As Reima was finished reading the news paper, an owl flew in and dropped a stack of letters on Ciri's head, some fell into her soup but it seems they've been charmed to be water, or soup proofed... Whether this is because of how often this happens, Reima will never know.
Nerissa pulls out a letter and shakes it off before opening it, her expression doesn't change and she just hands it over to Ciri for her to read... Yup, she's angry again...
Reima sighs, "What is it this time?" he asks.
Ciri growls as she reads the contents, "Due to recent events the "Ciri Rivia action figure with sword included" has seen a massive hit to sales. With this affecting multiple stores we unfortunately find it in our best interests to claim lost revenue via the courts, if you do not recompense our losses you will find yourself facing a lawsuit Miss Rivia."
Reima "Wait, you agreed for them to use your likeness?"
Ciri growls "No, I never did such a thing... Yet they want me to pay for them creating toys of myself without permission!?!" she almost shouts, causing some of the nearby customers to leave, fear of her due to recent events still vivid in their minds.
Reima "Don't mind them, if they try to sue you then we'll both deal with them."
Tom approaches and says "Uh ah, Miss Rivia, would you do me the favour of not scaring my customers off, please?"
She idly nods to him while tearing open another letter. "Misses Ciri, please give back the toy I sent to you, brother says your a dark witch and will curse me."
Reima "I didn't know kids sent you letters?" he asks curiously.
Ciri "Well, I had a few things sent to me... But looking at this now I'll return them, ungrateful bastards." she says, angry and confused at the sudden change in attitude towards her.
Reima shrugs and opens one for her, if she read through all of these alone they wouldn't have time to visit Diagon Alley. "This one looks to be from the Minister... Apparently he's very disappointed in how you, and I for some reason... Had handled last nights events. He's suggesting you keep your head down in Hogwarts and not cause him any more grief."
Ciri "Well, bugger him. I'll cause all the chaos I want and more." she says rebelliously.
After everyone had eaten their breakfast and looked through the angry letters (Some where from grateful adults) they all got up and prepared to visit the local pet store.
They found it incredibly distracting to walk through the streets, with Ciri's popularity turning to infamy everyone was keeping an eye on her, Reima didn't bother wearing Sunglasses due to the town being magical but that didn't stop people staring. He'd given a pair of glasses to Nerissa to hide her blood red eyes that'd attracted way more bad attention that either he or Ciri. The reason for this being that only Vampires and dark wizards who'd performed disgusting rituals having red eyes, causing people to be instantly wary or hostile towards anyone who has them.
They finally reach the pet shop with no small deal of hassle, inside they see various animals inside, including frogs, owls, mice and many other creatures... The thing that draws his attention the most being the cats, or Kneazle's as the more intelligent magical variety are called. He still remembers his promise to Priscilla of buying her a cat and will buy one these eventually, he decides to purchase one as his time inside this world is closing out, no point having to take care of an animal until then. Nerissa however is immediately drawn towards some sort of dog bed? The shop owner approaches and tells them of how its charmed to always stay warm, clean and comfortable. The almost glittering eyes of the young vampire somehow cause Reima to instantly purchase it... Is this the true power of Moe?
Ciri herself was more interested in the owls but didn't end up wanting any as she felt her life was too dangerous to keep a pet alive and happy.
Reima himself didn't see anything else apart from Priscilla's gift that he'd actually want to buy, familiars were cool but unless he stumbled across a phoenix somehow he'd rather not subject a creature to the levels of power he'd eventually have to face, the phoenix only being an option due to it's immortality that it'd undoubtedly be constantly using...
The group leave the store, the only person looking satisfied being Nerissa who'd bought a vibrating brush that Ciri'd kept glancing at for some reason and the aforementioned dog bed that she'd probably be sleeping in while in bunny form.
Everything didn't go smoothly as they tried to get back to their inn however as it seems the press had heard about them being in Diagon Alley, immediately they are surrounded by an army of journalists, each of them individually trying to get a story from them to boost their respective papers.
"Miss Ciri! Why did you slaughter those unfortunate people!?!"
"Miss Ciri! Are you and Mister Ludvig lovers?"
"Miss Ciri! Is that your daughter or have you kidnapped yet another young girl!?!"
Ciri "I've got nothing to say, I did what I felt was right! No further questions! Get out of my way!" she shouts over the crowd but they don't want to let her pass, any conflict commit by her would make a great story and would be worth any injury they would otherwise sustain.
Reima notices a dark alley way that people seem to avoid and decides to pull Ciri and Nerissa into it, fortunately the reports refuse to follow but most are rapidly writing about what'd just occurred, murmurs of "Dark Witch" can be heard as they travel further into the shadowy street.