Ch. 3

Andrew's pov

"I'm Andrew." I said slowly. it felt so unreal. but I decided. being a man's toy is better than sitting here in the main street. and a bar of gold. that's worth a lot. if I get paid well, I'll probably do anything right now.

the two-man smiled and started walking away. I soon as I caught them, they stopped, standing in front of a big mansion. the second man, I assume a servant, gave me a sign to walk after him, and so I did. we went into the mansion and started walking down the stairs to a basement.

as soon as the servant opened the door, I understood what his master wanted me for. the big room was all filled to the brim with sexual equipment. mainly BDSM ones. the servant opened another door, and we got into a little room. "this is where you will live for the time being. I don't know what master wants you for, so stay here for now. you have nowhere to go."

Ed's pov

Andrew. that's a nice name. I thought. because he's the first, and also my exact type. I'll test him. if he won't run away in the next three days I'll get him as my lover. not a slave. that, of course, doesn't mean I'll be nice to him. he'll just get more freedom. I called Alan:" get the doors of the basement open. if he wants, he can run away. I can always bring him back when he does." Alan nodded, bowed and went away.

after a few minutes, I grinned and got to the basement. Andrew was laying on a bed in one of the rooms. "slave". he jumped up. "we'll now go over the rules. they are pretty basic, so obey them.

1) Call me master

2) every time I get into the room, stop what you're doing, and come sit on your knees in front of me

3) obey me, and I mean everything

is it okay, slave? "

he nodded. I heard that some vampires have a real problem with their slaves not verbally answering them, but I don't care. Andrew came, and sat on his knees in front of me. "good slave" I petted his head. "now crawl after me" I went back to the main room. I planned on scaring him today, and then waiting two days to see if he'll run. "get on the bed, hands and legs spread " I told him. Andrew, shaking, layed on the bed. perfect. I tied him up like that.

I went to one of the closets in the room. Alan always put those things in the same place.

vibrating ass plug, vibrating cock ring and a simple whip. I took them to the bed. Andrew moaned softly when I got the plug in. probably from pain, as he wasn't that wet. I slipped on the cock ring and turned both of them on. Andrew started moving and trying to escape. "quiet " I harshly told him. he stopped moving, and I started whipping.

soon, pain and pleasure moans filled the room.

I kept the whipping and the vibration on, not letting him come for a whole hour, and after that stopped, and left him tied on the bed. I went up the stairs and told Alan to free him, but keep the cock ring on. I won't grant him a release in the next two days.