Keep an eye on the sky

After taking a look at all the evidence left behind by the monster Reima still had really no idea what'd attacked them, could it be one of those long lost giants told in Skelligan stories? Regardless, the group continues ascending the mountain in an attempt to find the perpetrator.

Again, as they are walking the sound of grinding stone can be heard, they look above them but don't notice anything being thrown, however the boulder hurtling towards them as it rolls down the path is a different story.

Reima steps forwards and gives it a kick like some kind of a giant football, it's launched away, the impact shattering it into two large pieces along with smaller sharp chunks that rain death on anyone below the mountain path.

Reima "Alright, I've had enough of whoever throwing this shit! Hurry up and follow me." he says as he begins to briskly walk up the path, the group behind him quickly following.

He reaches level ground where the boulder must've been rolled off, the indentations on the ground only confirm this. Looking around he spots a huge cave entrance with large variety of bones scattered outside of it.

Talem "It appears that we've reached our destination" he says as a glaive appears in his hands, the blade of which now being plated in silver.

Nerissa also unsheathes Iaito, he'd had Andre personally upgrade it as it was originally from Lordran. He infused it with titanate before plating it with silver and enchanting it with the large Divine ember. It was incredibly dangerous for the young girl to wield but Reima believed she was proficient enough to not hurt herself with it.

The Prospects behind them also materialise their weapons, their hundreds of years of combat experience immediately becoming recognisable as their stance, aura's and attitude shifts minutely, like a beast prepared to pounce.

The pyromancers all also had their flames appear in their hands, some enchanting their weapons with Chaos Blade while others prepare to cast Iron skin.

Reima "Everyone ready? You see anything weird then call it out." he shouts, truthfully he could probably just seal the cave entrance and starve whatever is inside, or turn the cave into a molten nightmare... But it would do the troops good if they fought against something significantly stronger than they were.

The group shouts in agreement, "Jolly!" and Reima casts a light spell over himself as he steps into the cave, the spell easily illuminating everything in the dark. Past the entrance it is immediately obvious that some kind of semi-intelligent creature has been living here, logs have been propped against the walls in an attempt to block access further in. This doesn't prove an issue though as Reima simply lifts them and pushes them to the side, though the sound would probably be audible to the residents of the cave.

Again, the more they progress the more crushed, gnawed, and desecrated bones they discover, the amount becoming so much that they cannot avoid stepping on them. Reima bends over and discovers that the bone marrow had been sucked out... There are only a few creatures that'd do that, and even fewer capable of actually throwing boulders.

The sound of something approaching and the crunching of bone underfoot made the group ready for combat. Eventually a single, huge eye glares at them from the darkness, Reima's spell hovers over slightly and reveals it's true form... The creature is a hulking mass of muscle, it's height causing its head to graze against the ceiling of the large cave, fortunately for everyone's sanity, the Cyclops was wearing some ragged furs around its waist, preventing everyone from getting an eye full.

It growls at everyone present and makes a sound that resembles a hacking cough, which causes another Cyclops to appear behind it... And another. Luckily the cave was too small for all of them to attack simultaneously but their number eventually reached five, which was huge for a group of Cyclopses.

Reima "Aim for the eyes, don't get hit directly or you'll most certainly die. I'll deal with the backline while you guys deal with the front two."

"Jolly!" they shout with their adrenaline pumping in anticipation.

Reima casts another light spell that sticks to the wall as he blinks behind the group of Cyclopses, causing the three unable to access his group to turn to him with fierce, hungry looks on their faces.

He grins and begins to dismantle them.

Talem was glaring through his mask at the Cyclopses as they looked down at him, he noticed that the young vampire girl had started approaching the right one so he wen to distract the other so that the Pyromancers could hopefully blind it.

The Cyclopse steps forwards and attempts to bring it's fist down on Talem, however with a quick use of Windfall he gracefully dodges it while increasing the momentum of his glaive that strikes at the monsters wrist, severing a few tendons and causing some fingers to go limp.

The giant roars in pain and anger and throws the same hand at Talem as if to slap him, only to have one of the limp fingers cut cleanly off... This unfortunately sends the creature into a rage, it starts stomping forwards disregarding the wounds given to it by Talem, getting dangerously close to the group behind him.

The Flame Guard all run ahead and raise their tower shields while casting Iron skin, just in time too as he sends a brutal kick to the shields. The impact causes them to slide backwards into the people behind them, no one was injured with the exception of the giant who's toes now bent at odd angles.

Without waiting a moment more the Pyromancers threw various projectiles at the Cyclops, it tries to close it's eye but a Chaos fireball hits it in the face, throwing lava over its eyelid and causing it to scream in agony. During this Chaos Whips are being conjured and wrapping around its four limbs, searing it's flesh creating a disgusting smell throughout the area.