

Noticing Chen Zhao's anxiety, Raymond quickly comforted, "Human, relax. Gluttony subordinates can digest anything. They're the only demons that won't be infested."

Hearing Raymond's words, Chen Zhao calmed down at once. Can I digest it?


"Don't eat me… Don't eat me…" the parasite screamed in horror.

"I'm afraid begging now is too late already."

The parasite had also been affected by Raymond's venom, so its struggle was very weak.

Its tentacles attached onto Chen Zhao's arm like an octopus, but it could not hurt Chen Zhao at all.

Parasites needed a host precisely because they could not survive in the outside world by themselves.

It was an unbreakable law of nature, whether it was in the human world or in Hell.

The Mouth of Glutton had already swallowed half of the parasite's body. Just then, the tentacles attached to Leos' organs and flesh also became inactive.

Chen Zhao pulled his hand and the entire parasite was drawn out of Leos' abdomen.

The parasite struggled wildly, dragging a few of Leos' eyeballs out at the same time.

The eyeballs were attached to the end of the tentacles. As the Mouth of Glutton finally devoured the parasite, it swallowed the eyeballs too.

However, the next moment, a few eyes opened on Chen Zhao's arm, one after another. There were five eyes on his arm and one on the back of his hand, making a total of six.

What the actual f**k? Am I infested?!

Chen Zhao wanted to cry but had no tears.

It seemed like he would have to perform surgery to his own arm later.

The Mouth of Glutton was really too greedy and ate everything.

Anyway, it was not the time to think about all this. Chen Zhao still had to stitch Leos' abdomen.

After the operation, Chen Zhao stared at Raymond with much resentment. "Didn't you just say that Gluttony subordinates can't be infested? Look at the eyes on my arm. I've already been infested by that parasite!"

"Do you feel anything different?"

"Huh? I don't think so."

"So stop scaring yourself. Gluttony subordinates have very powerful digestive systems. Those fat pigs will many a time devour other demons and obtain their abilities. Clearly, the Mouth of Glutton on your arm has eaten the parasite and obtained the eyes."

"So I'm fine?"




"Puff… I almost had a heart attack."

Chen Zhao heaved a long sigh of relief. He tried to control the eyes, but they did not open, or rather he could not open them.

Chen Zhao felt annoyed again. How are they useful if I can't even f**king control them?

When the Mouth of Glutton disappeared, so did the eyes.

Chen Zhao decided to ask Jessica later how to control the Mouth of Glutton.

Currently, it would appear whenever it wanted to and disappear otherwise, which Chen Zhao really hated.

After the paralytic effect of Raymond's venom ended, Leos woke up.

Despite having lost a few eyes, Leos was clearly elated. After all, he had over a hundred eyes and losing a few was really no big deal.

He felt that he had fully recovered. The heaviness that had been bothering him for a long time was finally gone.

"Living Lord, thank you for your help. Please, take my gift." Leos very readily gave Chen Zhao the Pristine Eyeballs that he had prepared.

He took out a bottle filled with some liquid, in which three eyeballs were floating.

Chen Zhao found this journey to Hell pretty rewarding.

The Pristine Eyeballs could be used on anyone, whether it was a demon or a human.

"Human, what do you plan to do to this witch soul?" Raymond asked.

"Do you want her?"

"I need someone to clean this place. It's hard to meet such a complete soul, you know," Raymond said.

"Then I'll leave her here after questioning her."

Winry Gargamel woke up slowly. She really hoped that it was but a dream.

However, her clear awareness told her that Raymond and Leos before her were real.

Chen Zhao's mocking smile only deepened her hatred.

"Winry Gargamel, I have a few questions for you. Answer them well and I'll forget about what happened in the human world. Otherwise…" Chen Zhao turned his head and glanced at Raymond and Leos.

Raymond opened his mouth and helped Chen Zhao to intimidate Winry.

While Leos was not as big as Raymond, as he opened all his eyes, Winry realized that she was being stared at by a dense group of eyeballs.

Winry instantly peed her pants, if she could still pee.

"What questions do you want to ask me? Let me go… I'll tell you everything."

"Raymond needs a servant. If you answer my questions well, you'll stay here and help him. If not, I think Raymond won't mind having you for dinner."

"What do you want to know?"

"Where's Trede Pemton? I suppose he's in Hell too, right?"

"Trede? He's already been sacrificed to Lord Besta. His soul is gone forever."

"Is Besta the large octopus that appeared last time?"

"Err… Yes."

To Winry, Sleeper Besta was the master she had served for her whole life.

Even after she died, she still held this belief.

However, Chen Zhao had easily summoned a few demons and defeated Besta.

Therefore, Chen Zhao was as formidable to Winry as a god. It seemed reasonable that Chen Zhao called Besta an octopus.

"Do you know where Trede hid his properties?"

"Yes. He changed them to gold and hid it under the Mirror Lake waterfall."

"What about the rest? He also has some other properties in the form of artwork. Do you know where he hid them?"

"Huh? I didn't even know that he has those."

"Raymond, do you have a way to make her painful?"

"My corrosive venom can dissolve her soul bit by bit," Raymond answered.

"I really didn't know!" Winry almost burst into tears.

It was the first time in her life being so honest, but nobody seemed to believe her.

"Living Lord, I don't think she's lying. My Eye of Truth has been staring at her. If she's lying, I would know."

"I really don't know. I only know that Trede exchanged his properties for gold. I didn't know that he secretly hid some of his properties."

"Which means you're useless now, right?" Chen Zhao squinted and stared at Winry.

"Wait… I remember! A few years ago, Trede asked me to create a ward for him. Perhaps he hid the things there."

Chen Zhao received a lot of information from Winry, who remained with Raymond afterward.

Chen Zhao spent six hours in Hell. Raymond and Beelzebub were similar in power, but their statuses were still different.

Beelzebub was like a feudal lord with a couple of acres of land. Raymond was a bachelor who lived by himself.

Of course, they were both better off than the Silly Twins. At least, Raymond wouldn't go hungry and he ruled over the Endless Bottomless.

There was an endless supply of souls in the surrounding desert. If he was hungry, he could go over and have a meal. When he was tired, he could go lay down at home and sleep for a few years. His days were comfortable. He never had to worry about going hungry or if he could survive tomorrow.

On the other hand, the Silly Twins were truly homeless demons. If Chen Zhao hadn't summoned them, they'd probably still be living their hard lives.

The sun hadn't risen yet, so Chen Zhao went to sleep.

In the morning, Chen Zhao heard the sound of the door opening and saw Fali enter in his daze.

"Chen, you came back last night?"


"Where did you go?" Fali pressed. "Did you go somewhere mysterious? Are there a lot of people like you?"

She was extremely curious about Chen Zhao, because he'd disappeared right before her eyes last night. She couldn't sleep at all. She needed to get an answer from Chen Zhao.

"Yes, but I can't tell you where it is."

"Is your group secretly protecting Earth? Stopping evil from invading?"

"Since you guessed it, don't say it out loud."

"Really? You're a guardian of the Earth? Are there a lot of people like you?"

"Actually, I'm the only one on Earth. I'm responsible for protecting it."

"You protect Earth alone? Are you an alien?"

Chen Zhao pursed his lips. He didn't continue because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep bullsh*tting. You needed 1,000 lies to make up for one lie. That saying was completely true.

Faced with a curious George like Fali, Chen Zhao felt even more troubled.

"You can't tell me? Alright, I'll stop asking." A moment later, Fali continued, "Being a doctor is just your alias, right?"

"It's my job," Chen Zhao said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you need an assistant? I suddenly feel like being with you is more meaningful than with the Coastal Rescue Team."

"I don't need an assistant. Please, being with the Coastal Rescue Team is meaningful too."

"But I want to protect Earth like you."

"Earth doesn't need me to protect it. If aliens invade someday or a meteorite falls, then it'll need me. I just need to be a good doctor right now."

Fali was about to reply, but Chen Zhao waved his hand. "Don't ask when aliens will invade or when a meteorite will fall. I don't know."

"Uh…okay." Fali obviously wanted to ask that question.

Chen Zhao suddenly regretted exaggerating like this. Once the truth was exposed, it would be really awkward.

Breaking free from Fali, he rushed out without eating breakfast.

Seeing Chen Zhao, Gaia walked out of the office.

"Chen, how are you today?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

Chen Zhao loosened up his muscles. He'd only slept for four hours, but he was clear-headed.

"I told you yesterday that I'll give you a small test. Did you forget."

"If I say I'm in a horrible shape today, can I delay the test?"

"No," Gaia said emotionlessly. "Go put on the protective gear. The people I invited are almost here."

Chen Zhao put on his gear. A while later, the skilled fighters that Gaia invited arrived.

Some were amateur enthusiasts, some were professional fighters, while others had practiced medium weight boxing before.

Gaia introduced everyone to Chen Zhao. This was a test, not a competition, so everyone put on protective gear and gloves. This way, no one would accidentally get hurt while fighting.

People that Gaia thought were skilled would definitely be skilled. This was why Chen Zhao took things seriously. The five fighters were serious as well.

They were very familiar with Gaia and all five of them had been invited at once to test one student. This showed how much importance she placed on this.

"Chen, we're coming." The five fanned out and stood around Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao walked out first. Waving his fist, he went for a black man. The other four snatched the opportunity to attack him at once. In a blink of an eye, he was hit three or four times. It hurt even with the protective gear.

"Chen, get it straight," Gaia called from under the ring. "You're facing five people, not one. Don't attack at random."

Even with Gaia's reminder, it was still hard to counter all five fighters. They weren't hooligans from the streets. Each of them could take on three opponents at once. It was unavoidable for Chen Zhao to get beaten up while the other five were untouched.

Gaia kept giving him reminders from below the ring—what to do, how to attack, and how to defend.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Zhao finally hit someone, but it was only one punch. When he walked out of the ring, it felt like his bones were about to fall apart. It felt like when he'd gotten beaten up on his first meeting with Gaia.

Chen Zhao tossed his gear down and fell onto the ground. "So, you're really disappointed, right?"

At that moment, the black fighter came down too and patted his shoulder. "You did good."

"I was beaten up by you guys the entire time. That's good?"

"There's five of us and one of you. Isn't it good enough that you could last for 20 minutes? When I got tested last time, I faced three guys and got flattened in less than ten minutes. It was Fate, Joma, and Apace. I just covered my head the whole time and was too scared to even punch."

"How about it?" Gaia looked at Chen Zhao. "Do you still think you're bad?"

"Are you saying that I'm powerful now?"

"Not that powerful, but at least you're undefeatable in taking hits. Even if I go up, I won't be able to last more than ten minutes."

"So I'm powerful."

"If it was me, I wouldn't let myself get hit for ten minutes. I'll take care of the fight in ten minutes."

"I don't want to compete with you monster. It's too damaging to my self-esteem."

Chen Zhao had long given up his plan to take revenge on Gaia.

Finding this human-shaped T-rex for revenge was equivalent to committing suicide.

It was only a small test today. When the entire boxing course ended, there would still be a real test.

In the afternoon, Chen Zhao went to Mr. Doman's manor.

"What a lovely day it is." Smiling, Chen Zhao stared at Normans.

Normans' face immediately darkened, not because she was ill, but just because she saw Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao looked at Normans. "Let's start the training today."

"I'm too hungry to exercise." Normans lay on the lawn, deliberately disobeying Chen Zhao's instruction.

"One kilometer run, one chicken drumstick." Chen Zhao threw his bait.

Normans immediately stood up. The day before, she only got one drumstick after swimming for a kilometer, but today it was just running.

Clearly, running was the easier of the two.

Swimming for a kilometer was really too tiring for her.

"But there's a condition. You have to run for three kilometers straight and you get three drumsticks. If you can't finish the entire journey, I'll only give you the corresponding number of apples."

Hearing Chen Zhao's words, Normans gritted her teeth firmly.

This bastard is indeed mean and shameless!

Normans thought of all the cuss words she knew and used them on Chen Zhao.

"How much distance do I have to run if I want a whole chicken?"

"Swim for three kilometers," Chen Zhao said.

"Why do the rewards for swimming and running differ so much when they're both three kilometers?"

"You were in your school's sports team, so you should know well that swimming and running use very different amounts of energy."

"Then let's run first," Normans said.

"Of course. Let's go."

"I don't want to run here. Let's run on the street."

"Up to you." Considering Normans' self-esteem, Chen Zhao had been training her in the manor.

Since Normans wanted to go outside herself, Chen Zhao would obviously not stop her.

The two left the manor and ran on the road by the sea. Beelzebub ran behind them. Actually, his stamina was comparable to Chen Zhao's.

"Bastard, slow down and talk to me."

Chen Zhao slowed down. "Do you still have additional energy to speak?"

After just a few hundred meters, Normans already started to feel tired.

She was too heavy, after all. Every step she took would consume a significant amount of her strength.

"Asshole, if you stop the slimming course, I'll give you more money."

"Mr. Doman has already told me about this scenario earlier. Your pocket money every month is only ten thousand, so I'm certain that you can't give me more money than your dad," Chen Zhao said with a smile.

"Asshole!" Normans cursed, gritting her teeth.

Just then, someone approached them from the front. It was Daniel.

He was also wearing a set of loose sportswear and running, his body already covered in sweat.

Seeing Chen Zhao, Daniel approached him. "Chen, what a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Work." Chen Zhao did not stop.

Daniel turned around and ran beside Chen Zhao. He continued, "Aren't you a doctor?"

Chen Zhao pointed at Normans who was over ten meters behind them. "My current work is to slim her down."

"Huh? Normans."

"Hey, Daniel." Normans and Daniel clearly knew each other. They greeted each other.

"Normans, is Chen your slimming coach? A great choice!"

"I didn't want this asshole here! It's all my dad! Do you know how vicious he is? Do you know how little I've eaten in the past three days? Less than what I would normally eat in an hour! Look at my belly. It looks so deflated!" Normans complained.

"This means it's working."

"I don't need any slimming."

"But I really hope that you'll become the charming woman you once were, and not like this."

"What? I don't believe that she was even once beautiful." Chen Zhao twitched his lips, his face filled with contempt.

Actually, he had seen photos of Normans in the past. She was indeed once pretty.

"I don't need you to believe anything." Normans widened her eyes at Chen Zhao.

"Let's run together," Daniel invited.

Chen Zhao remained silent. Daniel looked at Beelzebub who had been running alone at the back.

"Is White-Ma alright?"

"Recovering well," Chen Zhao answered.

"Oh yeah, White-Ma is that enormous white dog, right? Why didn't you bring him anymore after that day? What happened?"

"He was bitten by a shark," Daniel said. "You have no idea how brave Chen was. That day, White-Ma and Black-Ma were playing in the sea. When White-Ma was attacked by the shark, Chen charged into the sea and fought with the shark. In the end, he even killed the shark!"

"I didn't do much. Black-Ma bit the shark to death."

"I checked the shark's carcass. Its gill was severely injured. Black-Ma couldn't have done that."

Normans looked at Chen Zhao in surprise. She did not expect him to have such a brave side.

Nevertheless, she would not show it. "It must have been a baby shark."

"Of course not. It was an adult tiger shark that's 3.5 meters long and 600 kilograms heavy. It's indeed a top predator! You have no idea how dangerous the situation was." Daniel surely admired Chen Zhao a lot.

At least he was not brave enough to fight with a tiger shark in the sea.

To him, it was almost like committing suicide. However, Chen Zhao actually did it in order to save his pets.

Normans clearly knew how fearsome an adult tiger shark was. In fact, tiger sharks even dared to attack whales.

"My grandpa even made that tiger shark into a specimen. Chen, when you're free, you can go there and take a look at your own trophy."

"Sure. I'll go there if I'm free."

Suddenly, a small truck appeared behind them. A few gangsters jumped down from the truck, all of them holding baseball bats.

Their leader pointed at Chen Zhao with his bat directly and said, "He's the one."

"Do we know each other?" Chen Zhao was flabbergasted.

"Beat him up." The few gangsters leaped towards Chen Zhao right away.


One of the gangsters managed to strike Chen Zhao's shoulder with his baseball bat. Chen Zhao kicked out in pain.

The gangster flew backwards directly. Filled with anger, Chen Zhao lifted his arm and punched at the gangster who ran towards him again.

Immediately, the gangster's baseball bat was broken into two.

Chen Zhao threw a left uppercut and the gangster collapsed onto the ground.

And then fell the second, third, fourth, and last gangster.

The five gangsters were on a completely different level as the five experts Chen Zhao had fought in the morning.

Against the five fighting experts, Chen Zhao could only try to block their attacks.

However, against the five gangsters, Chen Zhao managed to subdue all of them in less than three minutes.

The five hooligans lay in a mess on the ground.

Chen Zhao rubbed his shoulder. It hurt from the first hit by the baseball bat. He could overlook the other attacks.

Daniel looked at Chen Zhao in shock. Normans' expression was a bit unnatural.

Chen Zhao lifted one guy up. "Who told you to come?"

"Don't know." The man was tight lipped.

Chen Zhao grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it forcefully.

"Ah!" the man let out a pained cry, but he still didn't say anything.

Chen Zhao let go of the wrist. It wasn't like he would actually shatter the bone. He tossed the man onto the ground. They'd been taught enough of a lesson. These guys were also certain that Chen Zhao couldn't kill them.

After all, people had already called the cops. This was Beverly Hills!

Plus, Chen Zhao guessed from Normans' reaction that these guys attacked him under her orders.

A few minutes later, a police car came, sirens blaring. Daniel voluntarily explained the situation to the cops, saying that they'd been attacked.

He and Normans were both residents. What were the people who could live here like? The police obviously knew, so they didn't need Daniel to explain further.

They naturally knew what to do. After all, Beverly Hills had their own police department and were the fastest at dispatched officers in all of L.A. They were the bodyguards for these rich people.

The police took the five hooligans away soon after.

"Chen, are you hurt?"

"No." Chen Zhao shook his head. "Normans, let's continue."

"Uh…are you sure you can still run?" Normans' chubby cheeks quivered.

"Of course. I can run ten more kilometers." Chen Zhao sneered. "Your training plan today is to run ten kilometers?"

"What, why?" Normans exclaimed. "You said we'll only run three kilometers."

"Because I got attacked, because I'm pissed off right now."

He'd gotten beat up for no reason. Even though he'd won, he was still unable to be happy.

"I'm not going to run even if you kill me."

"Are you sure you're not running?"

"I'm sure."

"Daniel, can you buy me some food? I'm hungry."

Normans instantly felt hungry. "You *sshole!"

Chen Zhao's tactic was the pettiest. Eating in front of her when she was hungry was more painful than death.

What was more painful than eating before a fatty and not letting her eat too?

In the end, Normans gave in. Chen Zhao only gave her one bottle of water the entire time.

Normans still forced herself to finish the ten kilometers. On the other hand, Daniel glared at Chen Zhao with resentment. He'd been forced to run it all too. He was healthy, but ten kilometers was a pretty big test to him too.

Even Normans could run the ten kilometers. If he gave up halfway, it would be too embarrassing, so he had to finish even if he died in the end.

The most annoying thing was that Chen Zhao ate the entire time with a relaxed expression.

Normans finally realized that Chen Zhao's fitness was much, much better than she'd expected. This *sshole was a complete beast. However, it was also surprising to Normans that she could complete the ten kilometers.

This was unimaginable to her. She probably couldn't have run so much even when she was in shape.

Normans looked at the bottle in her hands. Had something been added to the water? Chen Zhao had given it to her. She opened the bottle and sniffed, but there wasn't any odd smell.

"Can I get a roasted chicken for ten kilometers?" Normans looked at Chen Zhao.

"No. Ten drumsticks."

Normans started cursing at him again, but she accepted it in the end. However, she couldn't keep eating when she got to the sixth drumstick.

She looked up at Chen Zhao. "Did you do something to me?"

Chen Zhao wouldn't admit it even if he'd done something, but he replied matter-of-factly, "Don't blame everything on me. Intense exercise will cause gastric acid reversal. It's normal that you don't have an appetite."

"You forced me to run the ten kilometers."

Chen Zhao ignored her complaints. "Are you done eating? If you are, then we'll run back."


"Run back."

"I'm not running. No, I need a car."

"If you don't run back, I'm going to tell your dad that you hired a gang to attack me."

"That's slander, you *sshole!"

"Uh, I have to go somewhere. Bye, Chen. Bye, Normans." Daniel escaped. He didn't want to get involved in Chen Zhao and Normans' fight. Even more, he didn't want to run ten kilometers again.

Normans cried while running. "I'll kill you *sshole one day. Don't forget…"

"Drink some water if you can't run anymore."

She was still crying by the time she reached the manor. Mr. Doman was already in hiding because he'd heard that his daughter cried on the way back. He didn't want to be the recipient of Normans' complaints. Plus, he thought that Chen Zhao was doing the right thing.

At least, Normans had thinned obviously over these past few days.

"Are you done crying? Come weigh yourself."

"Two hundred seventy-nine pounds."

She'd been 295 pounds when she'd weighed herself before swimming yesterday. This meant that she'd lost more than 15 pounds from the nearly two kilometers of swimming yesterday and today's 20 kilometers of running.

"Okay, let's swim. You only completed half of your tasks today."

"I don't have energy."

"Get up if you want to eat dinner tonight."

Chen Zhao had to intensify Normans' daily exercise because as she lost more fat and water, the speed of losing weight would slow down too. He could only maintain the current speed by increasing her exercise.

Normans was practically dragged to the pool. Chen Zhao wasn't the type to go easy on girls. Plus, Normans wasn't a girl—she was a monster.

Chen Zhao only gave her enough food to maintain her health. She couldn't get anything more than that.

After swimming ten kilometers, Normans discovered how shocking her endurance was.

This was impossible! What was ten kilometers for swimmers?

Less than one in 1,000 people in the world could do it. Even most professional swimmers wouldn't be able to accomplish it.

And yet she did it with her 279-pound-body.

She felt that Chen Zhao must have done something to her.