Triss Merigold had just been... Talking with her best friend Yennefer, the topics of conversation were random and at times uninteresting but the two didn't stop as they both wished to gain specific information from it... After Geralt had helped her evacuate the Mages from Novigrad to Kovir she had thought it would be their last meeting in a long time, but... She couldn't abandon her responsibilities to Ciri, the girl she'd claimed as her little sister.
Though, that wasn't all she was here for...
Triss "So... How are you and Geralt?" she finally asks the niggling question.
Yennefer "Oh, finally cutting to the chase then?" she replies before sipping her wine.
Triss shifts uncomfortably, not saying anything and just waiting for a reply.
Yennefer sighs and puts down her goblet, "Why is it you're asking Triss? Is it because you feel guilty about taking advantage of him? Or because you hope something may remain between the two of you?"
Triss hears her and thinks over the question, finding that she didn't really know the answer. "I.. I don't know. You know I would never purposely hurt you Yen but, we both know that this "Thing" between the three of us will always end with heartache."
Yennefer "Hmm, did you ever imagine us fighting over a single man like this back in Aretuza?" she says with mirth.
Triss shakes her head, "I didn't think someone like Geralt could exist."
Yennefer "Triss, I didn't say anything when you bespelled Geralt, nor did I comment when you started another tryst with him immediately after we were separated... But Geralt and I, we've already resolved some issues that'd been plaguing us."
Triss probes her friends face for the answer, her eyes widen when she realises what they'd done. "The wish?"
Yennefer nods, "I had Geralt assist in releasing us from it, managed to find one bound to a dead master on a boat wreckage atop a mountain."
Triss "I, I understand. I'm glad you two are happy... Forgive me but could we talk about something else?" she asks, the familiar pain in her chest coming back with full force. However as Yennefer is about to accede to her request she notices a flash of light in the courtyard. Her goblet falls from her hand as she notices four people, Geralt and her little sister included.
Yennefer gets up and looks over the balcony and spots the group, excitedly yelling "CIRI!" and running as fast as her dress would allow to the courtyard. Triss isn't far behind as she changes her focus from Geralt to Ciri.
Reima steps back with Nerissa to allow everyone to reaquaint, a sadistic grin finding it's way onto his face.
Yennefer finally reaches the courtyard and smothers Ciri in a tight hug, remarking that she's "Become so beautiful". Ciri reciprocates, taking incredible comfort in her arms. Once Yennefer lets go Triss takes her place, giving a longer hug than even Yennefer had. "Little sis, you're back!"
Yen walks to Geralt and kisses him deeply, "How was the trip?" she asks after releasing his lips.
Geralt smiles, "Tense, but full of surprises." he says which has Yen intrigued.
Reima finally steps forward while still holding Nerissa's hand, "Yo mom, how're you doing?" he asks with a cheeky grin.
Triss's attention is immediately drawn by the word "Mom" and she is spooked when she spots what could only be described as Geralt's son...
Yennefer "Reima? Is that you?" she asks in shock.
He nods, "Yeah, Dad found me with Ciri." he says, with Geralt rubbing his face as he hears himself be referred to as "Dad".
Reima is surprised however when Yen hugs him, "Do you know how much grief you've caused Geralt and I?" she asks with a scolding tone.
Reima "Er, no?"
Yennefer "Disappearing without a trace? You will be paying me back for all the spell components I used to find you!" she says.
Reima "Ok, ok! Jeez..." he says, finally escaping her arms. He turns to Triss and sends a grin to Geralt. "Hi, Mom 2.0"
Triss blushes at being called that but shakes her head to regain her composure. "It's Triss... And you?"
Reima "Reima Merigold of Rivia and Vengerberg." he states without hesitation.
Ciri can't help but laugh at this and she's joined by Yen who chuckles at Triss's expression.
Geralt slaps him on the back, "Stop playing around." he looks at Triss, "This is Reima Ludvig, my old apprentice that vanished a while ago."
Triss nods, "Oh! I didn't think you both would look so alike."
Geralt shrugs, "Yeah, well. Fate seem'd to have it out for me when it drop this one in my lap." he says.
Reima "So harsh, I bet you don't treat Ciri like this."
Geralt "Ciri doesn't go flaunting around the continent proclaiming they're my son." he growls.
Reima laughs before realising someone hadn't been introduced yet. "Oh, Yen, Triss. This is Nerissa Dracula, please treat her as one of your own." he states.
Yennefer glances at him, "You know, I don't mind it if you want to call me Mother." she says as she walks past him and bends over to greet Nerissa. "Hello there, I'm Yennefer of Vengerberg." she introduces herself with her hand outstretched.
Nerrisa "Hello." she says as she shakes her hand.
Triss is about to greet her but stops, "Why are her eyes red?" she asks.
Geralt "She's a vampire." he says while shrugging.
Reima "Don't worry, she doesn't bite, usually..." he says with a chuckle. "You'd not hurt a fly would you Snuffles?"
Nerissa herself is embarrassed by all the attention she's getting and just lowers her head while kicking Reima's shin.
Reima chuckles and rubs her head, "Hm, ok... If you want you don't have to talk to anyone, though it'd be good for you to start talking more." however just as he says this she leaps into his arms while turning into a rabbit.