After a short rest the two continue, the leave the Capra demons boss room and turn lefts, heading down the stairs and eventually to the door that leads to the Depths.
Reima hands Solaire a Purging stone, just incase he gets cursed somehow before unlocking the door to the large hall containing the butcher.
Walking down the stairs the two are immediately assaulted by a large group of Hollow undead's and undead dog's.
Solaire takes a position upfront with his shield to block most of the attacks while Reima supports his flanks with blades and Igni. The battle lasts longer than Reima would have thought, probably due to them somehow drawing aggro of every creature in the room, besides the Butcher who looks content to simply chop away at meat of suspicious origins.
They make their way to the Butcher who finally notices their presence and charges them in a blind rage, it's large machete and carving knife seeking their flesh and it flails about at them.
Solaire performs a perfect parry that knocks it off balance before stabbing his sword in it's chest, it isn't dead yet it seems and so Reima decapitates it from it's weakened position.
Reima loots the area while not forgetting to take the large ember that can be used to further upgrade his weapons before he pulls Solaire along to his next goal.
??? "You, yes You! Please help me!"
Solaire "... Are barrels the modern way of imprisonment?" He says as they both look at the man wearing rags stuck in a barrel, same position as Griggs was in.
Reima "Its weird isn't it..."
??? "Weird or not you have to free me! I have no wish to be eaten alive!"
Reima sighs "Fine."
He kicks the barrel over causing it to shatter as the ragged man is sprawled across the floor, he looks up at them before standing and bowing deeply.
Laurentius "I am Laurentius, thank you for freeing me..."
Reima "I'm Reima."
Solaire "Solaire of Astora at your service!" He dips his head in greeting.
Reima "If you need somewhere safe to rest, might I suggest FireLink shrine? The company will be pleasant I assure you."
Laurentius "Well, I'm not about to doubt the words of my saviour. If you have any wish to learn Pyromancy please come see me again... I wish to reward you with something other than flowery words... Here, take this." He holds a small flame towards Reima before looking to Solaire who shakes his head.
Reima takes it in his hand, it's warm but not the burning he'd expect from fire. He closes his left hand which causes the flame to hibernate? inside his flesh?
Laurentius "Take good care of it, it is apart of myself afterall." He bows towards them before leaving the hall out of the door they had previously opened.
Solaire "Peculiar fellows we seem to stumble across..." he says as they walk towards the sewer entrance.
Reima "Yes, but I intend to make use of their services to learn more about Sorcery and Pyromancy... Why don't you take the opportunity as well?"
Solaire "Alass it would take a miracle for me to learn Sorcery, I've tried it before... And Pyromancy is somewhat taboo where I come from."
Reima "So you only focus on Miracles then?"
Solaire "They've served me well for decades? Centuries? I've not a clue but they have never failed me nonetheless."
Reima "It's a shame I don't have the required faith in the gods to achieve such mastery."
Solaire "Don't despair my friend, I'll cast any miracle you may need! Hahahaha!"
Reima grumbles, "Thanks" as they stop in-front of rather deep looking water.
On their left is a glowing orb which catches Solaire's attention, "Aha! Extra supply for our journey ahead!" He says loudly as he steps over to it.
Reima "Wait, Solaire don-" his words stop as some kind of slime drops onto Solaire who starts thrashing his weapons about trying to kill it, Reima uses Igni on it which for some reason is large than he'd thought, it blasts out covered Solaire and the slime causing it to sizzle away. Solaire stands there with his armour looking slightly melted from acid and scorched from fire...
Solaire "What a disgusting beast!" He almost shouts because kneeling on the ground and casting what looks like grand heal.
After the incident with the slime that will not soon be forgotten the two cautiously makes their way through while keeping their eyes glued on the ceilings. They enter the next hall and shudder as 10 more slimes are attached to the ceiling.
Solaire "I regret coming down here... The stench is one thing but these enemies are abominations that should've been wiped out by Lord Gwyn!"
Reima "I agree wholeheartedly" He knows how Solaire feels, his first DarkSouls play-through had him die around 20 times to these Slime's specifically...
Solaire and Reima spend longer than they should blasting the Slime's from the ceiling with a combination of lightning and fire.
They reach a wooden door that is locked and requires the master key to gain entry...
"Nah, fuck that." Reima says before he kicks the door with a Haki infused foot. The door explodes revealing the bonfire in the next room.
The two Undead light it before having a short rest.