Ignorant Dragon

The two dragons which left their lairs in search of whoever had taken their lands magic had finally reached the edge of the dragon mountains, just before they pass into the mortals lands the Golden Dragon rapidly begins to shrink, their bodies bulging and shifting until they eventually resemble a 6ft handsome blonde-haired man wearing expensive robes that appear made from Kovir.

He turns and looks at the anxious green dragon behind him and calls "Don't tarry Saesenthessis, our goal is important and we must be swift." the man states, all the while looking uncomfortable at the incredibly different vocal organs now present in his throat.

The green dragon nods and begins to shrink, due to her being a halfbreed it's rather uncomfortable but she deals with it due to how often she used to do it. She slowly shrinks, eventually becoming a woman of similar height to the blonde man with dirty blonde hair and already wearing plate armour with red fabrics...

The man eyes her, scoffing when he sees her dirty blonde hair, "Hmm, a half-breed would never be able to mimic us, even when using magic for the soul purpose of doing so."

The woman shakes her head, "I care not for your opinion only human form, we must find you a name as Weelderigeweegschalen would expose us to unnecessary attention.

The man frowns, "Then I will burn all those who oppose me." he states.

She scowls at him, "Do not underestimate mortals, if they are capable of stealing our magic then they are certainly able to kill you."

The man lifts her off of the ground by her throat with a single-arm, "Do you test me half-breed? Were I not needing your knowledge I would snap your neck for your insolence!" he says and drops her.

She gets back up and rubs her neck, the red marks already beginning to fade. "Then our mission will fail, and we will return with nothing to show for it?."

Weelderigeweegschalen glowers at her, "Then, what is your mortal name, Half-breed?"

"Saskia." she says simply, a small smile coming to her face at using it for the first time in so many years.

The man nods, "I will be known as Schall to the lesser beings then." they say, beginning to march down the mountain path towards a village in the distance.

Saskia sighs, and trails after him, wondering if she'd be killed in their attempt to bring magic back to the dragon's land.

Schall scowled when he first sighted a pitiful human tending to a field, the young man looked up and eventually saw them, fearfully approaching.

"M-my lord... D-do you require something?"

Schall nods, "Indeed I do..." He grabs the teens head and begin applying pressure, threatening to cave in the boys skull, "Where did you take our magic!"

Saskia is shocked when her companion immediately starts torturing some peasant and demanding information they obviously wouldn't have.

"AHHH! P-P-PLEASE! I KNOW NOTHING, I'VE NEVER EVEN SEE MAGIC!" he shouts as his eyes threaten to burst from their sockets.

Saskia dashes forwards and forces Schall to let go, "Stop! This peasant won't know anything!"

Schall "How would you know!?!" he growls.

Saskia "Because I've spent almost my entire life around mortals, that's more than you can say!"

Schall "Why should I care if I kill a few morals in our attempt to find what we're looking for?"

Saskia "Because if you do then they will send armies against us!"

Schall shoves her away and begins walking again, "Bah! You are as useless as that misbegotten father of yours, Half-breed!"

The duo continue travelling, Saskia luckily managing to divert Schall from the nearby village to the next large town. She recognises it to be the one owned by Kovir and Poviss, one called Rakverelyn, all she has to do now is make sure her companion doesn't burn it to the ground.


A day of walking later and they reach the city at sunrise, Saskia found something strange however... It seemed that it was heavily fortified and they were getting ready to mount an attack somewhere. The gate was closed but people were still slowly moving inside and out of the city, though it appeared that they'd need some kind fo identification to actually enter... As she was thinking of way to bypass this Schall just haphazardly strolls up to the guard, she'd unable to stop him as he opens his mouth.

Schall "Move aside, I have business to conduct" he says, his fixed posture, raised head, manner of speaking and clothing all giving them the impression he was someone of import.

"Sir, forgive me but we need your identification to allow you entry." the guard carefully says, not wishing to insult the wrong person.

Schall frowns, "I do not need your mortal identification, move aside now." he says as Saskia slowly backs away from him... If she couldn't return to the dragons then she'd have to find somewhere else...

The guard presses, "We cannot allow entry without identification, please make way for other people who need to get through he says, changing his focus onto someone else.

Schall is enraged at the guard now ignoring him, he tries to walk through but finds a hand placed on his shoulder... Without waiting a moment he grabs the guards arm and snaps it like a twig, causing everyone watching to back away, and the other guards to draw their weapons.

Schall "Ssaskia? Explain to these lesser beings that I WILL get wh-... Saskia?" he asks, realising she was no longer behind him.

A soldier runs forwards and jabs a sword at him, lightly cutting his side. Schall finally loses it, being injured by these bugs is too much to handle for the dragon as he begins thrashing around randomly, his limbs easily breaking bone when they connect with someone... However his frail mortal flesh is easily damaged, forcing him to reconsider changing back...