

On the 17th of June, the Little Four Mercenary Team reached Planet Shanghai on schedule. The moment they left the port and entered Planet Shanghai, they felt as though they were in a dream. This place in front of them was so orderly and prosperous that some of the members exclaimed in awe.

As for the Rainbow Raiders, they parted ways with them after leaving the territory of the Chaotic Lands.

Compared to how enthusiastic they were when they left for the Chaotic Lands, this bunch of people were sad after they came back as they knew that their time with Boss had ended. They needed to return to 250 Ace Mecha Clan soon and had to suffer all kinds of questionings again.

"Tsk, what is this." Qi Long couldn't help but complain.

Han Jijyun was frustrated too. The stress and frustration he had were more than Qi Long. Qi Long still had two brothers to bear the burden with him while he was the only son of his family. He couldn't escape the responsibilities that he must take. During this period of time, the pressure from the elders in his family were suffocating him.

He looked at the calm Ling Lan. If Boss was still their regiment commander, everything would be great. He got emotional as he thought of this and shouted, "Boss, you must come back to 250 Ace Mecha Clan."

'As long as you come back, I'll have the courage to reject my father and stay at 250 Ace Mecha Clan with everyone else.'

Han Jijyun's words triggered everyone's thoughts. They raised their heads and looked at Ling Lan in anticipation. They hoped that Ling Lan would give them a promise as an assurance.

Ling Lan sighed in her heart. She patted Han Jijyun's shoulder and said, "I'm not able to interfere in this matter. Everything depends on fate. However, if there's a chance, I won't give


Ling Lan was sincere. Her wish in the past was already forgotten. After the battle on Planet Haijiao, she didn't want to leave the military anymore. But, she still had to consider her father's safety. The battle on Planet Haijiao pushed her father and her into the spotlight. To reduce the burden on him, Ling Xiao had to make some sacrifices. Ling Xiao had already preempted her when she came back from the battle.

She was still too weak. If she was stronger, she might be able to help her father and not be pushed around like a piece of chess. Ling Lan retracted the unwillingness from her eyes. She was calm and cold again. She turned and looked at Liu Furong. "I'll send Aunt Liu to the Ling family. It's not suitable for you to bring them around now."

Liu Furong looked at Ling Lan gratefully. He was worried about what he should do with Aunt Liu too. After all, it was inappropriate for a supposedly single man like him to bring back a wife and two children suddenly. Plus, he was also in a very complex and dangerous situation. Thus, he couldn't implicate his family and friends by bringing them along with him but luckily, Ling Lan's solution solved this problem for him.

"What about their identities?" Liu Furong could only ask his regiment commander for help. If not, Liu Aijun might not be able to attend the Scout Academy next year. He had already implicated his daughter so he didn't want to affect the future of his son too.

"I'll solve it. However, Aunt Liu and you might have to suffer." Ling Lan looked at Liu Furong apologetically.

Liu Furong was confused.

Ling Lan explained, "I'll give Aunt Liu a new identity. She'll be the daughter of my Chamberlain Ling Qin and her name will be Ling Hua Yun."

Aunt Liu's surname was Hua. Ling Lan didn't want Aunt Liu to give up her surname so she used her surname in her new name.

Aunt Liu smiled gratefully at Ling Lan. She was touched by Ling Lan's selfless help and she also very excited about having foster parents as her actual parents had died when she was very young. She never expected to have two respectable elders as her new parents. She was overwhelmed with emotions. Most of it was excitement and gratitude. She was finally able to fulfil her wishes when she was a child. Aunt Liu decided that she must be filial to her new parents.

"As for Aihua and Aijun, they'll be part of the Ling family too so that they will have the right to study the hereditary family martial arts of the Ling family. However, Liu Aihua's innate talent is amazing so you must groom her carefully. Don't waste her talent," Ling Lan spoke to Liu Furong seriously. At first, Ling Lan took pity on Liu Aihua because she had no father and she couldn't study in the Scout Academy. Now, after realizing that she was Liu Furong's daughter, she decided to not take her as her disciple. After all, she was Liu Furong's responsibility, right?

If Liu Furong knew that Liu Aihua had the possibility of becoming Ling Lan's disciple, he might have pleaded her to take Liu Aihua in. But, he wasn't aware of that now. He just knew that his regiment commander had done a lot for his family and it wouldn't be right for him to trouble Ling Lan any further. Thus, he listened to what she said and started considering how he should groom his daughter.

These were all future stories so we shall not mentioned them for now.

Ling Lan finished making arrangements for everyone before turning to look at President Tu's camp. She then showed an evil smile. "It's time for us to take our rewards and mechas.

President Tu was afraid that his merchant team would be implicated by Ye Shao and Dibi Luya so he escaped from the Chaotic Lands the moment he came out of the black market. Of course, he brought the mechas that belonged to Ling Lan along with him.

If Ling Lan didn't leave with the Rainbow Raiders, she might have to snatch a spacecraft from someone in order to leave the Chaotic Lands.

As expected, it's troublesome when she didn't have her own spacecraft. For the first time, Ling Lan wanted to buy her own spacecraft.

Little Four felt Ling Lan's thoughts. He clenched his fist tightly as he decided to fulfill Boss's wish. He was going to give her a huge surprise.

'Boss's birthday is coming. Let me give her a spacecraft as a present. Will she be happy?' Little Four felt elated as he imagined Boss kissing him out of happiness.

Little Four was extremely motivated by this thought.

It was actually quite easy for Little Four to get a spacecraft. He just needed to move his fingers and the money would come to him. However, Little Four didn't just want to buy any normal spacecraft for Boss. He wanted to give her the most extravagant, safest and studierst spacecraft so that would be a little difficult to acquire.

Little Four felt that his brain was not big enough to think about this. He quickly grabbed Little Blossom who had an indifferent expression on his face. They started talking secretly among themselves in a small corner of the learning space. Well, Little Four was the one who was talking most of the time. Little Blossom just sat there and listened to him patiently.

Ling Lan found President Tu. When he saw that Ling Lan was safe, he was elated. He didn't forget how Ling Lan protected him. However, when he was running away, the place was a mess so they lost each other. To thank Ling Lan for being so professional, President Tu instantly gave Ling Lan all the money the Little Four Mercenary Team should get. He even gave her the portion for Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's team. This proved how much he hated those two people.

Since everyone needed to go back, Ling Lan rented a warehouse to put their mechas in. At that moment, Ling Lan really wanted to have the space button that Little Four had mentioned in the past. If she couldn't get a space button, a spacecraft would be a fine substitute too.

It was really troublesome if she didn't have her own spacecraft.

Ling Lan was frustrated. It looked like she needed to get a spacecraft soon. She had always wanted one but this time, she put it in her list of urgent matters she needed to do.

She watched as her comrades boarded different spacecraft to leave Planet Shanghai. Then, she went back to Doha with Aunt Liu and the rest of the people.

Chamberlain Ling Qin was already waiting for them on Port Doha. He welcomed Ling Lan and the guests to the Ling family.

After settling the guests down, Ling Lan left Doha again to continue her holiday. This time, her destination was Mai'er Fa. Another reason why she left so hurriedly was that she didn't want her mother to show her any of her loving 'concern'. She couldn't stand her mother's concern sometimes. It was too stressful to be constantly questioned about your lovelife especially from a family member.

Planet Bailing was an ecotourism planet. Many nature lovers would be attracted by the sight of this planet every day.

In the port of Planet Bailing, a luxurious private starship was parked inside. A life-like mythical wild beast with a purple ring around it was carved in the head of the starship. It was the symbol of an elite family. Purple was a color used by all the first-rank elite families. Without a doubt, the owner of this starship was one of the four first-rank elite families.

The huge starship was like a giant as it looked down on all the small starships around it. It also attracted the attention of the tourists.

Even the staff in the port were amazed at this extravagant starship.

"Leader, who is the owner of this staff member? It is so huge. It's almost as big as the starships from the Federation." One of the staff asked his leader as he exclaimed how big the starship was.

His colleagues were thinking about the same thing too. They looked at their leader and hoped that their leader would give them an answer.

Their leader was a middle-aged man around 50 years old. He smiled and stretched out his right hand as if he was smoking.

The staff member understood what their leader wanted. He quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket and passed it to his leader. He even lit the cigarette for him.

The leader took a puff of the cigarette. He whet everyone's appetite before saying, "That mythical wild beast is the symbol of Old Martial Beitang. Old Martial Beitang is one of the first-rank elite families in the Federation. They have always kept a low profile so most of you don't know them."

"This starship probably belongs to their family head." The staff member never met such a situation before so he thought that only the family leader had the right to board this luxurious starship.

"Ignorant fool. If it is the family head, there would be more than one starship. There would be another starship for his bodyguards." The leader reprimanded that staff member. "Since there's only one starship, and it arrived on our planet which is full of natural sceneries, the person on this starship might just be a direct descendant of the family."

'How lucky!' The staff member looked at the starship in envy. He hoped that he was lucky enough to be born as a direct descendant of the elite family too.

In a passage within the starship, a young man with working attire was sweeping the areas where the cleaning robot couldn't reach.

"Little Yang, it's already very clean. You can stop sweeping now. Go and have some food." A lady saw the young man working so hard that he didn't notice that time had passed. Hence, she decided to remind him.

Little Yang heard the voice and looked up hurriedly. A young-looking face was revealed. By right, he was quite a handsome person. However, there were a few white scars on his face. Although his face was destroyed, it didn't look hideous. Instead, it made him look weak and pitiful. Sometimes, when Little Yang smiled, he would look weirdly cute. Most of the ladies would want to take care of him, for instance, the lady that just walked passed him.

"Elder Sister Nuo." Little Yang smiled and greeted the lady. "There's still a part that's dirty. I'll go eat after I'm done."

"Why are you such a pushover? If you go later, there won't be any food left. Those old fools will eat all the food and you'll only be able to eat plain rice. Don't you want your health to improve?" Elder Sister Nuo grabbed Little Yang's broom angrily.

"Well…" Little Yang looked at his unclean spot and hesitated.

"Stop hesitating. Hurry up and eat your food. I'll handle everything here." Elder Sister Nuo snatched the broom from his hand and asked him to go for his meal.

Little Yang touched the back of his head shyly and said gratefully, "Thank you, Elder Sister Nuo…"

"Hurry up and leave. Stop wasting time. If you can't get any food, my efforts will be for nothing." Elder Sister Nuo waved her hands in contempt and chased Little Yang away.

"Okay, Elder Sister Nuo." Little Yang listened to her and rushed to the cafeteria. Elder Sister Nuo looked at Little Yang's back and smiled. She then saw another staff member trying to sneak past her. Her smile disappeared. She said fiercely, "Hey, why are you sneaking around? Come over here."

The staff member cried in his heart. However, he didn't dare to ignore her. He walked towards Elder Sister Nuo and greeted in a low voice, "Elder Sister Nuo."

"Here, here, and here. Clean them up for me." Elder Sister Nuo glared at him. "Don't think that I don't know you're bullying Little Yang. Clean all these for me and I'll pretend that I didn't see anything. If not, I might tell young miss."

"I understand. I'll definitely clean them properly." The staff member didn't dare to offend the personal servant of their seventh young miss.

"Hmph!" Elder Sister Nuo scoffed and left haughtily.

Elder Sister Nuo returned to Miss Seven's room. There were a few other ladies around her age in the room. One of the ladies noticed Elder Sister Nuo's unhappy expression and asked curiously, "Elder Sister Nuo, why are you in a bad mood?"

"Those bunch of lazy workers were bullying Little Yang again." Elder Sister Nuo pouted.