

Professor Quirrell was scheming to steal the stone but didn't have an opportunity because the headmaster was always in the castle. He'd been drinking the blood of unicorns but almost caught a few days ago.

Dark Lord was pressuring him to send Dumbledore away. His preparation was ready and all he needs to do was to wait.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even the traps of Grinngotts were better than what headmaster instructed them to do. It was as if he thought that the thief isn't an experienced wizard but his students.

Firstly the three-headed dog Dumbledore borrowed from Hagrid, of course, it's dangerous but with the hint, Hagrid gave him all he needed to do was to play and instrument. After the trap door, the second barrier was Devil's Snare planted by professor Sprout. It was much easier to pass. He would relax or cast a light magic to illuminate and destroy the plant.

The keys charmed by Flitwick were a little bit troublesome but still, he copied a key earlier with a transformation spell and matched with the keyhole. So he didn't have to activate the trap at all.

The wizarding chess transfigured by McGonagall making the chessmen alive. He could destroy the chessmen to advance. As he was part of the traps, he sent a troll with his special gift trolls were like as easy as a pie. He didn't have to do anything at most he would kill it.

He also found out what Snape was doing. The room full of fire and deadly riddle to find the correct potions. But his preparation was ready. He purchased the same potions and didn't need to kill himself to find the correct one.

Now was the problematic step. Dumbledore charmed the mirror and he can't take away the stone by himself he needed to find help. He was aware that the traps were not for the real culprit at least not all of them. So theoretically that crazy wizard prepared for others not him. He had less time to find a helper. Lord was punishing him day and night for not finishing the job. He needed to hurry. He felt like he's losing his conscious he was becoming a puppet and if Lord couldn't find a new body to attach himself or reborn he will lose his life in a few years and he didn't want to die yet. He was willing to serve the Lord but not this way.


Hermione was smiling herself when Padma sat next to her.

"Hey, you're so happy, what's the news?" she was expectantly looking at Hermione wondering what would happen to make her smile in a corner of the library by herself.

"I just received a letter from my parents and waiting to spend the summer with them. You know I didn't go home during holidays and they were also busy so we will travel this summer (she was planning to send her parents to live in another country for their safety but she couldn't say that could she?) We didn't travel last year, too so this year they're planning to spend more time with me"

" You're so lucky. We'll visit our cousins in India but there there isn't much to see except for food and muggles. Wizards aren't well known and even the ones in the ministry there have too many rules limiting us from casting magic or seen by muggles. It's a huge country and I love it but because of the crowd, there aren't many places to be concealed from others. It's different here. Although the population is less, it's much easier and has a system. Furthermore, I like reading and there are lots of books in the library I didn't read yet." Padma spoke as if she was jealous of Hermione to travel but Hermione was aware that she was missing her family a lot but didn't want to part from her friends as well. 'Such a lovely young lady' thought Hermione amused by her antics.

Hermione prevented the events happening like third-floor corridor, troll, dragon egg, detention in the forbidden forest but they were all insignificant compared to fighting against Voldemort. She assured herself nothing will happen but her guts were telling her that something was going to happen and she'll not like it. She believes her sixth sense and with magic, it became more powerful still she hopes nothing would happen.

Hermione and Padma chatted before returning to their homework. Their schedule was going to classes, having lunch, going to classes again, doing homework in the library and returning common room after dinner.

Hermione wasn't like the original paranoid about her marks, she was aiming for better statuses and power not the politics or ministry as her final choice, she would finish her homework in an hour and research other subjects. She finished all seven years curriculums taught in Hogwarts. She knew the theories and spells. All she needs is time.

Her magic reserves are pitifully low, she can cast the third year spells nonverbal and without a wand, she exhausts herself after casting three of them. If she uses her wands she can cast ten spells without break and if she cast nonverbal spells it becomes seven to eight, changes with the spells she casts, she casts first and second-year spells instantly with her wand and chanting. She doesn't feel tired anymore even if she casts more than fifty spells in series. She slows down when she doesn't use her wand or cast nonverbal.

Hermione became accustomed to basic potions as well. She practised them everyday and she can practice intermediate level potions next year with the help of Room of Requirements. Hermione was unhappy for not being able to use the room but she didn't feel dejected. Thanks to that she focused on her theories and finished curriculums without a mishap. Her foundation was strong and she could tell differences and improve spells with practice and as she didn't force herself to use magic, she didn't harm her foundation and strengthen her magic reserves. She had reserves of third-year students approximately. She knew that she had not monstrous reserves like Harry but she wasn't bad compared to other purebloods.

"Ahem, Hermione could you help me to practice for potions tomorrow? Professor Snape is going to kill me if he finds out that I didn't brew the potion he asked us to do next week?" Neville came to the table Hermione and Padma were writing their homework. He shyly asked her to help while losing his sound fearing to be kicked out of the library and embarrassed to ask for a favour.

"Neville, didn't I tell you to look at the people you talk instead of bowing your head and do you like watching the grounds so much, beware of bloody Baron coming out suddenly" Hermione teased Neville. He was used to sitting with them without shuttering or becoming red in fear of embarrassing himself with his clumsiness. But he is looking down while talking to girls not daring to look at them.

" Sure. Tomorrow afternoon we will meet and practice for your potion class. Padma do you want to stick with us?" Hermione said when she saw Neville was dejected as if she rejected to help him. Sometimes she would tease him but stop before causing him to lose his confidence. She just helps him to relax around them and feel self-confident.

"Fine with me" Padma nodded her head in response.

Neville had stars in his eyes with Hermione' s help, professor Snape wouldn't scold him too much if he doesn't explode another cauldron. Harry practised with him but he had Quidditch practice as it was almost finals and they were a step away from winning the cup. So he couldn't disturb him and also Hermione explains more clearly and patiently doesn't scold him even if he does anything wrong. One time he caused an explosion when she turned around to pick up herbs for the potion but he confused the herbs and put the wrong one. Luckily she helped him and sent him to the infirmary.

During the dinner, Hermione felt stares but didn't try to find who was looking at her. She didn't want to catch attention by fighting or becoming number one. She was one of the best but not the number one. Most of the professors were loving her. She was handing over her assignments on time without extra papers or less than what teachers asked for. She listens to them and answers correctly when asked questions. She doesn't break rules and has friends from other houses with whom she spends time...

When they were returning to their house rooms Hermione felt a gaze on her again. She frowned but did nothing sighing she followed fellow Ravenclaws.

"What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?" asked the portrait.

A fourth-year girl answered when they were thinking "Name" and the door opened letting them inside.

Hermione returned her room and had a shower before beginning her daily practices. She cast spells without chanting and stopped before depleting her magic. After meditating enough she returned her casting. She didn't stop for hours and when she stopped it was midnight. She tuned time-turner and started her extra five hours practice of potion. After the second time turner, she practised her Occlumency and reorganized her memories while enforcing her defences.

Hermione spent time without relaxing and between her breaks she would chat with her friends or watch Quidditch games. As a Ravenclaw, she was supposed to support her house in the stands and couldn't return her room to read nor ditch her friends or they would notice her absence. She couldn't refuse to watch Gryffindor matches or Harry would be upset or sulks if he finds out as he did previously when she didn't watch his game 'She and her blabber friends'. Because of them, Harry knew that she escaped from the match before it begins.

She brewed a potion for fire in case something went wrong and she had to go to the chamber. She prayed for nothing to happen but still had that feeling so she was prepared for the worst scenario. 'Ahh her crow mouth *sob* *sob*'

One day when she was walking in the corridors to go to the library Harry found her and told about a dream. There was a man in front of the mirror they saw during Christmas and he was talking about a stone. He didn't want to talk at first but after dreaming for three days he couldn't stop wondering what it was about. When Hermione heard about dream she paled and didn't say anything and assured him that everything is okay and nothing will happen 'at least until June and they were in mid-May'.

She was concerned about the dream Harry talked about. She wasn't worried Voldemort stealing the stone instead it was the dream. She knew dark lord would divert Harry's attention and send him the visions he wants him to know to fall in the traps. Even so, she helped Harry to practice Occlumency and his defences weren't shallow or weak. The only explanation was Voldemort was gaining his power or his parasite in Harry was strengthening. 'Argh, what a trouble' She sighed while fearing about their future. Hermione needed to accelerate her plans.


Yesterday Hermione heard about Headmaster and call from ministry. They summoned and needed his presence as chieftain and he couldn't refuse because of pressure. It was fishy and Hermione knew that Voldemort was behind the scheme. What she couldn't understand was that he'd fly on a broomstick to travel instead of using floo network, portkey or Apparition. He was Headmaster and had access to these transportation choices.

Today Harry came and told her about his dream. This was different. In the dream, the man tried to take the stone from the mirror but failed yet again. After his failure, he was in pain and begged for forgiveness but Harry didn't see the person he was begging to 'Of course you couldn't see, it's in the head' Hermione wanted to shout but stopped herself, Harry continued.

"It was different I don't know but he cast a spell for weakening the enchantment on the mirror. He said he needed a few days and would be successful as it was one of the ideas of Dumbledore" Harry told her what he heard and see in his dream.

Hermione pondered over it and decided to visit the chamber. At most Harry would push Quirrell turning him into powder. He had plot armour but Hermione didn't like it at all. She tried to change the courses of events but still, it's inevitable to be dragged into it. She would sneak into the chamber alone to control the mirror or break it down if after telling McGonagall about the dream they don't do anything about it.