Ch. 15 - Not Edited

Third Person's POV

Ed and Andrew smuggled toghether on the bed. It has been a few days since the love confection, and Andrew's bruises have almost healed. They have spent their days trying to get to really know each other, giggling and jumping all around the mansion. They could have not been happier. But something was odd. Andrew, deep in his heart, missed being Ed's Slave. Living just for a person, his master, was so... relaxing somehow. He just couldn't tell it to Ed yet. Maybe later.

Ed's POV

I was standing in the kitchen making pancakes for my darling. Andrew was sitting in the livingroom, watching TV. I smiled. He was so cute like that. I took the plate of pancakes to the sofa where he was sitting only to find him staring at the wall with a sad look. "Andrew? Love, what happened?" What happened next suprised even me. The moment hearing my voice, Andrew launched to the floor kneeling in front of me. "Master. I missed you being my master."

Andrew's POV

I looked at Ed's face as it changed from worried to shocked to worried again. He kneeled in front of me, put his hand on my shoulder and asked:"Are you sure love?" I nodded. "Well, it won't be like the last time. This time we are making the rules together. Come with me to the office, Andrew" I followed him silently. As we arrived, Ed signaled me to sit on a chair in front of him. "Take this paper. Write on it whatever you expect from our relationship. What do you want to happen, and what not. What kind of punishments are unacceptable. How you think you should tell me if something isn't alright. Write it all. I'll also write, and then we'll switch. When you get my paper, just cross out what you don't want. Okay?" "Yes Ed." We wrote for a couple minutes, switched for a couple more, and then made the rules:

1) On days Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday party B will be a slave of party A. On days Friday and Saturday parties will be equal. On Tuesdays party A will be a slave of party B.

(For some reason, Ed was really persistent on those Tuesdays. Why does he want to be my slave?)

2) On each day in which one party is dominating, the time from 3pm to 4pm will be after care and communication time. During this time, the dominating party is now allowed to use its power.

3) On its domming days, each party is allowed to make its own rules. On any day, the safe words are green for okay, yellow for slow down and red for stop and after care needed.

4)To make both sides have an equal social standing, party B will be turned into a vampire and its slave seal broken within a year.

5) Both sides have listed in private their sexual and non-sexual needs, wishes and hard and soft line. Those should be respected at all times.

Party A: Edward D. Loes

Party B: Andrew Jones

We both signed.

Ed's POV

Today is Monday. But I just can't let Andrew get to tommorow without knowing what to do. "Alan!" I shouted. "Please come here!" And then, looking at Andrew in the eyes I continued. "Today is Monday. I've decided to dedicated today for teaching you how to dom, alright?" Andrew nodded. So cute. "Think for a moment what the trainers did to look powerful and have a stand." He thought for a bit and then answered:"Amm, they always made sure we were lower then them, and that people followed them everywhere. If they needed to deal with a strong slave, they would tell him to repeatedly kneel and stand up. Things like that." I was honestly surprised. Who knew the time at the training center would teach him so much? "Good job. Now when Alan will come, I want you to use the same techniques, just briefly. Okay?" "Yes Edward" Alan came in, breathing a bit heavier than usual. He probably ran here. "Nice timing. Alan, as you know, Andrew is my lover. As such, he is also your master. I've brought you here for Andrew to train on you a bit." "Yes master, I understand". I turned to Andrew. "Now it's your turn!"