Rising Tempers

Reima continued to perform various tricks for the amusement of the gathered people and Ciri, he made quite a lot of money as well but he was eventually interrupted as the World Cup was starting. A man wearing dress robes approached and asks, "Are you Ciri Rivia and Reima Ludivg?" he asks glancing at the weapon on Ciri's back and the sword laying across the campfire with marshmallow's impaled on it...

Ciri "We are, is something wrong?" she asks, as small frown starting to form.

The man shakes his head, "Not at all, I was just asked by the Minister to escort you to your seats for the event." he says with a fake-smile plastered across his face.

Reima "Ah, is it really that late?" the conversation causing the gathered people to check the time and rush off to find their own seats. The man nods and asks him to look presentable for the Minister, Reima isn't really sure what he means but realises when the man glances at his sword yet again...

Picking up the sword he bites the blade and drags his teeth across it to slide the marshmallows off, eating them after they come free. He sheaths the sword afterwards and grins at the man, causing him the flinch backwards slightly. He and Ciri are amused by this man who seemingly lacks any sort of backbone and slowly follows him, much to his displeasure.

They were brought to a huge stadium where they then had to climb stairs for almost ten minutes straight, the height was so great that a regular person would have had to take a couple breaks in attempt to reach the top... This was the case with their guide who was sweating profusely due to them spurring him to go faster, needless to say, the duo found this incredibly amusing.

Once they reached the top box he and Ciri were told to sit at some front row seats... Reima however asked to sit elsewhere, "Er, sir, I'm sorry to trouble you but are there any other seats besides these ones?"

The man looks confused, "I'm not sure, why do you ask?"

Reima glances to the side at a group of redheads approaching the seats next to him and a sense of foreboding fills him, of course he can't just say "Because of the people that'll be sitting there", in the end his objections die in his throat and he sits beside Ciri.

An exhausted harry with black rings around his raw red eyes sits down with a *thump*, Hermione accompanying him soon after. After finding out about Sirius death Harry had found it increasingly difficult to care about much, why would he? His only family left is dead, killed by some bitch with some pointy metal, he'd even seen actions figures besides his own in the fair ground... The fact that this person is being praised and rewarded for killing an innocent man makes him sick, that's without the feeling of despair that had followed him ever since yesterday.

Soon after they sit he can see Minister Fudge approaching, he notices Harry and smiles, walking down to some seats in the front row he collects someone and starts almost pulling them towards him.

"Harry! How are you doing, well I assume!" he says as the person he's pulling is quietly saying "No, Minsiter, I don't think this is a good idea..." The female seems to hide behind Fudge as he finally reaches him.

"My boy, you must have heard that the criminal Sirius Black who had confounded you last year was caught? Well, I present to you Ciri Rivia, the one who caught Black." he says and pulls her forwards with a tug.

The ashen haired girl uncomfortably looks at him, "Err, hi?" she says nervously.

Hermione grasps his arm tightly, the same arm that was just about to pull his wand and attack this white haired bitch! He grits his teeth as he glares holes into the woman who'd killed his God Father, how dare she approach him! How dare she speak to him! Rage fills him as Hermione tries everything she can to calm him, he's about to jump out of his seat when a voice interrupts them. A man with strange cat-like eyes and white hair similar to Miss Rivia's approaches, he wears a sword on his back like her and starts to speak in a calm tone.

Reima "Minister, I'm sure Mr Potter is still... processing everything, perhaps we should leave properly introducing ourselves when we enter Hogwarts?"

Fudge "Oh, of course, apologies Harry, I was getting ahead of myself... Though, I would appreciate us taking a photo together to commemorate this happy event." he says as he poses with Harry on his left and Ciri on his right, a flash from a hidden camera somewhere indicates that the photo had been taken and he lets go.

Fudge leaves almost immediately after taking a photo together to go talk with someone else and Ciri is left there next to Harry... She finds him staring back at herself with his emerald green eyes, rage clearly visible on his face, she'd about to try and explain herself when Reima pulls her back to her seat. "No, this isn't the time, if he loses his temper here it could spell disaster for not only ourselves, but him and his friends as well." she reluctantly nods, still feeling the Boy-Who-Live's gaze on her person.

Hermione continues to hold Harry closely while whispering calming things into his ear, really this had been the only thing she had been doing since yesterday. If she had thought the boy was an emotional wreck when they had first met then this was something else, he was constantly on the edge of shouting, crying and or becoming apathetic to everything. He was clearly depressed and distraught by the loss of Sirius and there wasn't much she could do to help him...