First Skirmish

Year 1

I'd better start working on my demon army, after all I don't want to get crusaded as soon as I descend. I'll start with [Create Demon:Lesser], I first created 10 but upon noticing that it didn't affect me much I moved onto 50 and that's when I noticed that's about half a greater demon. So I can create 100 lesser demon with the same amount I can create 1 greater demon.

With a little bit of thought I decided to create 1 more greater demon and 250 more lesser demons. I gave each greater demon 150 lesser demons which they all seemed to accept, thankfully, and I told them to go and explore the rest of the white blobs so I could get a better understanding of the area and whether those were just human settlements or not.

[You Have Gained 1 Level]

Hmmm so that means I'm level 2 now? And suddenly I don't feel so drowsy anymore, could it be that leveling increases my mana pool. Well If it does then that's good news but if it doesn't then I have no other explanation for my increased mana pool.

Okay now I should prepare some defenses to protect me when I descend... but all I can do is create demons. Can demons create defenses or buildings? Maybe I'd have to teach them, or maybe there are certain demons that specialize in that. I'll have to experiment later. For now lets see how the demons are doing.

Lets see... why are they trampling everything in the forest? Do they have no respect for wildlife? Trampling forest doesn't even help them it'll just reveal their position and they'll get attacked. I guess its just in their nature as demonic creatures to be as destructive as possible. I'd tried asking them to stop and be more conservative, but it seems they ignored me. It appears I cannot command them to do anything that would go against their destructive nature.

Lets check on the other group, and they're attacking a village. I want to say "why didn't they tell me first" but I think I already know why. I was once again ignored when asking them to stop. Can I really not avoid fighting the humans. Ahh man, why couldn't I be a deer or a butterfly instead, wait no maybe not a butterfly they don't live very long. How about a tree, wait they can't see but there's magic in this world so maybe some trees can see.

Wait I'm getting sidetracked. Okay so if I don't do anything I'll probably get attacked because I'm a demon king, but if I prepare and create demons then my demons will attack people and further incentivize the people of this world to attack me. So should I take a gamble and do nothing and see if they leave me alone? No no, I can't do that, I may not be completely selfish but I'm not that selfless. My safety is my number 1 priority, after all I don't want to die a second time. I won't actively attack the natives and hopefully they wont mind me too much, see I can compromise.

Alright now that we've gotten that moral question out of the way I'm going to take a quick nap to recover my mana.

It looks like I've been asleep for about a day if I'm not mistaken. And I seem fully recharged, so its about time I get to work.

I created 2 more greater demons and 300 lesser demons and I have enough for 1 more greater demon or 100 lesser. I just decided on 50 more lesser so that I could have them scout those mana areas, after all I was asleep when the other demons were doing it, a mistake on my part. But on the bright side 50 lesser demons shouldn't be able to do any real damage to humans so they shouldn't get too angry. My plan for coexistence will surely work out!

I also called back the other two packs of demons and merged them with the one I just created. I didn't tell them to do anything so they're just wandering around, after all they are just there for my protection no reason to attack anybody.

[Time Until Descension 5 Months]

So I've been in this world for about 1 month and everything is going pretty well. I've also noticed that I don't seem to be bothered by staying in this darkness while being unable to move, the assumed effect of [Composure].

My demon army is growing pretty well, I've created 50 more greater demons and 22,000 lesser demons. So in total I have around 54 greater demons and 22,600 lesser demons. I would have 50 more lesser demons but those were the scouts I sent and they were killed by an army which I assume to be an army dispatched to deal with my demons.

I've also become [level 5] which I assume the cause to be using my [Create Demon] skills and also the unfortunate people my demons came across.

Fortunately before they died they gave me some useful information. Those locations with high amounts of mana are mostly human settlements like cities and towns but some of them are caves and ruins and if I'm correct they should be something similar to dungeons. I've based this off the fact that I often saw monsters coming out of them.

However my attention was diverted to a moving blob of mana. Curious, I sent a group of lesser demons to go investigate. I used [Shared Sense] on one of the demons closest to the front.

There stood a marching army of around 25,000. Is this a subjugation army? Well surely I can't let these guys just massacre my demons, those guys are meant to protect me when I descend!

It didn't take long for the army to notice the group of lesser demons I sent. A small part of the army split off and killed the lesser demons but before they all died I was able to see something I'd wanted to see since I first saw those guards at that town. I saw one of the soldiers augmenting his sword with ice and interestingly enough I saw the mana in him move towards the sword but the small part of mana that was moving slowly transformed into a light blue.

So it seems that there are multiple different types of mana. I think I can guess which kind it is that I use.

Anyway that's besides the point, there's a group of people endangering my safety in this world so I called all the demons I've created to one spot. I tried getting them into some kind of formation but failed. I guess rushing with numbers is really their forte. I waited for the army.

It wasn't long after all the demons arrived that the army did too. Wanting to conserve as many demons as possible so this last month wasn't a waste I quickly ordered the demons to attack first.

The greater demons started spewing massive fireballs towards the army while the lesser demons which look like hellhounds rushed into close combat. The enemy soldiers with swords seem to take a little bit of damage when attacking the hellhounds, but those with spears or bows have an advantage against them.

The army's mages also come out and start casting lighting and frost magic, I'm paying most of my attention to these mages and ordered 20 of my greater demons and one fourth of the lesser demons to focus their attacks on them.

The army had cavalry but with hellhounds jumping and piling on top of them rendered them useless.

The longer the battle plays out the more the advantages of my demons will appear, lack of fatigue, no need for morale, etc.

The enemy's commander seemed to notice that they were on the losing side and decided to withdraw from the battle. With the enemy withdrawing I decided to call my demons back to save some.

Overall the enemy lost around 10,000 brave souls while I lost about 7,000 lesser demons and 10 greater demons.