Underground deals

Burni "Perhaps I could give you a tour?"

Risryn shakes her head, "Sorry, I have a few things to attend to first... Ah, also, is there any place in the city I should steer clear of?"

Burni nods solemnly at the fact he was rejected, "Steer clear hmm? You would do well to keep away from the slums at the east of the city, nothing but thieves, homeless and smugglers there."

Risryn "Is that so? Thank you for your advice, maybe we will see each other again in the future?" she says as she begins to leave.

Burni waves her off as she's followed by everyone else, "Farewell Lady Ryndal, be safe and steer clear of the slums."

The group leave with Talem and Solaire giving Risryn a weird look, she glances at them both, "What is it?" she asks irritably.

Talem "Ryndal?" he asks with mirth.

Risryn "Using your real name is a stupid idea, especially when your on the kind of mission we're currently attempting."

Solaire "I understand, but it is still amusing to see you acting so different to your usual self."

Risryn shrugs, "Don't worry, when we get back I'll return to the same old person... A beating will be included." she says making Talem grimace under his mask.

Solaire "So where are we headed then Miss Ryndal?"

Risryn "No need to worry Sir Lence, I've been told that the best products are being sold in the east."

Solaire "Hmm, and you've created an alter ego for me?"

Risryn nods, "Sir Flatu Lence. I believe it suits you well."

Talem snorts and barely contains his laughter despite the dire mission they're currently on.

Solaire "That's a fine name, Sir Flatulence... Oi!" he objects when he realises it's meaning.

Risryn shakes her head at his naivety and continues walking towards the slums, the road becomes less organised and more decrepit the further they progress, the previously rich looking building now looking slump in, some almost collapsing into themselves.

People shrink away from the eight robed figures as they pass, probably taking them for followers of the Eternal Fire. Solaire himself can even spot some non-humans scrambling into the shadows, some even paling and fainting when he looks at them...

Talem "What are we doing here? These people barely look alive, how would they have the information we need?"

Risryn "In every city there are hidden locations that the authorities may or may not be privy to, most keep them around as they allow the aristocracy to shimmy around the law and commit atrocities. Atleast, this was how it worked in our old world... Look." she points at the street ahead, the only thing of interest being a ruined well, a few skinny children begging for money and what look like thugs.

Solaire "Miss Ryndal, I don't believe those thugs would have the information we require... We'll just be causing trouble."

Risryn shakes her head and begins waking forwards, past the alleyway with the thugs and towards the children. She kneels down and places a couple gold coins in their small hands before asking, "I'm looking to acquire some young merchandise." she states.

The children pale as the see her mask beneath the robe but her voice seems to quell the fear enough for them to speak, "Does Mistress have a preference?"

Talem "Preference?" he asks in confusion.

The child nods, "Elf, Dwarf, Gnome... Human."


Risryn "Human." she states.

The children look at each other and nod solemnly, "We will take you there miss, but we have to ask that only two other people accompany you.


Risryn turns and selects Talem and another Prospect known as Tarek to come while Solaire and the rest wait in the area. "We are ready, let's go." she says with the children nodding and leading them further into the slums.

The reach the east wall of the city and continue along it, eventually reaching an old abandoned building. The children escort them inside and travel down some stairs into a basement, once there they shift some boxes from a corner of the room to reveal some sort of hatch.

"Down here is what you need." they say as they wait at the side for the group to descend.

Risryn nods, opens the hatch and climbs down the ladder, the only thing now providing any light being the torches lit below.

Talem "When you said we needed to find the "Undercity" I didn't think you meant it literally."

Risryn "I didn't, it seems that these people need to take more precautions than those I am familiar with." she mutters as they drop into some sort of tunnel. It's damp and many echoes can be heard from either direction, however there is a sign on the wall directing them towards "Merchandise" which Risryn begins to follow.

Talem "May I ask, what is "Young Merchandise"?"

Risryn shakes her head, "Do not ask what you do not want to know. Just follow my lead." she says as they finally walk out into a disgusting smelling room, most fo the people present are wearing dirty clothes and are moving around various jars, buckets and other miscellaneous things... However that isn't all, there are three richly dressed masked people being led towards a door at the far end of the room.

Not only after they arrive the group are greeted by a short middle-aged man with a humped back. "Greetings visitors, this is your first time here is it not?"

Risryn frowns under her mask, "It is, how would you know?"

The man gives them a grin revealing his black teeth, "I'm known as the caretaker, it is my business to know. Now, what have you come for?

Risryn "I am here for a helper, perhaps they could "help" in other areas... Other than that what other things can you provide?"

The man looks Risryn over appraisingly while rubbing his chubby neck, "Hmm, it depends what you want... I can see that you aren't really interested in acquiring my stock, so you must be after something else..."