It's the day of the Quidditch world cup, Reima slowly gets to his feet from his previous meditation and heads into the kitchen to prepare some food for himself and Ciri. With the lack of electricity the stove burns wood, this would make it quite difficult to cook on pans and similar things, were he not in complete control of the flames. Spilling a small amount of olive oil into the pan he directs a good amount of fire underneath it in preparation for cooking.
Behind him Talicia and Nerissa walk in due to the sound of spitting flames and the clanking of utensils.
Reima "Just got up?"
Talicia smiles "We're vampires, we haven't gone to sleep yet." she says as she sits down at the table in the centre of the room.
Reima scratches his head, "Er, right. Done anything interesting last night?" he tries to make small talk.
Nerissa nods, "Mother is terrible at Monopoly..."
Talicia gives her a look but Reima can see it's a playful one.
He lays down some bacon and sausages in the pan and cooks them all evenly, afterwards throwing in four eggs. Once everything is almost cooked he glances at Nerissa and asks, "Could you grab Ciri? We'll have to leave pretty soon, and you know how she gets without breakfast..."
She skips away to go bother Ciri enough that she can't sleep any longer.
Talicia "So, you'll be going to this "Quidditch" cup?"
He nods, "We'll probably be there a day or two, depending on how everything goes, will you and Nerissa will be alright without us?" he asks as he seasons the eggs and stops the flames from heating the pot of beans any further.
Talicia waves her hand "We'll be fine, go and enjoy yourself with Ciri." she says in a suggestive tone.
He struggles from keeping his cheeks from flushing but somehow succeeds, his relationship with Ciri was a weird one, he was of course attracted to her, there was no doubt about that. But he'd been pretty apprehensive since being reincarnated to actually get into a relationship, most of his experiences with the other sex either ended on incredibly bad terms, never speaking again or they became so hostile that any interaction ended in shouting matches, to the chagrin of anyone nearby. His caution didn't stop him from forming close friendships and even romantic feelings, they just stopped him acting on them, he'd felt this the most when he was with Risryn, Quelaag, Priscilla and of course Ciri. He felt pretty shit about it in all honesty, as much as he would like to dream, he wasn't a harem protagonist... Relationships like that are only formed in duress, by force or compulsion, any of which would be incredibly unhealthy to any longer lasting relationship, even if his hormones pushed him towards such a situation...
Either way, Reima himself knew that Ciri wasn't looking for a relationship either. From his interactions with her he could tell she had some sort of phobia against men, while it wasn't apparent in her interactions with other people, he could see the small flinches and distancing she unconsciously did.
Talicia "On another matter... You both will be leaving on the 1st?" she asks with a strange tone to her voice.
Reima "Yes, we'll be off to Hogwarts."
As he says this he could see a an expression flash on her face, as if she'd just eaten a lemon...
The door opens revealing a bleary eyed Ciri being dragged by Nerissa, she rubs her eyes and looks around like Clint Eastwood does desert bandits. She's sat into a seat by the young vampire who walks up to Reima to receive her "Reward" via head pats...
Reima "Thank you for bringing her Snuffles" he chuckles. He can see her expressionless face form a pout as she turns away from him. "Morning Ciri."
She looks at him, "Do we have to be up this early?"
Reima shrugs, "You don't need anymore beauty sleep, plus we need to be ready for the portkey that the minister sent."
She continues to look irritated until he drops a the large plate of food in front of her, all previous remnants of the Princess of Cintra seemingly disappeared as she devoured the food like a starving animal...
Reima waves his hand causing the flames to snuff out and leaving a good portion of the wood for another time, he places his own plate at the table and starts eating alongside his ravenous companion. After a moment he looks up and sees Talicia and Nerissa looking at him...
Reima "Eh, did you want some?" he asks, apprehensive about giving away his breakfast.
Talicia politely shakes her head, this is mirrored by Nerissa who nods her head instead... The elder vampire sighs at her daughter becoming spoiled by this man by doesn't say anything.
Reima reluctantly grabs another plate and scrapes half of his food onto it before it's snatched away by the young vampire, it seems she's becoming more like Ciri with every interactions as they both eat like animals.
Reima quickly finishes his rather small breakfast and fishes out the portkey from his pocket... It's a sock... Hopefully an unused one, while it's not really possible for bacteria, fungi, viruses or even parasites to remain on his person due to his unique constitution, he still found disgusting things, well, disgusting. Whether or not he got sick didn't matter, if he had to wade through the Depths again he'd rather collapse the whole thing maze-like complex.
Once Ciri had eaten her fill she went and got dressed in some smart looking casual clothes, it was however, a strange appearance due to the sword also strapped to her back. They were about to leave when Ciri poked him in the chest and gestures back to her sword with her thumb...
Reima "Fine." he said as he sheathed his black knight sword on his back... He doesn't equip another due to it likely to attract more attention, especially since his silver one was well known as "Ornstein's" weapon.