Ciaran ignores his inquiring baiting, "Stop, we're in a hurry if you've forgotten? We must find Sif."
Reima reluctantly stops his questions and nods as they start heading deeper into the cavern, killing a few more mutated undead as they go. They keep walking until Reima feels his medallion start shuddering, Ciaran looks questioningly at him as he stops in place, he gestures to her to hold still as he looks around for anything that may be magical or hidden nearby... He only sees a dead end nearby and starts walking into it while preparing to give the wall a good kick, he gets closer when the floor suddenly gives way, revealing itself to be an illusion. Ciaran panics and jumps in after him only to land on top of him in a heap...
Reima "I appreciate the concern but I can fall without your assistance thank you."
She gives a dull look at him through her helmet and gets up without any fuss, they hear something hissing nearby and they spot some kind of... Cat? Thing watching them, it doesn't do anything and just disappears revealing a path behind it.
Reima "Look like we're on the right track."
Ciaran shakes her head, "Just admit you made a mistake and fell pathetically." Reima doesn't reply to her completely uncalled for insult and quickly makes his way through the pathway that the cat was previously sitting in.
They keep walking and come face to face with a massive humanity sprite, it's about 9ft and towers over the duo while just silently hovering slightly above the floor... Reima give it an experimental push but immediately retracts his hand due to the excruciating pain that had run down it, he takes his glove off and finds his hand looking as if he'd just died and gone hollow... Had the sprite just absorbed his humanity? He keeps looking at his hand and it eventually goes back to his normal pale complexion.
Ciaran "You see an obviously dangerous enemy and immediately stick your hand in it like a dumb dog or curious child? Perhaps you and Sif have a lot in common." she chides behind him.
Reima "If your gonna keep bitching go somewhere else, you wanna know what it feels like to be thrown into one of these things?" he says while pointing at the sprite. That seems to make her stay quiet as he uses Arcell to slash at the Sprite a couple times, eventually killing it somehow.
They spot the cat again and it disappears without leaving them any clue of where to go next... That is until Reima's medallion starts shaking again, he looks at the wall the cat was sitting next to and pushes against it or through it would be a more accurate description of what he did... He almost falls into a Humanity Sprite patiently waiting behind the illusionary wall, a few angry slashes renders it dead and Reima tries not to acknowledge the amused grin of his companion. They follow the new pathway and see a white wolf being protected by a golden glow against a large group of humanity sprites trying to touch him. Ciaran loses her grin and immediately launches at the nearby sprite, spinning while leaving gold and silver traces in the air as she decimates them, Reima isn't idle as he dutifully slices at them with Arcell and his Silver sword... The Sprites don't put up much of a battle and are easily dispatched which allows Ciaran to run to Sif, she sheaths her two blades and pigs the wolf up in a tight hug which causes it to give a tired whimper.
Ciaran "You're ok Sif, we're here now. Your safe." She whispers sweet words to the wolf as it turns it's yellow eyes to Reima...
Reima walks closer and pats it's head, "Sorry buddy... You're master has fallen." he retrieves the blackened soul of Artorias that has the same consistency as the Abyssal goop surrounding them. Sif is let go by Ciaran and approaches Reima whom had dropped to his knee to present the soul, the wolf gives a sorrowful howl to the sky as the soul is absorbed into him. Reima is worried about Sif and what the heavily corrupted soul would do to him but it doesn't seem to have any immediate effects. As far as Reima can tell, humanity if taken in small enough doses will enhance the body... If his theory is correct that'd explain why Sif grows so large in the future. He gives the pup another head pat before standing up and looking at Ciaran who'd picked up the black Great Shield that was impaled into the ground next to Sif.
Reima "You guys should probably get outta here, I still have to kill the big bastard responsible for all this." he gestures to the surroundings.
Ciaran "Are you sure you don't need help?" she asks, concern becoming audible in her voice.
He thinks for a moment but can't think of anything they'd be able to help with... They would likely instantly be killed by Manus if his memories of the boss fight are accurate, it'd be better if they made their way back to the surface as he deals with it alone.
Shaking his head Reima firmly states that he'll be fine alone, Ciaran seems hesitant to leave but takes Sif back towards the entrance after some heavy reassurance that he'll be fine.
Once more completely alone, Reima continues to walk through the pitch black cavern, the only thing visible are the Humanity sprites and the ground immediately in-front of him... He does find a couple interesting things while exploring though, on a corpse he finds a scroll containing a Pyromancy technique called Black Flame... Again it's written in the dark slime as the other sorceries were, that wasn't all he found though he found a Sorcery containing a spell called Pursuers. He doesn't remember this specific spell from the game and so doesn't have a reference as to what it does without sitting down for an hour or two to decipher the formulae.