The group holds a small celebration, excluding the Chaos Servants as Reima wishes to preserve the supply of whisky that had quickly been decreasing. They mostly just played Gwent and chewed on preserved meat while chatting about miscellaneous topics, while most of the people present were truly ancient they didn't really have anything interesting to add due to the sorry state of Lordran.
The next day Reima decides to to upgrade his stats before sparring with Solaire. He sits down at Quelina's bonfire and concentrates, his soul count is truly ridiculous as he'd killed many ghosts, knights and Gwyn. He maxes out Dexterity and ignores his rapidly changing body while thinking about the next attribute he'd upgrade... His first thought would be to upgrade Vitality or Resilience to improve his defences, he ends up deciding that he'll upgrade them after Attunement, the reason for this being his increased understanding of it. As strange as it is, the residence of Lordran don't actually regenerate Mana in the traditional way of passively absorbing ambient magic. Instead they have to consume plants, animals or other things that can, this is the mean reason that the game limits the spells you can cast not by Mana, but by number of castings. This all comes back to why he wants to upgrade Attunement, the stat increases the amount of Mana you can store. Of course humans store magic in their souls as their bodies are innately mundane, this isn't the case for Reima and so he doesn't really know what'll happen if he upgrades it. Either way, might'as well bite the bullet.
Absorbing the stored souls Reima uses the method already inscribed into his mind and allows it to modify his soul, he waits as it starts to finally affect his physical form but a pulse of power suddenly escapes his body, causing the surrounding ambient Mana to increase. Meditating and checking the changes in his body Reima feel the magic intertwined with his body courtesy of his Elder Blood beginning to increase... No, it's getting more dense. Due to the Elder Blood Reima's body is already more magically attune than even a True Dragon's is, when this is taken into consideration with the multiplicative effect of Soul Reinforcement it is truly a ridiculous phenomenon... As for how it feels to have your magic rapidly increase? Reima feels extremely bloated, despite not eating anything. He dares even consider channelling a Spell or Sign currently, it'd probably collapse the caves if he did.
An hour passes and Reima finally feels the changes stabilise, he walks to the Demon Ruins to try and form the smallest spell he can think of. Once there he casts a small Soul Arrow at a nearby wall, under the supervision of Solaire, Eingyi and Quelaag. The formulae he uses is rapidly filled with mana until it can't take anymore, even with the Formulae giving massive leeway to overcharging spells it still doesn't hold up and shatters... This doesn't mean the spell fizzles however as the raging magic has to go somewhere, instead a bright white beam similar to Seath's Soul Stream hits the wall, digging a massive hole that extends a few feet into the solid stone wall...
Reima face palms, "Ah, this is going to be a massive problem..."
Solaire shrugs, "Look fine to me..." Quelaag slaps him on the back of his head, "Of course it doesn't to the magically illiterate, that was supposed to be the smallest Sorcery possible to cast, and it turned into a beam of death... Imagine what would happen if he cast something more powerful!"
Solaire and Eingyi both go pale, an irritaed Reima sits on the floor and starts meditating to try fix his massive magical output, he'll be nothing but a dude who can shoot lasers at this rate... While this might seem great a first you have to realise that the spell he'd just cast cost around 200 Soul Arrows worth of Mana, the efficiency is obviously terrible! Even if he has massive reserves it's still a big problem.
Solaire "So... Does this mean that we can't spar?"
Quelaag confirms, "You can spar but anything that uses magic is strictly forbidden, I'd rather not have everything collapse atop us."
Solaire perks up and drags Reima out of his meditation and to the designated sparring area. Reima tries to protest as his matter is most definitely urgent but his Sun Bro is having none of it...
The two yet again stand opposite each other, Solaire stands in a basic aggressive stance while Reima drops low in a more agile, reactionary stance. With his maxed out Dexterity he'd now easily trounce Risryn's speed and agility, his slit eyes dilate as Solaire's muscles twitch in preparation to make the first move. The God of Sunlight explodes from his position and attempts to stab Reima, his speed almost matches his Father's. Reima is already moving however, his new flexibility and reaction time clearly displayed as he deflects Solaire's extremely heavy blows, not allowing the impact to effect him directly. Once more deflecting a downward chop he dodges the swift punch thrown by Solaire before grabbing his wrist tightly, he then performs a move not seen before in this world due to it's rather primitive martial arts. He drags Solaire backwards while flicking his left foot against his opponents to get him airborne and the momentum going, Solaire tries to resist but he doesn't know any way to prevent the throw without utilising magic. He gets thrown heavily to the floor on his neck, causing a few cracks in the stone floor beneath him....
Reima plants his weapon in the floor and helps Solaire up as his friend cracks his strained neck. "That as a strange technique, you have to teach me that!"
Reima can only nod at his friends enthusiasm, "I'll teach you later, for now I need to deal with my magic problem he says, beginning to regret upgrading his Attunement.