First Blood

The room erupts into applause as the king enters, the trumpets and other instruments blare as the man finally reaches the Reverend and greets him happily.

Next to Risryn and Solaire another couple approaches them while pointing at the king. "Nothing like the Kaedwenian anthem to bring the hearts and minds of the elite together." the man says as he looks towards the duo.

Solaire nods confidently, "Indeed, if I didn't know better I'd say that music was magically based." he says with a smile, though the couples expressions seem to go neutral as he says this.

Risryn notices this and tries to correct his statement, "Of course, magic is a vile and disgusting art so maybe your analogy is a bit out there darling."

Solaire "Oh? Ah, yes, forgive me. These drinks must be affecting me! I've never been known for having a strong stomach hahaha!" he says jovially.

The man with dirty blonde hair and athletic build steps forwards and introduces himself, "I am Kreld Gaeveled, governor of Rakverelin, the city just north of Ard Carraigh. This is my wife Merdrah Gaeveled." he says while gesturing to a woman with light brown hair, chubby figure and a pockmarked face. She nods and curtseys as they glance at her.

Risryn nods and bends forwards slightly in a restrained bow as Solaire introduces them, "I am Lence Flatu and this is my Mistress Rias Ryndal. We are... Visitors from a foreign banking clan that wishes to scope out the opportunities in the north."

Kreld looks at them both appraisingly before remarking, "You both seem to be from Kovir judging from your looks, though I could be wrong?"

Risryn "We, are from Redania. near the borders of what was once Temeria... Though, if I'm not mistake wasn't Rrakverelin in the possession of Kovir?" she asks confused at the news, it seemed that Reima's information was slightly out of date?

Kreld chuckles, "It seems that news moves slowly in Redania, Mensfeld felt it would only be appropriate for Kovir to lend us Rakverelin to aid us in the war. While Kovir wishes to be neutral in everything from the war to wiping their own asses, they are still a northern kingdom... Having their trade routes to Kaedwen restricted would bring their blooming economy into disarray."

Risryn "Well, we congratulate you on being granted the city by King Mensfeld." he states.

Kreld "Hmm, well, if you don't have any other priorities I'd like to discuss bringing your banking clan in Rakverelin, after bringing the Eternal Fire into our arms our businesses had taken a hit. Perpahs some generous loans from you would give us the boost we need?"

Solaire "I believe that a discussion between us would be very profitable my friend, but we have other matters to attend to, please enjoy the festivities, and perhaps, later on, we will continue with our talk." he says diplomatically which seems to quell the couple's interest.

The duo slowly walks away into a large crowd that is still watching King Mensfeld's interactions with the Reverend.

Solaire leans down to Risryn and whispers, "Should we not eliminate the king aswell? It wouldn't be all that difficult, and I'm sure Reima would be satisfied with a two for one deal." he says with mirth.

Risryn shakes her head, "Do not forget Solaire, we aren't here to start a war, simply to send a message to those that have provoked us." she states.

Solaire nods solemnly, "I see, when do you think the others will begin their infiltration?"

Risryn smiles, "Oh, I believe they should have started by now."

Atop the mountain peak overlooking the church, six Prospects were observing the towers. They were still lit and emitting plumes of smoke and it seems a guard would patrol them once every ten or so minutes. The group had rid themselves of the cloaks and were now dressed in their old indestructible clothing, and were ready to scale the building.

Talem and Tarek step forth once the patrol leaves, they begin to spin metal hooks attached to a bundle of rope before flinging them at the tower below them. Talem's misses and scrapes down the wall and eventually hitting the stone roof, but Tareks manages to grip the tower's balcony.

Tarek "I win this one Talem." he says with a chuckle as he walks back and ties the rope taut to a large boulder.

Talem shakes his head and jumps atop the taut rope, "When was this a competition?"

Tarek "When I started winning." he states, climbing jumping on the rope like a funambulist or an acrobat before proceeding to quickly make his way across to the tower.

The other Prospects quickly follow them, once they are all across Tarek materialises his weapon, a relatively long curved sword which he uses to cut the rope to prevent any patrols from spotting it.

In the middle of the platform atop the tower is a small indentation filled with wood that constantly burns, the patrols don't seem to be for protection at all, instead, they are meant to keep the wood stocked up in order to keep the fire going.

Talem "We should wait for the next patrol and eliminate them, we can't risk stumbling into them and alerting the others that we are here." he states.

Tarek nods, "Time to draw first blood."

The Witch Hunter walks up with a couple blocks of wood in a basket, while his sword is sheathed on his side. However as soon as they reach the top they spot five masked men staring at them from the other side of the tower...

Witch Huner "Eh, what? You shouldn-Hurrgh!" They groan in pain as a blade pierces the back of their chest and becomes visible from the front. The man can only utter a final gasping breath as they fall to the floor, dead.