There'll be peace when you are done...

Fleur sighs, "She iz not the aura that standz out ze most zou." she says with a small smile.

Krum "Vat do you mean?" he asks.

Fleur "Her friend Reima, he shines like the sun but fiercer." she slowly says, a blush quickly overtaking her face causing Harry and Hermione to glance at each other.

Harry "He does seem like he's always hiding something..."

Hermione "How does it compare with Professor Dumbledore?" she asks, curious at how strong Reima is compared to the headmaster.

Fleur shakes her head, "It iz not comparable..."

Hermione breathes a sigh in relief, "Thank goodness... If Reima was stronger than Dumb-"

Fleur hearing this waves her hands, "Non, I mean Dumblydore cannot compare with him... It iz like comparing an ant to a dragon..."


Harry "No, you must be mistaken... That guy can't be more powerful than Dumbledore." he says, thinking to the many pranks he'd had pulled on him by Reima during his training, if someone like that can be the strongest in the world then he feels as if he should just give up.

Hermione "Has it got something to do with his eyes?" she wonders out-loud.

Fleur "Non, I have asked around and your Professor Mcgonagall says it iz an badly done Animagus transformation..."

Hermione nods, "Like Madam Hooch... But I feel like there's something more to it.

Harry "What other reason could there be Hermione? He's an alien? A magical creature in human form?"

Fleur "Zat would not surprise me if it were true..." she says, thinking about his incredible aura.

Ciri was waiting in the champions tent, hand tightly gripping her staff in apprehension at facing a dragon, she chews her lips as the audience quietens, signalling that Krum had finished the task.


The cannon signals that it's her turn to enter the stadium, she glances back at Rita Skeeter who grins and gets her camera man to take a couple more photo's before Ciri leaves. After exiting the tent Ciri looks around the stadium but only sees the audience, focusing on them she can spot Reima who's got a furry black bundle in his hand along with a familiar looking sword. Smiling to herself now that she has some reassurance she quickly looks around but doesn't spot the dragon that's supposed to be here.

Ludo "Our last champion is here! Give a hand to Ciri Rivia! Slayer of Black, Terrorists and even Vampires! Is there nothing this woman cannot do!" he shouts causing the audience to cheer.

Ciri tries to block out his voice as she listens for anything that'd give the dragons position away... Hearing nothing after a minute or two she crawls up to a high rocky part of the stadium and looks over, seeing the golden eggs among the clutch, the only thing missing is the... Dragon...

She quickly raises her staff to the sky and casts, "ACCIO DRAKE SWORD!"

Ludo "She's using the same strategy as Harry Potter! I wonder if this will be able to slay the dragon as his had!" he shouts as the audience watches a strange grey sword fly into her hand, it's shaped like a sabre but looks much heavier than ever the heaviest steel sabre.

Ciri hefts it onto her shoulder and casts "Bombarda" at a part of the stadium that looks like it'd allow the dragon to hide, it seems her instincts had proved true as from the smoke and shards of stone a huge vicious black dragon erupts and starts charging her. It takes a deep breath before shooting out a torrent of searingly hot flames that even melt the rocks near it. Ciri seeing that the light cover around her wouldn't be able to block the flames immediately jumps to the side, managing to get out of the way in time. Luckily for her, a she'd be training in Pyromancy her resistance to heat was significantly better than most others, this helped prevent her getting burns from just being near teh dragon's breath.

Ludo "THE DRAGON SHOOTS IT'S FIRE AT CIRI, QUICK RUN OR YOU'LL BE BURNED TO A CRISP!" he shouts frantically, while some of the audience screams in terror.

As the dragon had to close it's eyes to unleash it's fire it seems to have lost it's prey, especially with Ludo's shouting it has no idea where Ciri had gone. It starts stamping towards the spot she'd previously been, unaware it was now the hunted.

Ciri listens for the dragons approach while in cover and drops her staff on the floor to use both hands on the drake sword. Once it gets close enough she sprints out from cover and slashes the sword upwards, which strikes the dragon in it's scaly chin. The sword seeming to dig a deep wound despite how blunt it seemed and how thick the scales are, the dragon reels it's head back to avoid any more strike but this just allows Ciri to kick off of it's winged arm, almost stumbling but eventually finding herself onto it's back.

Ludo "WHAT IS SHE DOING! IS THIS THE LEGENDARY SWORDSMANSHIP OF GODRIC GRYFFINDOR!?! WAS SHE TAUGHT BY THE GOBLINS!" He spews a torrent of words out, some not making sense while others seeming quite wise.

Reima watches as Ciri manages to thrown herself onto it's back and grins as he can already see the dragons end, Snuffles who's watching intently in his arms squeaks in an attempt to cheer her master and close friend on.

Charlie Weasley who'd already lost one dragon today goes pale when he sees the ashen haired girl stand atop the dragons back and raising her sword up, he's about to try and stop whatever was about to happen but is already too late.