After jumping in the group feel like they have made a huge mistake, not scouting what lays below the hole had led them into jumping into a huge group of angry skeletons. The rooms around them in a lot darker then the previous cave and makes it feel similar to the half formed abyss he had fought Manus in. Solaire and Reima start trying to keep the skeletons away from Rhea as she tries to cast Debuff's on the group, most don't seem to work but one causes the skeletons to become slower, their movement, swing speed and reaction time are all dulled, making the battle significantly easier for the Sun-Bro's. That is, until Nito notices their presence... A almost 20ft mass of many individual skeletons morphed into one relatively humanoid body with a large black, smoke-like cloak writhing around his form, Reima hesitates as he sees the being in front of him. He feels... Fear? He hadn't been this scared for quite some time, last he had felt this was early on in his training when he was face to face with a Water-Hag, luckily Geralt intervened but it had still frightened him... Afterwards he had worked on desensitising himself to most things, but the fear he was feeling towards Nito felt almost primal.
Solaire "Don't despair my friend, fight with Jolly cooperation!" he roars as he cleaves through another four skeletons. Reima nods and starts casting Sorceries at Nito, his Crystal Soul spear shoots towards Nito but is easily stopped by the writhing cloak enveloping him... Confused at his Sorceries apparent uselessness against this foe he throws a Great Chaos fireball that is also smothered like a weak candle flame by the cloak.
Nito points bony fingers towards the floor and Reima realises what this is, "GUYS, DODGE!" he shouts, Solaire and Rhea don't doubt his words and immediately throw themselves to the side, barely dodging the huge swords piercing from the ground. Nito seeing this clenches his fist and waves it in-front of him causing a black wave to shoot out and hit the group, launching them away as well as heavily damaging his own army.
Rhea and Solaire seem to be relatively ok due to only receiving the outskirts of the attack, Reima however is barely able to avoid injury by covering himself in Armament Haki and rolling off the momentum. He senses something behind him and dodges uses Windfall before performing a 360 tornado kick which knocks the skull off of the giant skeleton behind him. He tries to go back to combat Nito but more giant skeletons try to attack him, as he's fighting these enemies Solaire goes to confront Nito who's attention is drawn to Rhea.
He bashes his Sunlight Straight sword on his Sanctus shield, "I will face you in Honourable combat! As my friend says, You're boned good sir!" Nito turns his gaze on Solaire, whether or not the horrible pun had caused this only Nito would know. The GraveLord raises his large curved sword and slams it down on Solaire he barely side steps it, ignoring the shards of stone that cause many cuts on his face. He steps forward and delivers a powerful step to Nito's skeletal form, he's so close that the cloak of darkness can't stop the attack like all the others and it roars in anger as the divine sword is jammed into one of the many skulls that litters his body. Unforuntaely for Solaire his sword is gripped by the many undead comprising Nito's form preventing his escape as the Lord of death hovers closer to him and envelops him in the cloak. He can feel his skin start to rot as his life-force is drained out of him and he realises he has to use his trump card... Ignoring the pain he places his hand on his chest which starts glowing a pale gold colour, it gets brighter and brighter until he's finally ready to cast the spell.
Solaire "FACE THE WRATH OF GODS!" he shouts as his body slowly rots from the inside, the spell expands like an explosion, Nito who's body was covering Solaire takes the entire impact from the holy wave. The effect is immediate at the cloak of darkness seems to instantly disappear leaving Nito naked and vulnerable, Solaire having most of his body covered in green and black skin drops to his knees as he feels his internal organs shut down, the rot rapidly spreading through his blood stream.
Rhea who had been running away from the army of skeletons and occasionally casting the Force miracle runs to his side as Nito backs away while clutching his bony face. She tries quickly casting a few healing spells but it doesn't have any noticeable effects, she sighs in defeat as Solaire, once again dies in battle and fades away.
Reima had noticed the large shock-wave and the resulting damage on Nito, this is the chance they needed, while unfortunate that Solaire had died casting the spell it isn't as if this hasn't happened before? His clumsy heroism has already saved Reima many times. Ignoring the few remaining Giant skeletons he blinks over to Nito who's still clutching his face and making strange echoing sounds. He stabs his Silver sword into Nito's chest, the weapons yet again being gripped tightly by the numerous skeletons comprising his form. Reima ignores this and leave it inside Nito, letting the divine enchantment deal it's damage while he retrieves Grant, leeroy's Great Hammer from his Folded Space. Even holding it briefly he can feel it trying to absorb his mana, he doesn't resist and gets ready to slam the weapon on Nito's head. Channelling Armament Haki into his legs and arms, he leaps up and slams Grant onto the vulnerable GraveLord's head as the hammer finally absorbs enough mana. It lights up and causes it's own shock-wave, similar to the one Solaire had cast, only weaker. This combined with the impact from the Divine hammer completely crushes Nito's skull, continuing downwards and crushing the Lord's neck, clavicle and chest until it finally stops.
Rhea stops running after noticing all the nearby undead dropping dead and the darkness covering the room slowly receding. She drops onto her knees panting heavily due to her having to run away constantly from the army of skeletons.