The Folded Space

Reima continues travelling around the Hunting grounds defeating insane Prospects and observing their techniques. The most useful moves He had learned are probably the spinning back kicks, palm strikes and knee strikes. The spinning kicks are especially useful when integrated into the Wolf school style pirouettes, performing a spinning back kick while following with a sword slash is probably the most powerful none-magic technique Reima knows of.

He had located the entrance to the swamp that contains the forgotten temple and another Marked one. The giant pillars and long stairway were a dead giveaway, it's almost identical to the way the game portrayed it. Reima decides to deal with the First Marked one Revario before he enters the swamp.

He spots the top of the willow looking tree that Revario sits under and groans as he sees a large amount of Prospects present on the path towards it.

He approaches and three Men immediately dash towards him with scampering desperate movements.

The first one does twists his feet in preparation for some sort of spinning kick, as hes doing that one of the others almost throws itself into a punch at Reima, almost knocking him over with its momentum.

Reima blocks the lunging punch and pulls the Prospect towards him and into the path of his allies spin kick. They both fall onto the floor, one due to the impact of the kick on his back and the other due to an awkward landing. The third one tries to grab Reima but receives two jabs and an uppercut to thier face, causing them to back away. Reima spins while using Windfall to dodge an attack he saw coming from behind him with Haki, while one is slowed he sprints towards the one still on the floor and recovering from being kicked.

He stomps on the back of it's head like resident evil characters would a box and completely obliterates it's skull, causing it to fade away into particles.

Reima gets kicked in the back from masked man who he had uppercut, he brings his arms up to block the other strikes peppering his guard and trying to break it.

Reima concentrates on his Observation Haki and dodges around five different strikes each from his now two opponents, he manages to dodge an axe kick trying to break his guard and sweeps his leg out from under him. Ducking to avoid the high kick that the other guy had sent, Reima jumps slightly and drops a knee onto the back of the downed mans neck causing him to burst into particles like a Grunt birthday surprise.

After finishing two of the Prospects, dealing with a single one is almost laughable.

After getting the remaining one in a headlock and proceeding to break his neck, Reima decides to take a break at the nearby Altar. Through the hours of constant fighting and exploration Reima had nearly an entire closet of Fold enchanted clothing. Deciding that he either needed to find someplace to store all the drops from the enemies or simply stop collecting anymore, he tries to experiment with the Fold to try and create a space to hold things... If the Protagonist of the game can do it, then he should be able to as well.

He draws out some Fold energy from the Altar and gathers the shaped particles in his hands, he tries to compress them but nothing happens... After an hour or two of testing he eventually tries to Fold the particles into themselves, it's a peculiar sensation, almost like hes exercising a new part of his brain... Eventually the particles begin to be sucked into the transparent Folded area that Reima had created. Holding the seemingly gluttonous transparent black hole to the Altar it starts to suck up Fold energy from it, after 30 minutes of draining it the Altar simply disintegrates from existence and his Folded.. Thing? seems sated. Reima doesn't really know what he had created and pushes a rock into it to see what would happen.


A weird sound like someone had pushed something into a thick liquid ripples out of the Folded thing.. After looking at it for a couple of minutes and nothing happening in response to the stone Reima decides to push a tree branch into it to see what it does to organic matter.

A few seconds later and a pristine looking branch is revealed from the Folded space? After confirming that it wouldn't kill it instantly Reima sticks the of his finger inside... Feels lukewarm Reima mutters as he slowly pushes the rest of his arm inside. After going in up to his shoulder he wonders where the stone had gone, as the thought enters his mind the stone seemingly appears in his hand.

Pulling it out and observing it, the stone seems perfectly normal... Reima looks down at the distortion in space that's barely visible even to a Witcher, if Reima managed to release control over it the only way to find it would be to follow the Medallions reactionary vibrations to it.

Reima "Wait, isn't this the bottomless storage from the game?... Oh shit it is! I did it!" He would be jumping up and down in celebration if it weren't for the Folded space still floating above his hand.

Reima "Now I just need a way to store this..." As he says this the distortion seems to sink into his palm and disappears. He starts to panic at this but it returns when he thinks about it returning.

He wipes his brow at his short panic attack and starts shovelling everything apart from his swords into it.