

William did not believe that there was no end to this stream of dark creatures.

He wanted to rush out of the illusion. He had gotten all covered in blood, and only 10 thousand health remained. His bright and shiny armor had turned dirty, its durability dropping rapidly. If he continued to endure this, it was not for himself. It was for his gold equipment.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you." Makhu Redd waved once again waved his arm and hundreds of dark creatures surged forth.

This time, not only there were dark creatures , but a middle level devil with a master bloodline had also spawned.

"Level 55?" William picked his eyebrows.

The devil had black, twisted horns on its head. Its appearance was similar to a Tauren Warrior. Its skin was pitch black, and on the devil's back were a pair of wings that looked like a bat's. There were scars all over its body. He was a seasoned warrior in the Dark World… his body had endured countless beatings.

William looked at the devil that was holding a black weapon. He ignored the attacks from other creatures, endured the pain and charged at the demon.

The moment they clashed.

Thunder battle energy and dark energy collided. The clash had generated a shock wave not visible to the naked eye.

This collision alone caused the ground underneath their feet to sink.

Deep cuts had appeared on the ground because of their swords.

The battle grew intense. A few beginner level dark creatures could not even get near to them.

"Elf, surrender to me and return to the darkness. Your powers will become even stronger."

His deep voice echoed through the mountains. Devils were intelligent creatures. He was summoned by Makhu Redd, and knew he had to help him.

But this devil was not Makhu Redd's slave. He did not want to exert all this strength. If it was possible, he did not mind taking in his opponent. He would trick William into joining him underground before eating him to increase his strength.

But William pointed his longsword at him. "Devil, surrender to me and return to the light. Your powers will become even weaker."

The devil became enraged. He waved his longsword that was covered with a cursed black breath which hissed at William.

William quickly stepped back. Thunder Slash!

A sword energy resembling a full moon passed through the sky and instantly cut through the dark energy, simultaneously attacking the body of the devil.

Thump thump thump.

The shield made out of dark battle energy was broken.

Electric arcs razed his body, and brutal wounds appeared on it, but the demon did not seem to care. He shook his head and charged forth once again.

They clashed and exchanged attacks again and again. The ground was trembling. Their arrogance had given rise to a whistling whirlwind.

This was a measure of skill and Power.

This was a conflict of movement and attack range.

William's power was no match for the devil, but he was like a dancer, walking on the tip of a sword. Even if his legs had been severely injured, he did not die…

That was right.

At first, the devil had the upper hand.

But as time passed, his shock and anger grew as he looked at William. He had managed to badly injure William. William's body had become full of wounds. Other than his head, if one looked everywhere else on his body, he would only find injuries.

But William was still alive. He was actively moving around in the devil's field of vision…

This made the devil feel that his enemy could not be killed or worn out.

But the elf prince knew much more about the devil than the devil knew about him.

William had Legendary bloodline and gold set attributes. His Health was not much lower than the devil. When he had been sent flying, he took the chance to sacrifice a dark creature. This allowed him to recover 30% of his health.

He knew that as long as he protected his vital parts, he did not need to be afraid of anything.

In short.

He could fight for another ten minutes.

But the same could not be said for the devil, whose body was also full of injuries…

When Makhu Redd saw the devil, whose situation had changed from having the upper hand to being at a disadvantage, he became doubtful. Although the devil he had summoned could not be considered his trump card, it could not even defeat a 16 year old half-elf. How lousy!

"Was there something wrong with my summoning symbol? Or was there a problem with the sacrifice?"

"That can't be right. The devil should be very strong." Makhu Redd did not dare to continue thinking about it. He was sure that the two remaining people had left the illusion and were waiting for a chance to attack.

"Why!" A sword pierced through the devil's chest. The blood from his wound had been burned by the lightning, but sparks of electricity still remained and it brought him occasional pain.

As a proud soldier among the devils, he had never expected that to lose to a ranger in a close-combat fight.

William was too lazy to explain himself to the devil. He had the advantage of a legendary hidden occupation. How could an ordinary devil understand it?

"If you fall behind, you will lose. Accept your fair defeat!"


The devil, which looked like it was about to collapse, suddenly flashed a cold smile. His fist had been clenched and he aimed a punch at William's face.

It generated an impact as if a highly explosive grenade had exploded indoors.

William was faced with intense pain.


He had activated his battle energy shield at the last moment, and it saved him from heavy damage.

However, William still could not avoid suffering some injuries. His nose had been broken. And on his pretty face, now existed a massive wound that burned with dark energy.

But the Sword of Thunder had also pierced through the neck of the devil!

The devil, who was already on his last breath, widened his eyes. He looked at William in disbelief. He could not believe that… this was something that an elf who loved beauty could do…

William pulled out his longsword, and the corpse of the devil collapsed in front of him.

He had multiple panels. He did not mind receiving harm in order to cause even more harm on the. He wanted to settle him once and for all.

He had more important things to do.

[You have killed a level 53 middle-tiered devil. You have earned 63000 experience]

[You have fulfilled level 7 of your solo kill objectives. You have earned an extra 150% experience of 31500 experience]

[You have earned a total of 94500 experience]

William glanced at the information. Level 47! He had gained only one level, just one.

He stretched out and extinguished the black flame on his face. Then he pulled off the rotten skin from his face, exposing his white bones in the process. Ah no! Those were no bones, they were… his teeth…

Suddenly, he turned and looked at the other dark creatures. Then, he raised the two-meter long corpse of the devil with one hand and acted as if he was teasing dogs. He gestured to throw the corpse in the distance. "Do you want to eat it?"

Many red eyes from a large group of dark creatures shined, and these creatures blinked at the question.

William picked his eyebrows. He asked one more time, "Do you want to eat it?"

The dark creatures were becoming impatient. They blinked again.

William suddenly threw outwards. A group of dark creatures ran over, but the corpse was still in his hand…

Luckily, William had sensed that there was something wrong. He noticed that the dogs had started to reveal their treacherous nature. He threw the corpse of the devil in the distance. The group of dark creatures immediately ran wildly towards the corpse. Even the hidden dark creatures did the same.

They had completely forgotten about Makhu Redd's orders…

"Makhu Redd, today will be the day of your death!" William whispered. He did not care about the wounds on his face.

He took out a scroll and raised it high up.


A binding ray of white light shone from William's hand…

Mirrors that seemed to be made out of glass suddenly broke…

The scenery of the mountains came into full view. They looked magnificent and reached out to the heavens…

It was the Holy Light Silence Technique.

This was the enhanced method of breaking through an illusion.

This magic's main use was to create Instance Dungeons. But William had not expected to encounter Makhu Redd.

Luckily, he had created many dungeons. He knew that dreams and magic would often appear in them . At the same time, mist may appear and block their vision.

And even though he felt that the probability of encountering an illusion was low, he was still being cautious. It was one of his strengths. Hence, William had asked Moses to create a stronger version of the Holy Light Silence Technique scroll.


Even in the case that he did not encounter an illusion, he could use it as a signal fire for a mass attack…

But he had not actually actually expected 5o encounter one…

Makhu Redd's face turned green. At the same time, Casa, who had been paying close attention to the mountains outside, ran over in a panic. "Bad news. Bad news. The location of the Orcs has been exposed. They are fighting with the Dawn Army now!"

"Those damn Orcs! Don't they know what waiting means. Did those idiots forget that their battlefield should've been in the mountains?" Makhu Redd shouted. He still wanted to continue speaking, but then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In any case, he had not expected those Orcs to be of help.

He glared fiercely at William. Then he turned back and walked into the Devil's Den, with Casa closely following behind him.

The dark warlock and his follower arrived at the sacrificial altar that was full of blood.

Makhu Redd flashed a cruel smile. His eyes sparkled as he turned and looked at Casa. "Men have to only rely on themselves."

"Teach… teacher… no… teacher, no, don't do this…" It was all Dark Warlock Casa could utter, before being killed.

Odom welcomed the most intense battle in his life.

His opponent was a white Orc with Legendary bloodline.

But Odom was also the glory of the North God1… of the Dwarves from Lonely Mountain.

Even though his level was only 54, not a match for Altaic, he had the blood of the Heavyhammer family. He was a very courageous soldier.

He was dressed in an epic Thunder equipment set and waved his epic Hammer of Thunder… He had the intention of fighting to the death with this white Orc.

But due to the level difference, Odom, who had relied on his strong equipment, couldn't endure more and was defeated after five minutes. But somehow Alec found an opportunity to launch a counterattack on Altaic and managed to rescue Odom.

The ones who discovered the Orc troops were badly defeated.

But even so, if the orcs had gone any further, the Dawn Army would have been in a pinch.

And by fighting with the scouts, not only had they exposed their footsteps, but they had also allowed Alec to discover their hiding place. Needless to say, they had been rather unlucky.

The two elite troops fought fiercely against each other. Not long after, Altaic's army of legendary Orcs retreated again and again in defeat.

He could not seize the opportunity. He had not grasped the rhythm of attacking.

With the same number of soldiers, it was very difficult for the army of Orcs to defeat the human legion.

Although in terms of individual combat power, Altaic, who was at level 65, was very strong and could defeat epics, if too many attacked at the same time… which was the case that was happening.

In particular, the opponents he faced were from the Dawn Army that William had carefully selected. The Elfin guards were bold and powerful. Every one of them could be considered small bosses. To the elites among the Orcs, who had middle level bloodlines, they were not easy to deal with.

The three-meter tall Bloody Crusher lived up to his name.

The troll had massive sharp fangs. It rammed into the army of Orcs, and no one could block him. It was like a heavy tank cruising through. His impact alone was enough to change the unusually small-scaled war.

Altaic's deputy general who also possessed an epic bloodline immediately charged forth. But he had chosen the wrong enemy…

When facing a level 70 Troll, his bloodline was not of much use. He lasted just a few attacks and was killed.

Fiu Roeser also showed bravery and valiance. He displayed the combat power he was supposed to have. He was a newbie who easily defeated his enemies. The more he fought, the fiercer he became, fully displaying the ferocity of the Tauren Warriors. His golden horns looked dazzling in the battlefield. If someone refused to comply, he would attack them.

Altaic, who was level 65, was the main pillar of the army. But after his deputy general died early, he found himself against too many epic bosses.

He could only retreat in defeat under the strength of numbers.

Just like when William faced the four epic bounty hunters, Altaic also did not dare to rush to his death.

But did not give in to defeat either. Though in the end, he was left over with 500 Orcs and he led to retreat. He felt dejected.

Odom did not chase after them. The Mission Target of this battle was very clear, the Devil's Den.

Through this battle, he had discovered one thing. He had become the Mission Target. He had also formed a profound hatred for Altaic.

But he also hated this. His ancestors had perished together because of this, okay?

But this was karma for Altaic leading his troops to launch a surprise attack.

Although Odom had on him a bounty of 100 thousand gold coins, it was simply along the way for Altaic.

Odom knew clearly that the Dawn Army was involved with him. Suddenly, the foggy mountains lighted up. When Odom saw this, he instantly understood that it was a signal from his lord. He took 3000 people with him and rushed into the mountains, leaving the rest of the soldiers and mercenary troops on guard outside.

The foggy mountains were not very large. The Dawn Army, with over 3000 people, charged into the mountains keeping their shields in front of them.

But the scene that came into their view was very shocking!

Only a few dark creatures were present inside the mountains, and the ground was covered with corpses. There was no space to even put their feet down.

A massive devil had been eaten up.

Its powerful aura still lingered.

But the most important thing, the one they were most worried about, their city lord… William Blackleaf.

His bright and shiny Thunder equipment set had been completely destroyed. It could probably be brought back by re-melting and building it again. But it could not be used to train any more.

In particular, his handsome face that made all the girls in the city fall for him had been broken…

It was very difficult for them to imagine what their Lord had encountered.

In contrast to William.

Lautner and Eric were not badly injured. There was some blood splashed on their bodies, but it was nothing serious.

The duo found their comrades looking at them in hatred, but they could only silently endure. They did not dare to even fidget. They really wanted to explain themselves. They had discussed this. If no one asked for help, they would not provide any help.

This was a command from the city lord himself…

Lautner was skillful in wordplay. He quickly told the rest about how brave and tyrannical William had been against the dark creatures. He said that William was unrivaled and regarded his enemies with disdain. That he had eliminated almost all the dark creatures in the mountains.

A wave of praises showered.

Everyone turned their attention to William. Lautner and Eric finally heaved a sigh of relief.


After William met up with the rest, he realized that their next opponent would not be as simple as the previous ones!

In a massive cavern within the Devil's Den.

There existed an altar made out of pure obsidian. It was covered with mysterious symbols, and traces of blood could be found on some of the symbols.

The entire altar was sparkling. It was as if it was radiating an evil aura.

Right in front of the altar was a narrow space gate. Behind the dark whirlpool was the Dark World.

Occasionally, some low level dark creatures would appear.

But because of its resonance with the altar, the space gate grew larger and more stable.

Casa, the Dark Warlock who was level 50, had been stripped of his clothes. He had been tied up with black rattan string.

Casa just wanted Makhu Redd to kill him, but he had been gagged as well, and couldn't ask

"What a tall and sturdy body!" Makhu Redd walked a few rounds around his 'disciple'. He ruthlessly scratched his body several times.

It caused Casa so much pain that he could not stop crying. Makhu Redd fiercely slapped Casa's body. "Why are you crying? You are going to be sacrificed to the devil. Only then will I be able to obtain some benefit from your body. If that was not it, why would have I spent so many years nurturing you?"

A red palm-shaped mark appeared.

Casa no longer shouted. He already knew what was going to happen. Since he could not fight back, he would accept fate as it came.

Makhu Redd flashed an evil smile as he took out his staff and started to chant.

When he chanted, the blood on the altar slowly rose to the air. Gradually, the blood formed dozens of spells.

As the spells appeared, the shock waves grew larger and larger!

At that moment!

The blood spells disappeared.

It was as if… they had passed through the space gate!

Makhu Redd closed his eyes.

He was waiting for a response from the devil.

He knew that his disciple was outstanding. His disciple had endowments that far exceeded his own.

Even though he had not wanted to sacrifice this disciple, the situation had become complex.

He could no longer wait.

Time passed.

Ten seconds.

30 seconds.

40 seconds!

A terrifying smell wafted in the air!

Makhu Redd knelt on the floor in panic. He was pleasantly surprised as he shouted, "Welcome… the great Andu Mali!"

A handsome devil slowly walked out. He flashed a charming smile and slowly said, "No, I am simply his child."

Makhu Redd did not dare to move. He knew that he had said the wrong thing, even though he was simply trying to bootlick.

This handsome devil stretched out his arm and drew blood from Casa's skin. He did not care about Casa struggling and shouting. He simply enjoyed the taste of his blood.

The handsome devil smiled at Casa and said, "I like you!"


He suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed Casa up!

In just an instant.

Casa was gone. He had heen eaten up…

The handsome devil stretched out his snake-like tongue and licked his lips. "How delicious. I liked his taste. Of course I had to eat him up."

Then, he spat out a ball of black energy and threw it at Makhu Redd. He walked away without turning back.

"Your sacrifice was not bad, but I want to eat something even more delicious."

Makhu Redd saw the undead and the darkness soldiers he had summoned. They no longer cared about his orders. They simply followed the devil and walked away with him.

He narrowed his eyes and did not move.

When the devil disappeared from his view, Makhu Redd grinned. He slowly returned to the darkness and disappeared!

The moment the shock waves appeared.

William and the rest sensed a suffocating power.

"No, no. It can't be a high-level enemy." William assured himself. Thus, he did not order his troops to withdraw.

He led his subordinates and blocked the entrance of the Devil's Den. He cautiously looked inside the cavern but did not rashly enter.

In a while,

They spotted something coming out. It was a tall devil handsome in looks, symbols all over his body. His wings and horns had been concealed. His appearance was more like a cursed human, but his muscles and physique gave a feeling of something inhuman.

Even though there was an army of 3000 people here, the devil ignored everyone in front of him!

He looked around and took a deep breath. Then, he gazed deeply at William. "I like you, half-elf."

"…" William was speechless. This devil had spoken something that could easily be misunderstood.

But the devil blankly stared at William. He smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. I am Andu Dana, one of Andu Mali's heirs!"

The moment he finished speaking, the entire legion went into an uproar. Lautner and the rest of the subordinates felt as if they had stepped on dog poop.

But didn't the situation look like something else?

It was as if the devil was here to seek a spouse.

Andu Mali was one of the leaders of the devils in the Dark World below the abyss.

He was a famous legendary devil. His name had spread across the continent ever since the beginning of this era. He grew famous as he birthed many children. It was because most of these children went on to enter the Gods' continent and wreak havoc in the world.

William gazed at him and used insight!

Andu Dana

Race: Berserker Devil

Bloodline: Epic

Level: Mid-level

Level: 69

Health: …

"A Berserker Devil with 23 thousand health?" William gasped in shock.

And the important thing to note was that Andu Dana was level 69. He was a high leveled Berserker Devil. He would be very ferocious…

As for the fact that he had the bloodline of Andu Mali, William did not care much about this.

Andu Mali had many children and grandchildren. Although his bloodline was of epic potential, one look was enough to notice that 'this heir' was several generations away from Andu Mali.

Even if his bloodline potential was decent.

But his potential had slowly changed through the Dark Warlock sacrifice, right?

There was a difference between this and the actual epic potential.

When Fiu Roeser saw Andu Dana, he also caught sight of the undead and death knights that appeared from the Devil's Den. He suddenly picked his eyebrows. All of a sudden, he suddenly felt like going home and amusing his children.

Thus, he asked William, "Are we still fighting? My mom is probably at home, waiting for me to begin our meal. My son is only five years old. It's the best time to teach him about battle energy…"

William grinned. He softly coughed. "Are you planning to not fight? Are you waiting for the devil to turn the small Devil's Den into a medium one?"

Then, he fiercely rushed up and shouted, "Let's have a one on one fight!"

Andu Dana was astonished. He had not expected this half-elf to be so brave, but he decided to accept the challenge. He nodded…

But at the same time, Andu Dana realized something. Someone was increasing William's magic?

However, he had a mysterious confidence in himself. He chose not to stop it.

He allowed the Temple Messengers, knights, and pastors that had been hiding within the army to arrive at the front of the battlefield.

He gave them the chance to shine their holy light and magic on William.

In that instant, William's body started sparkling.

Before the fight.

All the mages and Pastors present in the legion gave William buffs. More accurately, all the subordinates beside William conveniently gave him buffs.

William, who had just advanced to level 47, had maxed out his buffs. His attributes had increased by five levels.

Furthermore, he had become very fast, just like a phantom. He also felt very strong. A deep footstep was left in the ground every time he took a step. It even seemed that the ground would collapse…

Boosted by all those power-ups, William was like a dragon when he attacked. He aimed his longsword at his target's chest…

But Andu Dana smiled. He was even faster. He used his hands to grip the blade and stopped the Sword of Thunder from piercing through his chest.


The expression on Andu Dana's face was one of distress. He realized that there was nothing honorable about the half-elf in front of him…

Other than Fiu Roeser, who requested to go home and amuse his son,

The other subordinates were all excellent soldiers with a mutual understanding.

When William attacked, they clearly understood what their Lord's intentions were.

In that instant, all of them had chosen to use their most powerful attack.

One-on-one fight?

Were they dumb?

In these circumstances, who would not go for group combat.

As rangers, Lautner and Eric raised their dark gold bows and shot. More importantly, the arrows were of gold quality.

Andu Dana had seen them the moment they raised their hands.

But they fired too quickly.

The arrows flew through the air like two dazzling shooting stars aimed at his head!

Andu Dana angrily let go. Black energy radiated from his body and attempted to block the potentially fatal surprise arrows..

But the Sword of Thunder in William's hands continued to sparkle. Battle energy cut was used at the right timing. At this very moment, sword energy was released and flew towards Andu Dana's chest.

But Andu Dan's level was too high for William. The battle energy cut did not manage to cause much harm to Andu Dana. It simply caused some of the black energy around his body to disappear. The devil just stumbled backwards.

"Thump, thump!"

Two explosions occurred.

Andu Dana's chest now consisted of two holes.

A seemingly complex attack only lasted for two seconds.

But before Andu Dana could shout, he felt an intense pain in his back. A long and thin dagger had been stabbed through his backbone. It had even pierced through his organs!

"Go." Andu Dana finally shouted. The undead and the death knights behind him rushed forward wildly.

But just in the next moment.

Andu Dana realized that he could no longer move.

Soul hand had suddenly appeared beneath his feet, tightly gripping his legs.

The soul hands, which had the power to trap enemies for nine seconds, could only last for one second under immense pressure from Andu Dana. But it was good enough, at least it had not failed.

Although, to William and the rest, this one second was enough.

Bloody Crusher carried his heavy wolf's tooth and attacked Andu Dana's head. A portion of his skull broke. He felt slightly giddy and crawled on the ground…

The party had managed to deplete Andu Dana's health by half. He was burning with anger. But when he looked up, he found himself gazing at the sight of ten Pastors with flails and shields, all radiating holy light.

Helped by the narrowness of Devil's Den, they blocked the army of darkness. Behind them, elites from the Dawn Army rushed forth.

Simultaneously, the Temple Messengers led all of the Temple Knights. They all raised their swords at the same time and summoned a holy sword from the sky. This sword pierced through Andu Dana's back, causing his blood to splatter dozens of meters away.

The devil's body was strong, and his recovery and resilience were high.

But his vertebrae which had been targeted were still very important.

To Andu Dana's shock, he could not stand up. His backbone seemed to have been fractured…

"You brats without any honor. I have the blood of Andu Mali. How dare you look down…"

But before he could finish speaking,

Three arrows that dazzled with lightning had pierced through his head one after another.

A fatal shot!

A Lightning Bow of dark gold quality and the arrows of gold quality, together, their power was explosive.

The combination's power pierced through the black energy that Andu Dana had gathered. The arrow, made from the scale of a Dragon Follower, pierced through his skull…

But Andu Dana was still not dead!

He was a devil.

His Health was frightening, and his skull was also crazily hard.


The blinding attacks were all aimed at him. Visible damage could be seen on his body.

The half-elf, who seemed very tasty to Andu Dana, had suddenly turned into a shadow that resembled a grim reaper. In a flash, William appeared in front of Andu Dana. He swiftly and fiercely stabbed a green sword into his neck!


Even deeper!

A green liquid flowed out from his mouth.

"Ooo…" Andu Dana widened his blood-red eyes, and his body trembled non-stop. He spasmed, and his knees buckled…

Many muscular men surrounded him and started trampling on him…

William picked his eyebrows and mumbled to himself. This devil's health was too high. It was time for him to deliver the final blow.

Thus, he fiercely pulled out the Poisonous Short Sword.

Then, he fiercely stabbed him again!


Green blood spurt forth…

William did not care about the corrosive blood on his hands. he simply smiled at Andu Dana. "What's wrong, brother? Are you not going to fight back? Oh! The one-on-one fight I was talking about, it meant us against you…"

"…" Andu Dana, the devil who had been deeply involved with the bosses, had died.

Andu Dana had died after being stabbed.

But his soul could not rest in peace either. It was purified by the Pastors and turned into dust due to exposure to holy light. It did not even get the chance to revive.

Once again, William earned thousands of experience points. A pity though, as many people had participated in this fight. Even the Troll had earned some experience. William did not gain as many Rewards as he had received when he had killed the devil by himself.

But the battle at Devil's Den had finally come to an end.

The remaining 2000 undead and darkness soldiers did not even have the chance to walk out of the Devil's Den. Will sent all of them flying towards a corner.

"Makhu Redd is very smart. He sensed that he was no match for us, so he summoned this fellow to divert our attention and ran away." William was full of hatred. He had missed the chance of killing Makhu Redd.

He was a far more threatening enemy than Andu Dana.

Devils who had the advantage of bloodline, like Andu Dana, were even worse than low-level devils in terms of thought.

They were the children of the Lord devil. Each of them had a large manor, and thousands of devils, skeletons, and darkness soldiers under them.

Low-level devils had to fight if they wanted to bootlick, but Andu Dana did not have to do so.

Their territory in the Dark World was very vast. He did not need to fight for authority with his brothers. All he had to do was quietly wait in his own territory, and there would be plenty of delicacies for him to enjoy.

Besides that, they would often obtain sacrifices from mages, warlocks, and sorcerers.

After all, Andu Mali and the rest were far too strong.

But ordinary sacrifices did not move him. Thus, he distributed most of the sacrifices offered to him to his children.

But Makhu Redd was different. This dark warlock was cunning, insidious, and emotionless. He could use anyone and would employ any means to achieve his objectives.

This time, in particular, he had prepared many methods, one of them being Altaic's army of Orcs. If they managed to ambush the Dawn Army, many of their soldiers would become victims for the sacrificial ceremony instead.

William and his army left the misty valley, and suddenly a blinding ray of white light shot out of the mountains.


Half of the misty valley had also been sent flying!

Soil, trees, and even heavy boulders that weighed tonnes flew into the air. Then, the ground trembled. People could not help but be afraid.

The Dawn Army knew in advance that William wanted to destroy the Dawn Army, but most of them did not know what William had used to do so. They did not even know what could cause such a massive explosion.

The Temple Messenger could not help but think of something.

But when he exchanged glances with William, he hastily tapped his arm, signifying that he did not know anything. He and the other subordinates acted blind and deaf. They had come to the Devil's Den to fight some special enemies in the Dark World.

The Temple Messenger decided not to report this. No matter whether the City of Dawn had wood or magical crystals, it ultimately did not have much to do with him…

The Temple of Light did not dare to steal them either.

Even if he obtained informed information on where to obtain magical crystals, he no more than a mere messenger. What benefits would there be in the store for him?

A consolation prize?

The Temple Messenger in a city was more like a city official. He controlled the Temple Messengers and Pastors in the city. He also spread the belief in the Temple of Light.

But he also had to maintain good relations with the city lord. If not, he would be done for.

But this Temple Messenger was very aware. He knew that William was a very powerful lord, and if he wanted to live a good life in this city, he had to put up with William. If he didn't do so, he would die early even if he did everything for the Temple of Light…

[Hidden Mission: Crisis in territory with the discovery of a Devil's Den]

[Mission Details: Completed]

[Mission Completion: 86%]

[Reward: 111800]

[Reward: Misty Mountain Instance Dungeon Crystal]

William looked at the white crystal in his hand. His eyes were full of happiness. "Instance Dungeon crystal? Fantastic. Now, I can bring the crystal to the City of Dawn. The players would not need to run around. They can simply enter Instance Dungeons here. But the most beneficial thing is that I finally have a source of experience."

During the internal testing.

William had discovered a problem…

When players accepted his missions, they could earn experience, but he could not…

Back then, he was not worried.

He knew that in the world of Gods, there were Instance Dungeon crystals…

At first, there were no Instance Dungeons in the Gods' continent.

At least, there was no record of their existence before the internal testing.

But after the game Beta.

In some old battlefields, Devil's Dens, and even war campaigns that had just occurred, Instance Dungeon crystals could be found on-site. The things that the NPCs had experienced were fully integrated into the Instance Dungeon.

After players found the Instance Dungeon crystal, they had to turn over some money, tools, and even experience. Only then could they enter the Instance Dungeon and fight monsters.

In general, there were two kinds of Instance Dungeon crystals, those which could be moved and those which could not.

The Instance Dungeon crystals that could not be moved were huge. They could easily be found in places where wars had taken place.

On the other hand, the Instance Dungeon crystal that William had obtained was one that could be moved. He was the main NPC in this Instance Dungeon. The Instance Dungeon crystal was a Reward for him to keep this memory.

As for the Instance Dungeon crystals that could not be moved, it was because there were too many main NPCs. It was impossible to distribute the crystal to everyone.

In conclusion, it was like a Reward from the heavens…

William suddenly felt as if he had obtained an Instance Dungeon crystal that only belonged to him.

Not only was it an essential source of experience, but it was also good news for the players.

After all, they could enter Instance Dungeons without running around.

What a steal!

Did other NPCs have this ability?

Yes, but very few NPCs initiated military-scale one-on-one fights. Thus, they were often unable to obtain Instance Dungeon crystals.

After all, after Instance Dungeon crystals were given to NPCs, it was more of a Reward for them to recall memories of the battle…

Were other Instance Dungeons so cheap?

Definitely not.

If one wanted to develop a wild Instance Dungeon crystal, the cost would usually be very high.

On the other hand, Instance Dungeon crystals were highly profitable once their benefit towards players was discovered.

However, for entering the misty valley Instance Dungeon, William only planned to collect experience. He planned not to demand gold coins or tools.

Ahem. Of course, it may also have to depend on the situation. What if he did not have enough money?

After all, when he had become a legend in his previous life, he had requested phoenix feathers for top Instance Dungeons. They were no ordinary Instance Dungeon. He could not help people to level up either.

The current Instance Dungeons that he had just earned could be categorized into four kinds.

For example, in the ordinary dungeons, players would not be ambushed by Orc armies. They would not face any dark warlock bosses either, let alone devil bosses.

Their mission would be to kill the few dark creatures in the Devil's Den.

As for the advanced dungeons, they would encounter some small bosses if they were lucky.

Following the advanced level was the epic level.

After that was the legendary level.

If the players encountered a legendary level Instance Dungeon, it would be the same situation which William had just faced. If the players were not middle leveled and did not have an army of thousands, it would just be a march to their deaths. How many attempts would it take for future players to complete the legendary Instance Dungeon?

After all, the final boss was a level 69 epic devil. Even though he could not stand many attacks, it was because of the many bosses from the City of Dawn that he had faced…

When the game Beta would start, the Holy Light Silence Technique scroll, as well as tools and potions to resist darkness attributes would sell well.

Of course, the occupations of the Temple Knights and Pastors would also become very popular.

"Most importantly, as an NPC, I will definitely appear in the Instance Dungeon. The players will also be able to admire my courage close-up." William rubbed his chin. His injuries had fully healed, and gone was his frightening appearance.

The other subordinates did not know what was happening. They did not dare to speak either.

Only Lautner thought that William had secretly drunk the Life Potion, but he did not leave any for him…

"It's a pity. Even though in the past, I have eliminated so many Orc tribes, I did not obtain any Instance Dungeon crystals…" William also understood that those battles were of very low levels.

But this also proved one fact. It was very difficult to obtain Instance Dungeon crystals.

It was just that there were many benefits to be earned if one obtained an Instance Dungeon crystal.

For example, in the Instance Dungeon crystal from the misty valley, many darkness materials, as well as weapons and equipment could be found.

The nameless devil that William had killed by himself dropped a gold quality cursed weapon. The weapon, along with the body of the devil, could be turned into materials. Their thick skin could be used to produce inner armor.

But William was very wealthy. He did not care about this.

He did not even care about Andu Dana, let alone his belongings.

That reminded him. Just what did Andu Dana drop?

William could not help but look at the pitch-black ring in his hand. "I never expected the first space treasure I obtained would come from a devil, a devil like him at that. Come to think of it, he did not even get a chance to use his space treasure. How tragic…"