And so another three days of waiting begins, rather than play Gwent for three days straight Eingyi and Quelaag have started increasing Reima's Pyromancy training. After learning on his talent for it they tried to teach everything they knew, Eingyi even presented him with the Great Chaos fireball spell... While he wasn't able to use it so soon it was still a kind gesture that Reima appreciated.
After one day of learning under them they started to hear guttural agonising screams from deeper into the ruins, Solaire asks who's making such a sound and Quelaag only replies with "Our brother." She looks solemn as the scream continue throughout the day.
Solaire "Should we not assist him? He sounds like he's in great pain..." Quelaag shakes her head at him.
Quelaag "He's too far gone, My sister and I managed to escape most of the effects of chaos... Our brother was not so lucky, he was transformed into a gigantic beast that constantly spews lava from his person... At first he was conscious, able to think, barely talk and understand what we said to him... Then due to the massive amount of pain he was in, he lost himself, went mad."
Solaire "Still, are you sure?" he seems troubled by the beings screams of agony.
Quelaag "We tried to help, we gave him a ring that temporarily stopped his flesh from burning..." She chuckles as if thinking about a fond, but sad memory "The klutz dropped it into the lava below him."
The atmosphere after the story is only broken due to the screams.
Reima "Quelaag, I regret that I have to tell you this but, for us to continue our journey we will need to slay your brother..." Eingyi looks at them in horror.
Quelaag "I understand... Rather, I wished I had the strength to end his suffering personally... But I'm neither physically nor mentally strong enough for it."
After a couple hours the screams fade as Quelaag's brother seems to move away from their location.
Reima continues training his Pyromancy as they wait, he even spars with Solaire near the bell to keep them on their toes... His fights with Solaire were, lacklustre to put it briefly... While Solaire is a powerful warrior, without using his miracles his swordsman ship is very basic, without utilising his superior speed and strength Reima handily defeats him in a sword fight. He doesn't seem that put off by it, except the fact that Reima is only 12 yearsold, but even with that he doesn't seem to mind.
The interesting part begins when Quelaag decided to spar with him herself, she seemed to think she would absolutely thrash him... While battling against her is rather difficult due to having to block sword strikes and spider bites simultaneously it wasn't that difficult.
With Solaire acting as the referee Reima and Quelaag stand opposite each other.
Quelaag "Are you ready to handed your hide?" she grins at him while wielding her fury blade.
Reima "I could ask you the same question... Wanna make a bet?" He sends an equally smug grin back at her.
Quelaag nods "What are the stakes..."
Reima materialises Arcell, "My sword for something of equal value... Did I mention it's indestructible?"
She eyes the sword with greed before replying "A custom spell I spent decades working on."
Reima "Deal! The rules, only swordsmanship, no spells."
Quelaag "Agreed. Sir Solaire, would you give us a signal."
Solaire nods and after the two combatants set up he shouts, "Start!"
Quelaag bursts into action and charges at Reima while readying her sword... He sees her large spider body sprinting towards him and almost shits his pants, that's scary as hell! He manages to remain calm as he parries her first sword strike and dodges the attempted bite of her spider half. She's fast, her sword swings don't carry any noticeable form but are very quick, she's also inhumanly strong, but isn't quite strong enough to outright beat Reima.
He kicks the spider in the eye and parries another few strikes from Quelaag, he eventually uses a Windfall dodge to slow her down, she tries to recover from the strike but Reima attempts to jump on her spider body to finish the duel. She makes her spider half rear up like a horse which successfully stops his attack and starts using her long legs to stab at him.
With the intesity of the battle reaching it's peak, Reima finds himself dodging a ridiculous number of strikes, slashes and stabs from Quelaag. Again, no technique that can be seen but with the flurry of attacks, any normal person would already be mincemeat. After dodging with Windfall three times in a row which causes Quelaag's whole body to seize slightly he finally hops onto her spider body and presses his blade against her neck.
Reima "I win!" Her face looks ugly as she replies.
Quelaag "No! You cheated... You definitely used magic to slow me!" Her pride won't let her admit defeat....
Reima "It's actually a martial technique I learned a while ago." He doesn't mention is uses a sort of magic not known to Lordran...
Quelaag "B-but!"
Solaire "Milady, Sir Ludvig was victorious... Rather, I find it amusing you complain about unique abilities while using 8 legs to stab at him..." She huffs when she hears him and tosses a scroll towards Reima.
The scroll reads, Chaos blade... It's similar to fire enhancement spells you can find in Darksouls 2 and 3, funny how Quelaag had already created such a technique.
Reima "It was a good fight Quelaag, you had me on the ropes at the end there." He tries to cheer her up but she scuttles back to the cave to complain to her sister... Cute!