The two start making their way across the long bridge that leads directly into the molten heart of Izalith, the heat increases the closer they get and all the land around and below them is completely covered in lava... Huge mutated creatures that seem to be composed of only the lower bodies of dragons or something similar are dotted around in huge groups. A few ruins manage to poke through the top of the ocean of lava, the roof is compeltely covered and seems to be formed into a massive kiln, allowing oxygen in and smoke out? Reima idly wonders whether fuel is actually required for the bed of chaos due to the many creatures created from nothing proving quite the contrary. Still ever present are the roots of the great hollow tree that seem completely immune to the molten rock attempting to burn it's way through.
The two see a half destroyed titanite demon and kite it while throwing lighting bolts and sorceries at it, it quickly dies leaving behind a good amount of demon titanite.
"You reckon the bank survived the creation of the chaos flame?" Reima remarks as they walk towards the only intact part of the city.
Solaire scoffs "Under all this lava and rubble? Not likely my friend... Besides, I won't let you go on another heist without me." he chuckles at the dull look of Reima. "Think I wouldn't notice my siblings dresses?... While I don't know how I feel about Priscilla wearing them they are rather suitable for her."
Reima nods, "Once this is all over I'd love to take you guys to see the many different places of my homeland, nice food, drink, clothing and everything else you can imagine." a smile spreads across both their faces as they imagine it.
Solaire "Even if we die a thousand times, we'll make it happen my friend." He says as they reach the end of the bridge.
The city is partially melted due to it's close proximity to the chaos bed, roots of the great hollow seemed to have started to overtake the city, the fat snakelike statue creatures slowly turn towards the duo as they approach. Flames flicker in their mouths as the group launch a large combined wave of fire towards them, Reima and Solaire duck behind a nearby root to avoid being burned before realising an entire city of those creatures is congregating towards them. In the distant walls and roofs they can see the familiar fat figures moving towards them.
Reima "I feel like I'm in a zombie movie..." he says before flicker a few Soul arrows at them to try and reduce their numbers.
Solaire peeks his head out and almost gets fried as a blast of fire almost hits him, the slightly charred helmet turns towards him as he tries to think of a plan... These things aren't hard to deal with in small numbers but when a group of them start spewing endless amounts of fire then they'll be burned alive eventually.
Solaire "What do you suggest we do?"
Reima shrugs, "Try reduce their numbers before we're overwhelmed..." Solaire nods and leaps out of cover as the creatures recover from shooting fire, as he's going on a rampage against that group Reima is still pumping out Sorceries at a rapid pace. Soul arrows are enough to one shot each of them but more keep arriving making the situation more dire as time goes on... Hopefully those half dragon things outside of Izalith won't try and join the party.
Reima blinks towards a group and starts swinging Arcell and his steel sword at a rapid pace to kill those that are charging up their attacks, his Flame stoneplate ring is doing a good job at reducing the fire damage he's taking as he gets burned and singed from the close proximity to the many blisteringly hot flames he's barely dodging. This carries on for an hour, Reima having to constantly sip his Estus just to stop dying from a thousand paper cuts.
Eventually he stands amongst many piles of stones that resemble snakes breathing heavily, if he had to guess their numbers he'd say around one to two thousand... Maybe he's overestimating the number but the difficulty of the task wasn't any lesser, his body still pumping with adrenaline he decides to go look for Solaire to see if he'd survived the battle.
Walking to the area they'd both been in he sees Solaire sitting atop the bottom half of a destroyed snake statue, his entire armour seems to be glowing red hot, his shield even more so. He see's the red hot metal sagging slightly as if it's just started to melt under the overwhelming heat, it's down resting on the floor probably so it's shape won't be too altered to be usable.
Reima "Holy shit, Solaire how are you not burning!?" he says to his companion.
Solaire doesn't turn towards him but hoarsely replies "If I.. Don't move.. my unburned... skin... won't touch the armour..." Reima hurriedly pulled Solaire helmet off, accidentally bringing some melted flesh with it, still attached to the armour. "ARRRGHHH!" he shouts in terrible pain as his body shudders and convulses as he accidentally pushes the unburned parts of his body into the seriously hot metal.
Reima "Shit, calm down." he tries to reassure Solaire as he drops what little of his Estus flask is left into his horribly disfigured mouth. Figuring that it can't get much worse than this Reima pulls out a few flasks a water from his folded space and starts pouring them on the injured Solaire. The water sizzles and steams as it evaporates on contact with the metal but seems to slowly be cooling it down.
Solaire releases a long sigh as he feels the heat receding.