

When Hermione woke up she was shocked by what she saw. The bed was different and the room has a bookshelf full of books ranged from literature to science. It wasn't her room full of HP posters. It was painted plain, 'Where was she?'

Suddenly she heard a sound from downstairs. A few minutes later a woman came into the room and asked "Hermione, what are you doing? Breakfast is ready. You should put on something and come downstairs to eat before hiding in your room again." and left. 'WHAT?' She knew her. She was the mother of Hermione Granger.

Although her male friends loved Harry or her female friends loved Daphne over Hermione, she loved her most. Maybe because their name is the same or she also imagined to be part of magical world someday. But Hermione's bravery was what impressed her. She would not be as brave as her if everyone despised her brilliance caused by their jealousy. She was clever and was part of golden trio eventually she was married to Ron Weasley who was jealous of her and bullied her at first but was fascinated by her beauty later.

It was an injustice. Why should she love Ron over Harry or anyone else? Just because Harry would marry Ginny who was also a pureblood or whether the marriage of Ron with a muggle-born wouldn't change their purity of blood as he wasn't family head.

Of course, he also had four elder brother who could keep family lineage and a sister who would marry Harry Potter and merge Weasley family with Potter family. Furthermore, Hermione wasn't a simple muggle-born witch despised by wizards, she was also part of the main group which defeated Voldemort and his followers.

But why was she here? She was preparing her presentation to promote their new beauty product as it was a hot sale across the United States and they were ready to seize the overseas market. She didn't sleep for three days and wasn't able to remember when was the last time she ate decent food as she was too busy because if this project succeeds, she would be one of the most wealthy people in the world.

She was tired but after they obtained the rights to sell their product she would have a vacation and visit all around the world as it was her dream. 'It must be caused by heart failure' she thought. Her heart couldn't sustain her tiredness and unhealthy diet on top of her stress. 'Ahh, how stupid! Why didn't I rest and look after myself?'

She calmed herself and tried to find clues which caused her to possess the body of the original. But first, she should have breakfast before Hermione's mother comes and drags her along.

She wore a simple t-shirt and jeans quickly and left the bedroom. "Good morning sweety? How are you today? Happy to purchase your books and other necessary equipments for Hogwarts? I would drive you there but I have an appointment with my patient. But your mother will be with you and also they will send a staff so don't worry, ok?" smiled the father of the original Hermione.

'She received a letter from Hogwarts and is going to the Diagon Alley for the first time?' "Yes, yes. I'm excited about the new world" replied Hermione as she was worried they would notice she wasn't their daughter. She didn't know how to interact with them without exposing herself.

"Finish your breakfast, Henry. You will be late if you waste your time anymore and you young lady we will depart in two hours if they received our letter and sent someone so don't hide in your room and be prepared for our guest. We don't want to waste their time. It's rude to keep our guest waiting because you read all day. Understood?" asked the mother as she put plates and sat down.

"Yes" answered Hermione as she didn't know what else to say.

"Rose, don't pressure Hermione, you know she wouldn't do that. She was excited since she received the acceptance letter last week. Relax, sweety. Your mom is anxious because we don't know anything about magic and how will be the school. I believe you will find new friends who will be as special as you are and won't judge you but value your intelligence. So it's a new start and you should try to befriend with other children" said and gave her and his wife a hug before holding his case and leaving for his job.