Talented Alchemist

Solaire was worried about his companion, a month or two ago he'd suddenly announced that no one was to disturb him until he himself allowed it. This had become a normal thing previously, it didn't however take this long to do before, it'd never lasted more than a month. The Chaos Servants continued to diligently deliver rats, undead and any other creature they could get there hands on to the chamber Reima had taken possession of. When he occasionally walked past the sealed entrance he could hear horrible screams of various creatures, Solaire himself knew Reima was slightly sadistic from watching his previous actions... He can only hope that this isn't he case here.

In the chamber across from Reima's Quelina can be seen scouring through a few hand written books that Reima had provided for her, in the corner of the room can be seen a makeshift cauldron bubbling away with some green herbs floating amidst the boiling water. She had progressed a lot in her studies and was slowly becoming proficient in the art of Chemistry and Alchemy, the books Reima had written for her only gave a basic outline for which to base her studies around. Due to most of the ingredients he'd listed for some regular concoctions not being available or even existing in this world she'd had to improvise and devise her own creations... This hadn't been an easy thing to do, due to most sentient being in Lordran not being able to absorb ambient Mana the task fell onto the plants, fungi and animals. This led to them being almost supercharged with magic when compared to regular less magical plants. Reima was also surprised when she'd created a stand alone potion, it was based off of the Golden Oriole potion that temporarily rendered the drinker immune to all poisons. She'd done this by wrapping a Purple Moss Clump, Blooming Purple Moss Clump and a Tree Lizard up into a bundle and boiling them for two days. This resulted in a similar potion that makes you immune to poison for around 30 minutes, while it doesn't last as long as Golden Oriole's 8 hour duration it also doesn't raise you users blood toxicity level, meaning you can use however many you want without repercussions. They had named it Purple Cure, denoting the use of the Purple Moss Clump in his production.

Reima had heavily praised her afterwards causing her to become even more determined to follow the path of an Alchemist. Though, she did shy away from the disappointed looks her sisters would send her when she refuses to train her Pyromancies with them.

With Rhea and Anastacia the two almost never separated, they seemed to either constantly pray or train their Miracles in preparation for Reima taking them to his world. With some guidence by the now Deified Solaire they rapidly progressed in their studies, while it usually takes a life time to be able to cast powerful Mircales Rhea and Anastacia are talented in this regard. While the former excelled in traditional Healing and support Miracles the latter began training in a her unique "Black Miracles", this is the result of them training Anastacia to utilise her power as a Fire Keeper, Reima had even said that her power comes from her massive reserves of Humanity that her powerful soul suppresses. With Solaire keeping a close eye on these new Miracles due to Reima's concern Anastacia quickly became proficient at using offensive Miracles, due to the influence of Humanity the spells all became black and more physically based. Even her lightning bolts would cause tremendous impacts when thrown.

Reima had even visited Logan and Griggs a couple times as well, what he found had surprised him greatly... It seems one of them had brought a Bottomless Box with them and had stored the entire library, Reima was fine with this, only being slightly saddened at the fact someone had gotten to the books first. He had lent a couple of Seath's tomes to them in exchange for access to the hundreds of thousands of books they'd robbed from the archives. He collected a great many books detailing human anatomy for his studies on Humanity, this ended up being incorrect as they had nothing to do with one another. In the end he put the books aside as a present for Quelina when she advances in her studies enough to move onto Mutagens.

Reima had locked himself away after coming up with the idea to absorb the Lord Soul's and the Dark Soul simultaneously, obviously he wouldn't do such a thing on a whim but the idea seemed plausible the more he thought about it. Thus he began experiments to find the viability of absorbing two drastically different Souls in an attempt to have their diametrically opposed traits combat each other. He did this by using the Transposing Kiln to shave slivers of each soul off and implanting them in various creatures and adding the others afterwards. This didn't effect the souls much as if an experiment fails he can just kill the creature and puzzle it back with it's larger piece. This didn't end up determining the viability though, after the first few experiments he found that he was indeed correct, it was possible, this however presented a different problem... How much do you absorb at a time? Do you Absorb all the Lord Souls and then the Dark Soul or vice versa? Do you do it in chunks? These experiments are the reason he'd been locked away for months, until now...