared of shots

Angela: no hurry and save him before he dies…


Doctor: his heartbeat have been steady so it ok to go in and talk to him when he wake up…