Knocking Boots

And so the long road of questioning the thousands of Aen Elle started, Reima had cut the questions down to only the vital ones to save time, though, it still meant it would take a couple days to get through everyone...

Reima "Next" he says with a sigh, already handing a glass of the diluted Veritaserum to the next person.


The older woman had slapped the glass out of his hand, causing it to fall and shatter against the floor, "How dare you! Human Filth, you will let me through, as governess of-" She's interrupted by Reima.

Reima "Shut up. I don't know who you are and I don't care, you are at my mercy and if you don't change your attitude I'll send you through that fucking portal without arms, legs, or a head... Do you understand me?" he asks with a glare.


She nods, and Reima had the previously smashed glass fix itself, the liquid climbing back into it and floating before her. "Drink." he states.

She does as she's told and Reima begins questioning, "Will you, or do you intend to harm, disrupt, negatively influence, or take over my city once you are saved?"



Reima "Good." he says, telekinetically picking her up and tossing her away. "Next!"

"Wait!" the previous woman shouts, slowly getting up and running over. "Y-you misunderstand me! Please! Give me another chance!"

Reima shakes his head and waves her away, "No... Next!"

The older woman tries to grab Reima but Ciri grabs her and pushes her away, "You failed the questioning, if you are so loyal to Tir ná Lia then you can stay here." she scowls.

She looks like she'd about to object one more time, but a glare from Ge'els sends her away, pale and down-trodden.

A few hours later there was another incident, a furious looking man who was denied despite his wife being let through. He drew a dagger and tried to attack Reima... Only to have his soul torn out.

Reima and Ciri were given the village elders home to stay during the night, the process of questioning everyone taking longer than either had expected...

Unforunately... Or fortunately, there was only one bed present in the house... Neither were awkward about it however, Ciri's intentions for coming here were primarily to ease her nerves about entering a serious relationship... Even if the Wild Hunt hadn't been wiped out yet, their desperation gave her a sense of power, relieving her of the vulnerability she felt towards them.

As a result... The villagers nearby thought a small earthquake was happening, it lasted for hours during the night and was constant, only stopping occasionally as if it were taking a break... Of course, they'd never know it was Reima and Ciri knocking boots in the night.

Reima himself still hadn't completely cured his "Hot" problem, but it no longer set fire to anything it touched, instead just sitting at a boiling temperature. His progress was good, from 1300 °C to 100 °C.. Though, it was still too hot for any normal woman to touch, let alone... Dri-Do anything else with.

After they'd finished both laid next to each other staring at the ceiling, Ciri breathing heavily from trying to keep up with Reima alone, her stamina simply not being a match to his.

Reima "As good as you remember?" he says with a smug grin.

Ciri "No." she states.


Reima looks at her, "Why not?"

Ciri "Fleur wasn't here to take some of the pressure..." she says, half-joking.

Reima nods, "Hopefully she's doing well..." he mutters, falling back into the stack of pillows.

Ciri sighs and rests her head on his chest, "Atleast everything worked out... After everything's calmed down we should visit everyone again."

Reima "Almost everything, Eredin is still out there."

Ciri "It's fine... He'll turn up eventually, we'll beat him again when he does."


Reima "What'dya wanna tell Geralt and Yennefer when we get back?"

Ciri snorts, "I doubt we need to tell them anything, they'll know as soon as they see us... It's the others I'm worried about."

Reima, "Quelaag?" he asks.

Ciri nods, "Queelag... Dusk, Reah, Anastacia, Priscilla, Risryn... Almost every woman you interact with is interested in you... I was afraid you'd get together with one of them." she admits with a jealous expression.

Reima pinches her nipple, getting an "Ouch!" from her and causing her to turn and look at his grinning face, "Well you've got me now, so stop thinking about it..."

Ciri climbs on top of him with a determined expression, "I'll show you about messing with me." she says, the earthquake beginning yet again.

The next day Reima was stood in the same place as before, the vat of Veritaserum sitting next to him with a ragged and tired look Ciri on his other side. Ge'els had everyone line up again and Reima reopened the portal, "Alright, next!" he shouts, the first person of the day stepping forwards.

Ge'els who's standing nearby spots Ciri's condition and asks, "Are you okay Zireael? You look exhausted... Perhaps the weather is not agreeing with you?"

Ciri gives him a half-lidded look, "Piss off." is all she says before turning her attention to the line in front of her. An energy drink slowly floats before her, Reima giving a thumbs up with a victorious expression.

Reima "Stay alert Ciri, we've still got a few thousand people to get through." he snarks.

Ciri groans at her words and downs the drink she'd been given, "There must be a faster way of doing this... I know, we'll do two at a time."

Reima facepalms, "Why didn't we think of that yesterday..."

Ciri "Because there are some things I'm better than you at." she huffs.

Reima shakes his head, "I don't know, you lost pretty well last night... Maybe you're better at losing?"

Ciri ignores him and look at the line, "Next." she asks, no one coming forwards to greet her.


Ciri "Next!" she says, glaring at the person at the front of the line.

They still don't move, causing her to walk up to them and ask, "Why aren't you moving?"

"Apologies, but I would rather be questioned by someone who's not evil." they say.
