Craite outside the gate before it's too late....

Reima is awakened by the feeling sunshine on his face and the aura being given off by someone familiar, slowing getting out of his meditative he stands and looks over the balcony to see Solaire standing on the wall, his arms raised in the air in the direction of the sun.

His aura seems more powerful than it had been before by atleast 50% if he had to guess, though it wasn't surprising given what kind of God he is. Reima leaps off of the balcony to Solaire and gives him a slap on the back, "You gonna do this every morning now?" he asks curiously.

Solaire doesn't move from his position, electing to just turn his head, "Ah, my friend.. Well, the answer to your question is a resounding yes! After not seeing the sunrise for so long I will never take it for granted again... Would you like to join me?"

Reima rubs his chin before grinning, "Yeah, sure... Praise the sun!" he says, adopting a similar pose to Solaire.

The few people who'd not drank themselves into a stupor were milling around the keep, preparing to leave, using the outhouse or just doing their daily exercises. They were presented with the almost majestic sight of the duo surrounded by sunlight in the peculiar pose.

Not long before they started they were joined by Priscilla who was carrying Snuffles and Carimir, she sat gently on the battlement next to them, her tail swinging as she smiled at them.

Vernon Roch had just pulled a bucket full of water from the well and poured it over his head while handing the rest to Ves who uses a wet rag to clean under her clothing. He looks at the wall and gestures to Ves, "You ever seen anything like it?"

Ves "No, I don't suppose I have... They seem to enjoy it though so why bother them."

Roche shakes his head, "That's not the point, I mean during the battle... Those Wraith's were considerably stronger than your average Black one, and they almost single-handedly wiped them out... Just think of what we could with their assistance?"

Ves "I don't think they'll concern themselves with the plights of mere mortals such as us... Though, it couldn't hurt to ask."

Roche nods, "Maybe a free Temeria wouldn't be such a difficult task."


The sound causes both blue stripes to jump in surprise, only to find that the originator had just been the giant that'd turned up yesterday. It'd been sitting nearby, almost camouflaged as the wall as it sat against it.

Roche "Ah... Sorry, you scared us." he apologises for his rudeness... And not just because this creature could crush them like ants.

Coaugh nods, "Small people jump high."


As the two sun bro'stop praising the sun Solaire steps closely to Reima and whispers into his ear, "Last night I heard something you may wish to know.."

Reima "Yeah? Lay it on me."

Solaire "Sir Geralt murdered some sort of Sage last night, Lady Yennefer is the only one who knows."


Reima grins, "Nicely done." he mutters. "Let Geralt, Yen and Ciri sort it out between themselves... I haven't got a horse in this race... Plus I'd probably get blamed for it if I got involved."

Solaire "You've grown smarter at dealing with women my friend." he says with a chuckle.

A couple hours later mostly everyone is outside, the last people out are Geralt and Yennefer who don't seem as happy as the occasion would purport. A few people go to greet them and bid their farewells as they'd only intended to stay for the defence against the Wraiths. Ermion and Hjlamar both had responsibilities to Skellige, the former being the Hierophant of the Skellige circle, a kind of council that advises the Jarls who rule the lands, of course this is a stark contrast to the Northern Kingdoms attitudes to magic users in politics. Hjalmar wished to stay longer to reunite with his long time friend Ciri but wasn't able to as conflicts with Nilfgaard were rapidly increasing, he needed to be there to lead their armies along side his sister Cerys.

Geralt "Thank you both for coming to our aid." he nods his head gratefully at them.

Hjalmar laughs, "Ah, Geralt... Don't speak like all would have been should we not have come, we know that is not the case. Other than that, I hope we can count on your assistance in the future. Allies in arms should stick together, that is the Skelligan way." he says while grabbing each others forearm.

Geralt nods which conveys his intentions without a single word and turns towards Ermion.

Ermion "It was good to fight with you again Geralt, you need only ask if you need my help again."

Geralt "Likewise."

Ciri walks up and gives Hjalmar a big hug before doing the same with Ermion, "Be careful you two, if I hear about either of you getting killed I'll find you and kill you again."

Hjalmar chuckles and frizzes her hair, "Aha, Ciri. Even if I was dead I'd beat you."

Ciri "You wanna try?" she says while patting down her hair.

Ermion shakes his head, "Come Hjalmar, we must leave if we are to be back in good time."

Hjalmar and Ciri share one last hug before the two men depart.

Nearby Vesemir was standing at the gates leading out of the Kaer Morhen talking to Kalini, "You say creatures invaded your campsite last night hmm?"

Kalini nods, "Yes, they looked like hunched over men with rotten skin, inhuman fanged faces and stunk like corpses."

Vesemir "Ghouls. Must've smelt the stench of death from the battle. Did you manage to fend them off?"

Kalini "They seemed resistant to most of our attacks, that is, until those Chaos Servants starting throwing fire at them... I don't think I'll be eating meat for a while after that..." he mutters.

Vesemir nods, "Atleast we won't have to worry about protecting you against monsters, that was my main worry when you were all camping outside the walls, this region is notoriously ridden with the buggers."