Slice of Life?

In a smaller chamber away from everyone else sits a large fiery spider with a beautiful woman attached atop it, Quelaag keeps her eyes closed as she tries to design another Pyromancy spell. She'd recently found herself alone with a large amount of time to do whatever she wants, with Quelina spending most of her time learning from her annoying sister Quelana her main source of contentment isn't available any longer. Her rivalry with Quelana doesn't only extend to their little sisters attention, with Quelana being an extremely accomplished Pyromancer with an extensive list of self-made spells Quelaag feels slightly inadequate when they're compared... Of course she could be excused as she had to spent most of her time previously acquiring humanity to keep Quelina alive from that dreadful sickness "BlightPuss", it was only through Reima's intervention that she was free to find her own hobby without constantly worrying about her little sister. And so she now sits here in a cramped chamber trying to design a unique spell to try catch up to Quelana, she condenses mana in her hand and ignites it with Chaos Flames before throwing it in an attempt to create something similar to the Soul Arrow sorcery, unfortunately the projectile just hits the wall like a weak Fireball.

Standing while grabbing her hair and groaning in irritation she decides to stop for now, all of her experiments have failed and her temper is only increasing, soon she'll likely explode and it'll be the unfortunate Chaos Servants who will suffer.

She's about to walk past another chamber entrance when a black lightning bolt outlined in white flies past her head and hits the nearby wall, looking at the result reveals a very deep gouge... Weren't lightning bolts supposed to be immaterial? Realising Solaire isn't currently here she turns and spots a sheepish looking Anastacia, hand still sparking from the residual energy. Rhea stands behind her looking on with eyes wide and mouth agape, "Ana! That was amazing, I've never seen a black lightning bolt before!"

Anastacia just continues to look at Quelaag, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't have much c-control over where it went..."

Quelaag's scowl softens, her long experience dealing with Quelina has made her susceptible to this sort of person. "It's fine, but if you wish to continue practising your... Miracles? Please do so outside in the Demon Ruins."

The duo nod and bow deeply before running outside, whether or not they're fearful or just excited she can't tell... Shrugging her shoulders she follows after them, maybe she just needs to get a new perspective before trying to "force" creating a spell.

She reaches the demon ruins, the dark red stone and dim lighting from the residual lava that still remains in the lake gives off a comfortable warmth that she appreciates for a moment, not many places left in Lordran that are this defensible and hospitable. She frowns as she spots Quelina handing a small flame under Quelana's instruction, the fire suddenly flashes black before returning to it's original colour but Quelaag notices it, rubbing her eyes she looks again but the flame remains the same... Weird? Ignoring that she looks around, seeing another smaller black lightning bolt fly into the distance as Rhea giggles and praises the shy Fire Keeper for her efforts.

Off to the side of them is the ten Chaos Servant Pyromancers, most practising their control over fire and attempting to learn new spells but some seem disgruntled at their inability to wield weapons as well as their comrades who are currently travelling back on foot. She grimaces as one overconfident man slips and accidentally carves a deep line into his leg via his sword, shaking her head in disappointment she finds her gaze drawn away by large Crystal shards exploding out of the ground. Looking at the person responsible she sees Reima sitting cross-legged, tome in hand in the middle of the devastation with a calm and satisfied look on his face.

After the Crystals seems to crack, lose their form and dissipate she approaches him, "Greetings Reima, I see you're improving in your spell casting."

He nods, "These tomes that belonged to Seath contain complicated but powerful Sorceries... Reading further into them they seem like the precursor to his attempt at immortality, the spells themselves only seem to be happy accidents."

Quelaag lays her large lower body next to the still seated Reima, "From what I'd heard that mad dragon was successful, how then did you manage to slay him?"

Reima shrugs, "He himself didn't achieve immortality, he'd only linked his being to something called the Primordial Crystal. Once I destroyed that he was rendered mortal again, either way it was a difficult fight."... "But that's enough about me, did you need something?"

She shakes her head, "I've been trying to create a Pyromancy spell similar to the sorcery Soul Arrow, but I've not even managed to form anything that doesn't resemble a Fireball. I think it may be impossible." she says depressingly.

Reima is silent for a moment, he'd had similar idea's before but never bothered to actually test it. "Can you show me what you've got currently?"

She nods, forms mana into her hand before setting it alight and throwing it at a nearby stone. It collapses in on itself as the mana comprising it quickly dissipates, a pretty useless spell if he does say so himself.

Quelaag nods her head sadly, "Laugh at my efforts for they amount to nothing."

Reima "I think you're starting off on the wrong foot, the density of mana isn't enough to remain it's form over a long distance, especially while fuelling fire. Here, I'll cast a spell and you do the same thing as before." He says as he conjures a Crystal Soul Arrow above his hand, Quelaag quickly envelops it in Chaos Flames before he shoots it off towards the wall a couple meters away. It pierces the wall and after a short wait explodes from inside the wall, boring a large hole with lava liberally dripping out.

Quelaag can't tear her eyes away due to how shocked she is, "H-how!"