
Reima opens his eyes and quickly stands up, today's the day for the Third Task and the tension had made it difficult for him to sleep or eve meditate. It wasn't just the tension however, he felt excitement at being able to finally cut loose and show his enemies who they're really dealing with...

The task is supposed to start at "Dusk" so Ciri and Fleur will have all day to prepare, he makes his way to breakfast as they'd already decided not to run in the morning.

He sits down at the Gryffindor table alone as no one seems to have awoken yet, a couple hours later Ciri arrives followed by Fleur not long later.

Reima "You guys ready?" he asks.

Ciri nods, "Definitely." she says confidentially.

Fleur smirks at him, "Are you ready Rei?"


Reima "Ready for what?"

Fleur "My parents will be at Hogwarts in a couple hours."


Reima rubs his face, "Is this revenge for us having to leave?" he asks.

Fleur doesn't say anything and just start eating her breakfast.

After breakfast the group doesn't go to the Room of Requirement to train as they'd already prepared as much as possible for the task. Anything more would be counter intuitive and exhaust them before they had even started. Instead Fleur insists on spending as much time as possible with each other as she knows her time with them is drawing to a close.

She has them follow her to a clump of trees near the Bauxbaton's carriage and Reima spots three people that seem to be having a picnic. Looking closer he can see Gabrielle Delacour with an older woman who looks a good deal like her, the man is presumably the woman's husband and Fleur's father...

Fleur steps foward with a wide smile "Mama, Papa." she says, hugging them both closely. The man reciprocates while saying "ma petite fille 'ow I missed you."

Gabrielle looks behind Fleur to see Reima and Ciri, "Fleur your boyfriend iz 'ere?" she asks with a mischievous glint in her eye.

The parents turn their eyes to Reima and seem to examine him up and down, taking particular interest with his Cat-like eyes.

The man introduces himself with a firm handshake that seems to be trying to crush Reima's hand... Though he'd have an easier time trying to squeeze blood from a rock. "You may call me Monsieur Delacour, this is my beloved wife Apolline Delacour. I am sure you've met my daughters already... What is your relationship to Fleur?" he asks without letting go of Reima's hand.


Reima stares at his hand in disbelief for a moment before replying, "Er, We're... Close fr-... Lo-No... We're dating." he finally decides as even if they have to leave soon it still counts.

Fleur gives a bright smile at this but Apolline continues for her husband, "Apologies if this is a sore subject but are you part creature? I've never seen someone wiz eye's like zat." she says.

Reima shakes his head, "Just an Animagus accident." he says.

Monseiur Delacour nods at this, "At such an age? You show talent... What career are you expecting to have in the future?" he asks.

Fleur "Papa, Rei is not 'ere to be interrogated." he says which gets the man off of his back momentarily.

Apolline turns her eyes to Ciri, "And who might you be?" she asks.

Ciri shrugs, "Ciri Rivia, one of the champions. I've been training with Fleur to makesure we don't end up like Krum." she says which has the parents give her a thankful look.

Gabrielle "Can we eat already? I am starving." she asks.

Thus the group spent their time having a picnic with the Delacour family, Reima wasn't spared from the personal questions as Monseiur Delacour was on the hunt and Reima was his prey. Luckily he wouldn't be able to find him when he moves to another world... This continues until it's almost time for the Tasks to start.

Reima stands, "Thank you both for having us but we must go get ready for the tasks." he bows slightly, "It was a pleasure meeting you Monseiur and Apolline Delacour." He waves his hand, "You too "Gabby"" he says, receiving a snort from the young girl.

The group leave but don't immediately head to the Quidditch pitch where the Third Task will be held, instead he heads to the Room of Requirement and leaves Snuffles inside with the orders to not leave under any circumstances. The last thing he needed was a hostage situation that didn't include Harry. He placated her with a promise of some Blood Pudding once the task is over.

With that the trio make their way to the Quidditch Pitch.

Ciri "Fleur, if you're in danger just surrender or call for me. We're not in the task to win and I'd feel awful if you were to get hurt." she says.

Fleur nods, "You too Ciri, I have become fond of you as time goes on..." she says in a gentle voice with a bitter tone.

Reima nods "Just remember to stay away from the Cup, we need Harry to be port-keyed, if either of you went instead you'd probably be trapped and murdered." he says gravely with the girls nodding. He gives them both a deep kiss and leaves them to make their way up to the platform in-front of the huge maze.