Long, Looong, Maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn.

After bidding farewell to Solaire and watching his figure disappear into the depths of Anor Londo, Reima flares his Elder Blood magic and teleports to Firelink shrine.

Griggs of Vinheim had been waiting for his strange eye'd rescuer to save his master, it'd been a couple weeks he thinks? It's kind of hard to tell due to the time of day almost never changing. He spends his time going over the lessons his master had taught him, all the years he'd toiled under him to gain some sort of recognition... Then, simply thrown away when the going gets tough.

Ofcourse he doesn't blame his master, it's his own weakness that allow this to happen. Big Hat Logan's thirst for knowledge was legendary throughout the lands, and even when he became undead he thought it a chance to discover the secrets of the mad dragon Seath. Grigg's kept reminiscing and admiring his master until he spots a familiar figure coming down the steps that lead into the Undead Burg... Their huge hat that definitely isn't practical causes his eyes to widen.

Griggs "Master! You've returned!" He finds himself on the verge of tears as he hears his voice.

Logan sighs at his students enthusiasm, "Indeed, I'm back.... Would you mind not rubbing your snot into my robes?" He shoo's his apprentice away with his foot when he tries to hug him.

Grigg's not being deterred continues to sniffle into his masters robes, "Thank you for returning master!"

A vein appears on Logan's head and he's about to burst until a flash of Turquoise light reveals his Savior, come to think of it, he'd never asked for his name. He looks closer and see's Reima's right arm covered in scraps of armour and charred black.

Griggs "Sir Ludvig! I thank thee for your help." He stops harassing Logan and deeply bows towards Reima.

Reima who'd just arrived at Firelink shrine immediately spotted the rather... Intimate mentor and student. Grigg's thanks him and he scratches the back of his head in response, he had promised so of course he'd help... Plus, it wasn't just for Grigg's sake. "Ah, how are you two doing?" He looks to Logan, "The journey wasn't too hard was it?"

The old man replies, "Just some hollows, nothing too difficult to deal with... Oh, yes! You'd said you wanted to learn some Sorcery previously... Have you come to learn?"

Reima is about to give an affirmative nod but is interrupted by almost thunderous snoring...


He looks around and only see's laurentius fiddling with a small flame between his fingers near a tree and the CrestFallen warrior with his hands over his ears in his usual spot.

Reima asks Logan and Grigg's to wait a moment while he tries to stop this annoying snoring, the duo go back and start bickering with each other again.

He walks over to Laurentius, "Yo, Laurentius, you got any Pyromancies that work on giant snakes?" He looks up an finally notices Reima's presence before gaping at him.

Laurentius "My word! Your flame... It's... Amazing! It feels almost primal, please, could you tell me where you acquired such a thing?"

Reima sighs as he knew this was coming... Somehow Laurentius can sense his Ascended flame? He remembers that in the game if you tell him where to go, he'll get lost and go hollow... As he'd previously helped him out He'd rather that outcome not happen.

Reima "I can't tell you where it is because it's too dangerous for you."

Laurentius stands up angrily, "What! Even after I shared my flame with you, you deny me this?"

Reima waves his hands in a apologetic gesture, "No, no. I don't mean it like that, I meant to say when I visit them again I'll bring you along." He seems mollified at this but still grumbles to himself as he sits down.

Laurentius ".... Oh, your question? Well, fire works with just about everything... Launch a fireball at it and it'll stop it sleeping for sure." He grins at Reima.

Reima shrugs and leaves to deal with this god-damn snoring, he walks up the shrine and walks into the ankle high water... The ripples spread and the floor starts to rumble at the snores stop. The floor erupts scattering the water in all direction before draining down the newly created hole.

A very long neck sticks from the ground and is topped with one of the most ugly faces he's ever seen... It's pale wrinkly skin, large mouth with human-like teeth protruding from it's mouth along with dark orange eyes make Reima shudder.

He slowly regains his confidence and squares up to the Primordial serpent, "Yo baldy! Shut the fuck up, I don't care if you're sleeping. Go deeper into that hole you came from!" His shouts echoe throughout the shrine as the Serpent's eyes widen at the sudden abuse he's being subjected to.

He shakes his head thinking the chosen undead must have misunderstood him, "Greetings, I am the Primordial serpent KingSeeker Frampt. You've rang both bel-"

Reima "Yeah no help from you, you giant penis who's head looks even uglier!" While not necessary Reima always hated this stupid snake-thing, he remembers when he'd accidentally given his Chloranthy Ring to it... It ate it, basically ruining his characters build.

Frampt "My apologise if I have offended you in some way... As the Undead who's successful rang both bells of awakening you must be the chosen. I wish to elucidate your fate... Do you seek such enlightenment?"

Reima "Nope" He says briefly before turning around and starting to walk away.... He stops for a moment giving Frampt hope he'd change his mind. "Oh by the way, if you start snoring again I'll find where you neck ends and your ass begins." He makes a fisting action that causes a shiver to run up Frampts never ending spine.