Dragon Slayers

As usual, there is no rest for the undead as the Reima and Solaire immediately start making their way down the church to try and get to the basement key that lies just behind where the boar used to be.

They get halfway down when a weird man wearing full black robes greets them.

Oswald "Greetings. I am Oswald of Carim, the pardoner. Thou art a friend. For thee, a warm welcome. Cometh thou to confess? Or to accuse? For indeed all sin is my domain."

Solaire "Who are you to Absolve the sins of others?" He asks with irritation bleeding into his usually jovial voice.

Oswald "I am but a humble servant to my Goddess Velka, god of Sin. With her guidance I can help those drenched in sin find Absolution."

Reima "Ah, and what do you make of us? Drenched in sin?"

Oswald looks over Reima for a moment, "You have sinned, but you are not drenched in it... You have a reason for each committed sin, therefore you don't require Absolution."

Solaire "And I?" he asks curiously.

Oswald looks at him, "You are devoid of sin... In-fact you are a very wondrous person... You've had a difficult path haven't you?" he grins at him.

Solaire "You know not of what you speak! Come Sir Ludvig, I've heard enough sanctimonious preaching for today."

Reima "I'll join you in a moment, I need to purchase some good for our journey." Solaire nods and climbing down the nearby ladder.

Oswald "So you have something you wish to purchase?"

Reima "Yes, give me two purging stones, PoisonBite ring and the BloodBite ring" Oswald hands them over after he transfers the souls and Reima makes his way down to Solaire.

Solaire is tapping his foot at the bottom of the ladder as if he's impatient.

Reima "Something bothering you?"

Solaire "No... That priest just brings up bad memories, ones I'd rather forget."

Reima "Well, some jolly cooperation should be good to get your mind off it." He lightly punches Solaire's armoured shoulder before making his way to the doorway leading to the churches first floor. Solaire grins under his bucket helmet before quickly following Reima.

Reima quickly goes to the Basement keys location before raising the gate and retracing their steps to the small sewage room under the bridge. After briefly resting at the bonfire Reima decides to upgrade his stats again.

He has quite a large amount of souls from the various bosses he had killed, he channels them into strength increase it to a much higher value, if Reima had to quantify it in numbers he would say his strength had reached level 99... He feels like he could increase it further but without testing he is rather wary of experimenting on himself. He stands up drawing Solaire's attention and breaths out a thick breath, almost steam-like as he brings his fist back and lightly punches the castle wall.


A large sound rings throughout the room making Solaire jump, the impact of Reima's fist had caused various lines throughout the structure of the wall. Not only does he feel like he could tear down entire castle walls, the upgrades to Reima's soul make Haki seems much easier to utilise... He tries using Armament Haki and manage to complete cover his whole arm in the black substance.

Solaire "My word! I knew you were a talented Sorcerer but that strength is rather ridiculous!"

Reima clicks his neck and grins "Shall we continue?"

They make their way up to where the dragon spews fire and after it flies across once they hurriedly make there way past... Until the Dragon lands directly in-front of them.

Reima "Ha! I've wanted to kill you ever since I first laid my eyes upon you!"

Solaire "Let's kill this foul beast in the name of Jolly cooperation!" He draws out a huge lightning bolt and throws it in the Dragons face, it manages to pierce a large whole in it's scales and it spits a torrent of fire as a response.

The two undead both leap out of the way and charge towards it's legs, they both chop at them like they're a thick tree needing to be felled. With Reima's increased strength every hit results in shards and splinters of scales to be ejected from it's leg.

The Dragon raises it's foot up to try and crush Reima but he back off to directly in-front of it, allowing it to try and bite him. When it tries, he uses WindFall to dodge and channels Armamenet Haki into his arm. He unleashes a devastating punch to it's face, the impact causes it to be launched onto it's back causing the bridge to shudder under it's weight.

Solaire uses this opportunity to jump onto it's soft underbelly and unleash a torrents of lightning bolts into it, successfully frying it's insides. It dies quickly to the onslaught of the two and starts to vanish into motes of light. Reima picks up the dragon scale from the floor and stores it away before congratulating Solaire on a good fight.