
The girl turns to Reima with an apologetic expression, pale skin, green eyes, and a strange metal cross around her neck which sits in her cleavage.

"I am so sorry! I didn't know I was going so fast!" she says while bowing.

Tsukune "N-no it's okay, are you fine though, you got hit th-"

The girl approaches Reima and looks him over for injuries, a polite gesture after slamming into him with her bike. "I didn't hurt you.. Did I?"

Reima shakes his head, "No, you didn't."

The girl breaths a sigh of relief, "That's great!... I hate to have hurt someone before sch-" she stops, feeling the heavy gaze Nerissa is giving. She shudders momentarily and the cross around her neck dimly glows red, as if it were aware of its surroundings.

"I-I am Akashiya Moka, nice to meet you..." she says, trying to regain her composure from having Nerissa glaring at her.

Tsukune feels a bit sour that he was ignored in favour of Reima but decides to try and be helpful regardless, walking over and seeing if her bike is alright... "Er, Akashiya-san? Your bike is completely broken... I'm Aono Tsukune by the way..." he says, holding up the mangled frame, wheel, and completely shattered chain.

Moka looks down at her bike and sighs as if it wasn't a big deal, "It's fine... Can I walk up with you guys?" she says hopefully.

The atmosphere between Tsukune and Moka starts getting too awkward for Reima's tastes, him drawing their attention by raising his hand and magically repairing Moka's bike, as if he were reversing time on it.

Moka "Wow! That's really cool!" she exclaims, clearly not surprised by the use of magic.

Tsukune on the other hand was almost catatonic... "W-w-w-w-what!?! WHAT WAS THAT!!?!" he shouts, his mind clearly blown by what'd just occurred in-front of him.

Reima "It's magic, never seen it before?" he says sarcastically, Nerissa's lips upturning at the teen's confusion.

Tsukune is still clearly confused by this, but Moka only adds fuel to the fire...

Moka "What kind of Monster are you? Are you a Wizard!?!"

Reima leans his head to the side, "Monster?"

Moka nods, "Yes, you're attending a school for monsters aren't you?"


Reima "What kind of monster are you then?"

Moka pushes a lip up revealing a fang, "I'm a vampire!"

Reima "What a coincidence, my little sister here is a vampire too." he says, patting Nerissa on the back encouragingly.

Moka "Really? Hey, can we be friends? I've never had a friend before." she asks the vampiress, causing everyone, even Tsukune to be dumbfounded by her admission.

Reima looks down at Nerissa as she's seemingly thinking over the question, she crosses her arms and rolls her head with a trying expression. Another pat on the back by Reima had her finally nod, "Yes."

Moka "Yippeeeeee!" she shout excitedly, picking up Nerissa and spinning her around with strength unbefitting a girl her size.

Reima "I'm going to get your admittance Rissa, feel free to tell Moka whatever you want." he says, backing away before taking a running Armamant Haki powered leap towards the schools direction. Casuing the ground to rumble as a crater forms, again, shocking Tsukune.

Moka hugs Nerissa happily, "This is going to be so much fun! Hey, your dress is really nice, where'd you get it from?" she asks.

Nerissa "The corpse of a golden dragon." she states, straight-faced despite knowing how outrageous her answer was.

Again, Tsukune is speechless, not knowing if what he's seeing or hearing is real... His feet working on their own to walk beside the strange duo.

Reima rockets towards the ground like a meteorite, landing heavily in-front of a creepy looking school. Various student all staring at him with curious looks, all of them have small aura's giving Reima the expression that none were human, a few having monstrous features sticking from their human transformations.

He walks towards the school calmly, ignoring the students and going straight for a man with red hair and a white and blue tracksuit watching the new students arrive.

"Can I help you?" he asks, eyeing Reiam suspiciously.

Reima nods, "How do I find the headmasters office?"

"That creepy guy? It's the only room on the top floor... Good luck buddy." he says, turning his attention back to the students, specifically the female ones.

Reima follows the guys directions and eventually comes across two large doors, obviously leading to the Headmasters office, judging by the nameplate... "Mikogami?" he reads aloud while pushing the doors open.

Mikogami "A traveller has come to see me, how quaint." a man in full priest robes that shady his face, only revealing his glowing yellow eyes says, his elbows resting on the large ornate desk at the end of the room.

Reima "Yeah, I've come to request you allow someone admittance to your school."

Mikogami grins, "No."


Reima "Huh? What? Why not?"

Mikogami "The admission period has finished, no new students will be accepted." he states.

Reima frowns, "Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to ask this time... Allow Nerissa to attend your school." he says with a glare.

Mikogami laughs, "Will you be a new challenger? There have been so many, and they've all perished." he says ominously.

Reima "Bro, let Nerissa in or I'm going to beat you up." he says cracking his knuckles.

Mikogami pulls up his sleeve, revealing a golden lock restricting chains that seem to wrap further around his body. "Do you know what this is?"

Reima "I'm going to hit you so stop your damn monologuing." he states.

Mikogami "Well, this is a Holy Lock, it restricts my po-"


The robed man is punched in the face as Reima blinks next to him, the man flying through the wall and out the other side, landing heavily in-front of many of the new students.

Reima stands in the window created by Mikogami's body and shouts at him, "I told you, you stupid bastard!"