Learning your Leshen


The explosion envelopes the group, blinding and disorientating the huge insects, Arie leaps forwards and slashes downwards at the nearest one with Reima's Silver Sword, slicing clean through it's hard carapace and killing it instantly, even despite the Divine enchantment being ineffective against Insectoids. He pulls the blade out and uses his momentum to chop his bladed arm into another, causing it to squeal and back away.

Reima pats Nerissa on the back encouragingly, as if he were a parent pushing his kid to play with other children. She doesn't wait and sprints forwards faster than Arie, drawing an arc through the air with the silver blade slashing clean through one Endrega warrior. As she goes to attack another they begin to get their senses back and go to use their tails to block the young vampires strike, however due to her monstrous strength the blade continues through them and into their heads.

Nerissa is almost tackled from behind by two others but delivers a heavy backwards heel kick that sends both of them rolling meters away. Another tries to charge her but she just jumps on it's back, chopping of it's tail and severing all of it's legs on one side, leaving it on the floor crippled and useless.

Reima who'd been standing back and observing is approached by one, he tries to shoe it away with his foot but it takes the opportunity to bite him, locking his foot in it's mouth... He continues to try and shake it off in a manner you would if you'd just stepped in dog shit, but it's grip is firm and won't let go. "Shoo, bad Endrega... Baaad."

While this is happening Arie is already covered in the purple blood of his enemies, his arm blade now probably more venomous than most assassin's weapons. He dodges the charge of an Endrega as he passes by him, turning the tables and charging at it as it tries to recover, pinning it to the tree behind it. He lets go of the sword and uses Igni which blasts a wave of fire at a group of Endrega that illumines the clearing and keeps them distracted for a moment, with which he uses to tear the sword out of the tree it was buried in. He reaches down and tosses another grenade into the largest group, this one being a Grapeshot that sends shrapnel hurtling towards the huge insects.

Nerissa continues her trail of destruction against the insects, cutting down any that come close to her... Though her rough use of the blade as dulled it's previously sharp edge. Eventually though the only Endrega that remains is firmly latched onto Reima's leg...

Reima continues to click and make strange sounds at it, attempting the techniques he vaguely remembers from the Dog Whisperer. However none seem effective against the insect.

Arie walks towards Reima with a frown, sipping on a Golden Oriole as he does so to mend the damage the venom in his wounds were causing. "Reima, I get your strong but do you really have to joke around like this? These things have killed and eaten people." he states.

Reima looks at him sheepishly, "Er... Sure, my bad." he says and bring his foot down, instantly crushing and killing the Endrega.

The duo who'd been fighting take a moment to catch their breathes while Reima looks around the clearing at the corpses, deciding to harvest their materials while those two rest. Once he's stored all their organs and potential mutagen material he looks at Arie and wonders aloud, "So, that the contract done?"

Arie shakes his head, "No.. Not that I know of, we won't get paid without the head of a Leshen." he states.

Reima "Why? What would those guys know about monsters anyway?"

Arie "Cities have scribes knowledgable about these sorts of things, it's vital considering Witchers are a dying breed."

Reima "I guess... A Leshen must've been here though, that root pinning the soldier is a dead give away."

Arie "Maybe the Leshen is controlling the Endrega? They aren't usually very far from the colony, there must be a nest nearby..." he mutters.

Reima "Well, guess it's time to go looking... Though, we could probably track where the bodies were taken if we follow the scent of blood, it's still thick in the air."

Arie "I'll have to count on you two then, scents always been a blind spot for me..." he says.

Reima and Nerissa nod and begin to probe the area for the strongest scent, eventually finding it near the pinned soldier. They follow it and occasionally find blood droplets which confirm they're on the right track.

After thirty minutes of walking their find a small cave entrance, one that'd force Reima and Arie to duck and almost crawl through. Reima offers to go first but Nerrisa climbs in without any questions asked. Arie downs a cat potion which causes black veins to crawl up his neck and almost reach his face and making his eyes glow slightly.

Arie "You need some?" he asks while showing Reima another dose in his pouch.

Reima "Er, I don't really have issues with darkness anymore..."

Arie scoffs, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

They climb into the cave which has walls stained black with dried blood, long scrapes are everywhere and are the right size for Endrega warriors and workers... Though there's some different ones that confuse the duo as to their origins.

The reach the end of the tunnel and drop into a larger cave room which smells weird, like rot, mushrooms, blood and puss all at the same time. Looking around they spot a few glowing egg sacks that Arie elects to not disturb quite yet, the element of surprise being more important than exterminating them immediately.

The walk through the various rooms, finding it easy to navigate due to their not being any diverging paths. Though something raises their hackles when they spot them... Huge thick roots covering one of the walls and threading through most of the floor. Neither of the Witcher's had ever seen something like this before and wondered if it was the Leshen or something else...