
The next day after a morning run with Reima, Ciri, Fleur and Snuffles they quickly finish breakfast and return back to the classroom where they had talked yesterday. Fleur looks a lot less nervous today and somehow more... Driven? Due to both Ciri and Fleur being champions and Reima not actually caring about the school rules they aren't required to attend lessons, Fleur walks in with a mokeskin pouch and smiles at the duo.

Fleur "Bonjour vous deux... I still wonder how high your endurance really is Reima, after our run you did not even zeem tired." he says after nodding to them both.

Reima doesn't really know how to reply to that, he's currently still trying to figure out if that was an invitation or not...

Ciri "You're pretty fit yourself Fleur, I didn't think Witches or Wizards actually tried to exercise..."

Fleur "Non, most do not but, since the tournament waz announced I decided I had to train to win."

Reima "You do any other exercises?" he asks curiosuly.

She nods and smiles at him, "Yes, I am quite.. Stretchy, which you will hopefully zee during the next tasks or maybe..." she trails off.

Ciri shakes her head at their flirting and decides to get started on the reason they're here. "Alright, enough with the small talk, let's see your outfit Fleur."

Fleur nods and opens her Mokeskin pouch and gently retrieves a grey embroidered dress that looks as if it'd reach to her ankles with two spaghetti straps that'd go over her shoulders. She lays it down on a clean table for Ciri to view it, only for her to scoff as she sees it.

Ciri "I've always hated dresses, though I can't say mine is much better." she says, sending a glance to Reima which has him retrieving the dress she'd bought during their trip through London. She hadn't actually wanted to buy one but it was a requirement for Hogwarts so she just picked the one she thought looked the nicest, this ended up being a dark blue, almost black dress with a lighter blue trim. She'd picked it because it resembled a dress she remembered Yennefer wearing but found it didn't quite suit her, that and it's ability to cause discomfort in ways she hadn't experienced in years made her want to burn it.

She places it next to Fleurs and the both groan at how terribly they match, it's worse than fire and water because atleast those have some deal of symmetry, no these look like pigshit and vomit. They glare at the clothes for a while as if their eyes would magically change the clothes looks completely until eventually Reima retrieves his own outfit.

Reima had picked a regular muggle black suit, it was modern and he thought it looked much better than the almost Victorian shit the magicals were wearing. Compared to the "Dress Robes" that were basically just elongated suits that served no functional purpose he'd rather go with the non-magicals on this one.

He lays the suit beside the two dresses and sees that his outfit would suit both Ciri and Fleurs fine, however with both of them together it looks out of place, even with his inferior male sense of fashion.

Fleur "C'est affreux! These look terrible..." she mutters.

Ciri nods, "Maybe we should just go in full armour, roleplay as knights or something." she says jokingly.

Reima "Atleast no one would know who we are, covered from head to toe in metal...

Fleur "Zer iz not enough time to get more tailored, and I refuse to purchase a pre-made one."

Ciri shrugs, "Unless you've got something in that magical closet of your Rei then we'll have to figure something else out..." She looks at him when he doesn't answer, "You don't right?"


Reima scratches the back of his head, "Well... I may have.. Some souvenirs from my travels?" he says, causing Ciri's face to light up. If his weapons are any indication of the quality of his "Souvenirs" then she and Fleur were in for a big surprise."

Fleur looks at them both confused and asks, "Iz there somezing else?"

Reima shrugs and pulls out a number of ridiculously expensive looking dresses, all of them shimmer with a mysterious aura while some even seem to glow. The dresses are in every colour you can imagine, red, blue, brown and even metallic colours like gold, silver and bronze. Ciri almost drools as she finds a dress that seems to be.. Armoured? It's purple with silver plates places here and there that seem to reinforce the vitals, on the hips there are some plates travelling down to protect the thighs while the fabric itself seems to be incredibly durable.

Ciri "I want this one." she doesn't hesitate in saying.

Reima "Er, shouldn't you try to find something that will match with Fleur?" he asks as he observes his other date looking at all of them with glazed eyes.

Fleur "Merde, Reima where did you find all zees? Zay must be ze most beautiful clothes I have ever seen." she says in awe.

Reima shrugs but doesn't reply, he's not going to tell them that some of these used to belong to a cross dressing douche bag that he helped murder.