Dragon Assassin?

Despite the sun no longer being present in Anor Londo Reima can still see perfectly fine, his low light vision makes the rays of the moon seem like midday. After helping Priscilla to her feet he walks over to the door leading to the moving platform, peaking his head out he spots around 20 people guarding the mechanism to move it up and down, this is a problem as if they spot Reima and his group they'll raise the platform out of their reach... This isn't likely to stop their advance as Reima can still teleport but it'll likely alert all the surrounding guards to their presence.

Solaire walks up behind him and asks, "Is it clear?"

Reima shakes his head, "No, they'll raise the platform as soon as they see us... From there it's just defending the staircase leading to the lever from us, a very difficult position to breach especially with our heavy Flame Guard... Being behind them as they're knocked down the stairs would probably crush everyone in their path."

Solaire "So what do you suggest? Can you not just use your teleportation abilities and prevent them from raising it?"

Reima shakes his head yet again, "It might work but I don't think I could keep them off the switch for long, maybe I could cover it in lava? But I doubt that will stop them as they'll most likely have high fire resistance... Huh, I have an idea, go grab Priscilla." Solaire nods and brings her to him, an excited and expectant look is plastered on her face.

Reima pulls out a small hand mirror and barely allows it to reveal whats around the corner, "See that? There is one man leaning on the lever, ready to pull it... He needs to die first and then we can progress."

Priscilla nods, "Now?", Reima signals Eingyi to ready up the Chaos Servants. "Take out the one on the lever then get out quickly... We'll cover the entire area in Toxic Mist and deal with anyone trying to escape. We'll be waiting on you so take your time and be careful." he says as he walks over to Eingyi to explain the plan. Solaire pats his Niece on the head and ruffles her hair, "You got what you wanted, prove to us we don't need to worry for your safety.". The Half-Dragon in question just closes her eyes and enjoys the contact while giving an affirmative "Enn".

Soon Priscilla vanishes into white particles as everyone waits for her to reach the target, the Flame Guard are ready to block the door leading to the great hall while the Pyromancers are mentally preparing to cast Toxic Mist on the stairs and then the rest of the platform.



They continue to wait until a choked cough followed by a small splat is heard, knowing this to be the signal the Pyromancers step into the doorway and immediately start casting Toxic Mist on the stairs to stop anyone running down to Gwyndolin's hidden chambers, after sealing that exit they start to completely cover the platform with the highly toxic cloud of Dark Purple smoke. It'd cause chaos enough if it only impaired their vision however that isn't it's only function, any soft flesh that isn't protected such as, say the eyes, immediately start being eaten away by the highly corrosive mist. Only eight Dark Moon Knights manage to escape to the only exit, which just so happens to be the Great Hall where the Flame Guard are now stationed. A few of the uninjured ones sprint towards the blockade in a vain attempt to breach it, unfortunately for them the Flame Guard had already cast Iron Flesh and were comparable to a stone wall. The panicking guards slam shoulder first into the tower shields of the Flame Guard, however this only shatters every bone in their arms and shoulder. They fall to the ground screaming in pain while shouting for their slower companions to help... This doesn't last long as the Flame Guard reveal their fiery palms which shoot fierce streams of fire onto their downed opponents, the screams become louder for a moment before finally ceasing.

Only four Dark Moon knight remain and so the Flame Guards open their blockade for Reima and Solaire to step through, the formers boot crunching on the charred remains of those foolish enough to challenge the Iron Flesh infused Flame Guard in a contest of strength and endurance. Priscilla becomes visible beside Solaire and flicks the the blade of her scythe to remove the blood still present, apparently some of these Dark Moon knights aren't even undead.

Priscilla "Did I do well brother?", Solaire nods and rubs her head before drawing his Sunlight Straight Sword and pointing it at the remaining guards. "You have been soundly defeated, allow yourselves to be executed or attempt to fight back and receive the same treatment as your allies." he says gesturing his sword at the charred corpses.

A guard who looks like a Cleric steps forward, the only thing visible through his hood is a large black beard, "Ha! Lord Gwyndolin promised us salvation, we do not fear death heretic!" he says but his words don't match the grave faces of those behind him.

Solaire raises a brow and looks the the other three, "Very well, if that is you're choice. Engarde!" he says as he prepares to strike them down. One of the guards behind the cleric seem to lose their nerve and immediately drop to their knees, "Please spare me, I know nothing of the salvation they promise! Plea-" He's cut off when the bearded cleric severs the arteries in his neck with a curved ceremonial knife. He whispers as he looks into the begging mans eyes, "You will be silent and die, for that is the will of Lord Gwyn.".