The duo travel back to the hall and start descending the stairs towards the giant knights, Reima had recovered his Slumbering Dragoncrest ring back from Priscilla and was circling round the Giants to get a sneak attack on one, he waits at the top of a platform one level away from the bottom and starts conjuring a Crystal Soul spear. He fires it at the nearest Giant knight who immediately raises it's shield to block it, it slides a meter back due to the impact but doesn't seem any worse for wear... It looks up to where he'd fired the projectile and starts stomping up the stairs towards him, Priscilla is on a higher level so if he can lure it towards himself a little more she'd be able to attack it's flank.
It stomps up the stairs and spots Reima standing there with Arcell already in-hand. It thrusts it's halberd forward at him, taking a large step to increase it's attacks power. Reima simply uses Windfall to dodge it, he uses Armament Haki and grabs the shaft before pulling the giant towards him, due to the large step it had previously taken it's knocked slightly off balance by the sudden force directing it forwards, it tries to remove Reima by slamming it's large shield into him but feels a sharp pain in it's side. Turning it's head it sees a large gash in it's armour that is slowly weeping blood from the wound, it spots the offending weapon attacking again, it stabs into the previous wound and seems to puncture a lung. It's completely forgotten about Reima due to the onslaught happening at it's rear, a big mistake for sure. Reima blinks above it and kicks it in the face with a Haki infused foot, it's knocked completely off balance and falls off the platform below them creating a large sound from the impact.
Reima receives a large amount of souls meaning that it'd died from the fall, he laughs and holds up his hand to high five Priscilla... She looks at him confused and starts holding his hand in hers.
Reima "No... While this is lovely I was trying for something else... Here, hold your hand face up. Yes like that." He slaps her hand with his creating a crisp clapping sound, she seems surprised at this but giggles anyway. "These customs are peculiar, dost I have to learneth all of them?"
Reima shakes his head, "No, but it's more fun this way. Wouldn't you agree?" He holds his hand out again and receives a gentle slap across it. She nods and turns her attention to the remaining giant knight.
Reima sees her look and starts heading to the ground floor, the giant is immediately attracted by his presence and starts stomping towards him... He sees the Fog-gate behind it up some stairs, he thinks he sees two familiar figures sitting outside of it but focuses back on the upcoming battle. He conjures some Homing Crystal Soul mass due to his Soul spear not working previously, Priscilla spins and turns invisible before heading around it to attack it's unprotected flank. The knight doesn't notice that an intruder had just disappeared and keeps it's glare directed on Reima. It briskly walks up to Reima and sweeps it's Halberd across in a linear fashion, while these guys wear the same armour as the previous Giant knights, they seem to be much tougher and more experienced... Perhaps this is because we are so close to Gwenevere, or her illusion if you want to be accurate. Reima ducks under it's swipe while utilising Windfall slowing it briefly and allowing him a free strike, he approaches and tries for his trademark knee stab but is intercepted by it's shield in a quick and skilled shift of it's weight. It's almost scary how quickly it had moved while under the effect of Windfall, perhaps the mass of the target lessens the effect of the after-shadow slow? Either way, it didn't work and Reima is in melee range to a giant armoured warrior. After it fends off Reima's stab it shifts it's shield forward to crash him, he dodges the bash and the followup stab while releasing two of the five Crystal Soul mass at it's unprotected arm wielding the shield. He can see it's arm tremble when it's hit by the soul mass but it remains it's tight grip on it's shield. The giant suddenly stumbles forwards, assuming it was Priscilla Reima takes the change to jam Arcell into it's knee joint. He would continue but the lightning bolt brutally striking the giants back confuses him for a moment, allowing his gaze to drift to the side he sees an onion? and a warrior bathed in sunlight by the nearby window. The warrior throws another lightning bolt which successfully ends the Giant knights suffering, it falls to the floor causing a small tremble but this isn't noticed by Reima or Priscilla. They gaze at their guests for a moment before realising who they are... Siegmeyere and... Solaire?
Priscilla had already dropped her Scythe to the floor and frown herself at the Sunlight warrior while shouting "BROTHER!"