And so classes officially started for the duo + rabbit. Reima left to attend his first class which just so happened to be advanced potions. Ciri on the other hand had to attend the first Defence of the dark arts lesson with Alastor Moody/David Tennant...
Ciri had a hard time actually finding the classroom which resulted in her being the last one there, she opens the door and sees the entire class already sitting to attention and looking at her, along with Professor Moody.
"Miss Rivia, I see you're already making light of my classes, there is a spare seat in front so take it. And if that rabbit makes so much as a squeak we'll be performing today's spells onto it!" he says, gesturing to the chair besides guess who? Harry Potter. The dark circles around his eyes and down trodden look and occasional tremors are already making her feel bad for him, she'll need to find some time to apologise to him... Beside him sits a red head with a dull look, atleast that was until she had come in... His face lit up but quickly stifled the emotion as he awkwardly crosses his legs, gross.
Ciri props her staff against the table while sitting and placing Snuffles down gently. She sits upright in a manner that reminds her of her old etticate lessons that she'd been forced to sit in by her grandmother.
Moody "Now that everyone is here, I'll introduce myself for those of you who don't already know me. I am Alastor Moody, or Professor Moody as you will all refer to me as. I am here on the request of Dumbledore, and that's all I'll be saying on that matter. Now, when it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach." his eye bulges in excitement as he says this, it's rather unnerving truth be told.
"I this is as good a place to start, who knows how many unforgivable curses there are?"
No one answers, partly due to how intimidating Moody is and party because most knowledge on the Unforgivable's is restricted information, for obvious reasons.
Hermione uncomfortably begins speaking, "Three sir, the use of any one of them-"
Moody "Will earn you a one, way ticket, to Azkaban!" he says as he quickly scratches the information onto the dirty chalk board. "The Ministry says you are too young to see what these curses can do- Well I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared and you need to find another place to hide your gum Mr Finnigan!" he shouts, throwing the chalk in his hand at the boy which strikes him in the forehead, leaving a white mark that some snicker at.
"So... Which curse will we see first?..." he asks and no one retorts... "Weasley!" he exclaims causing the redhead to flinch, "Y-yes sir!" he yelps.
Professor Moody then procedes to make him stand and tell him an Unforgiveable curse, the boy stutters out information about the "Imperious curse" which Moody somehow seems bitter at...
Moody "That curse gave the ministry quite a lot of grief, how about we see why?" his words trail off as he walks to the back of the class and retrieves a spider before casting the enlargement charm on it to make it visible for all the students.
Moody "Are you sure you don't wish to volunteer your rat Miss Rivia?"
Ciri "She's not a rat, and I don't suppose I will." she almost growls out at me.
The man grunts and places the spider on the table, "Observe, Imperio!" he then floats the large spider onto Ron Weasley's desk, causing the boy to topple off of his chair backwards in fright.
Moody "What's wrong? It's just a harmless bug." he then flicks it onto Harry but he doesn't seem to have any big reaction to it aside from trying to brush it off like it's bird shit. He then tosses it at Draco Malfoy who's laughing like some sort of Hyena, the boy almost shits his pants when it starts scuttling around on his face.
Moody seems to be enjoying torturing the students, "Aha! Who's next?" he glances at Ciri and levitates it over before forcing it via Imperious curse to bite her or the rabbit. Seeing the huge spider try to rear back and bite Snuffles Ciri brings her fist down and splatters the spider across her desk and the nearby students. She frowns at the mess on her robes and Snuffles but turns her ire to Moody.
Ciri shakes her gut covered hand and begins, "Perhaps you could actually teach something instead of playing around like a child, Professor?"
Moody growls "Destruction of school property, 50 points from Gryffindor. Now I'll have to find another volunteer, he glances once at the rabbit before turning to the other large containers of insects behind him. He then goes on to explain while using another insect why the Imperious curse is so deadly, he even has the poor creature drown itself in a glass of water, all while under the unnerved gazes of the teenage class.
Moody smiles at them while retrieving yet another insect, "Now, what curse is next?" he says while looking around for any volunteers. He grins and approaches Neville Longbottom, "You must know, your a smart lad. What other curses are there?"