Different Than Usually

Angela: ( calling P'No )

P'No: ( pick up the phone ) hello Angela

Angela: hello P'No are you alone right now ?

P'No: uh yes… is everything ok? Are you ok?

Angela: I'm good but are you good?

P'No: yah why wouldn't I be? Are you sure your are ok?

Angela: so you did know about you dad?

P'No: my dad? How do you know about my dad? He wouldn't be out in another 4 years?

Angela: I don't know how to tell you this but um…

P'No: Angela just come down you can tell me…

Angela: I saw you Dad at the hospital looking for you and he became good friends with Doctor Ahn ( talking really fast )

P'No: wait you talking to fast did you just say my dad is not in prison…

Angela: I think he got out early for good behavior …

P'No: Angela I'll call you back later sorry…( hangs up )

Angela: P'No!!? P'No!!? He hang up on me

* Everyone remember to put on your mask not just for your safety but for the people around you*

* Happy birthday to me Follow my Instagram @PoisonedKandi_14 trying to make it to 100 because I just made it