Edgy Dementor

Reima "So, shits looking pretty bad here... Mind if I take a look outside? I've always wanted to see Nuclear Fallout."

Harry "You sure? I'm the only one who can go out there, it's pretty dangerous"

Reima raises a brow at him, "Er, why's that?"

Harry pulls something from under his robe... The Elder Wand? "I'm not really sure if I'm human anymore to be honest..." he says with a forlorn expression.

Reima spots a ring containing the stone on Harry's finger and realises what he means, "Ah, so you've obtained all the Deathly Hallows?"

Harry nods, "Master of Death and all that." he waves it off.

Reima "Don't be so nonchalant about it... They must've given you some cool abilities right?" he says, interested in the Hallows effects.

Harry shrugs, "Yeah... I can fly, calls shades of the dead, create undead... It's all just a bit too morbid for me though."

Reima "Power's power, not use complaining about things other people would kill for... Let's take a look outside then." he says, patting Harry on the back and pushing him towards the exit.

Harry "Ah, I don't really wanna go back out t-"

Reima "Nonsense, let's go." he states, the teen reluctantly following.

The duo exit, the wards stopping the radiation from flooding through the open doors as Hermione, Bill and Fleur watch them leave.

Immediately the previously lush Scottish landscape looks like hell, no plants to be seen for miles, with even the Forbidden forest having been completely annihilated... Not even leaving stumps. The temperature was incredibly hot, even with orange clouds blocking the sunlight from reaching the ground.

Harry walks over and kicks a stone, "Happy? I hope you are satisfied with our world." he states, scanning the horizon languidly.

Reima shrugs "I've seen worse." he says, memories of Ooalacile springing to mind.

Harry sighs and sits down on some rubble, "So, what's the real reason you wanted to come out here?" he asks, knowing that Reima didn't care about this sort of thing.

Reima chuckles, "Bills face was pissing me off, I needed to get away before I incinerated him."

Harry frowns, "Why? You left her, not the otherway around... Her finding someone else was obvious wasn't it?"

Reima nods, "Yeah, but now I'm forced to save Bill or I'll look like a douche... That, and I wasn't expecting her to move on so quickly."

Harry "She's a Veela, whaddya expect?..."

Reima "Did you and Albus find the last Horcruxes?"

Harry nods, "The bombs dropped only a week after we'd destroyed the last... They initially targeted magical institutions, their goal obviously to wipe out Witches and Wizards completely, apparently Muggle politics isn't any better than ours though... After the first was dropped many more soon followed, all aimed at large cities and important infrastructure."

Reima "Mutually assured destruction... Funny considering you, the main target survived it all."

Harry shakes his head, "Nothing is funny about... This. There were many who didn't manage to get within the school in time, I watched through a window as they were incinerated"

Reima frowns, "No one important I hope?" he asks.

Harrry scowls at him, "Important? What do you mean by that? Something you know? A friend?... Almost half the students were killed, as well as the teachers who tried to get them inside."

Reima doesn't really care about anyone else aside from the people he personally knew... If he wanted to feel bad for everyone who ever died he'd be depressed all day. "Is Luna alright?" he asks, not having seen her in the hall.

Harry slowly nods, "The death of her father and many others hit her particularly hard... She's been sleeping in her dorm most of the time, only getting up for food."

Reima slowly stands, "Hmm, well, first things first is getting you all out of this world I guess..."

Harry nods, "I'd appreciate it if you could, there's nothing left for us here now."

Reima "I do have a few conditions though." he says with a grin.

Harry frowns at him, "Not going to do it for free... For your friends?"

Reima "Of course, but I just wanna make sure everything is on the level, if you know what I mean?"

Harry shakes his head, "I don't..."

Reima "Well, I'd like take everything within Hogwarts... You guys won't be needing them where you're going."

Harry "Everything? The Library? Enchanted items? I'd like to keep those to begin anew... Like Albus would have wanted."

Reima rubs his chin, "You want to start up a new school?"

Harry nods, "Everyone needs to finish their education... And with the teachers gone it falls on my shoulders, my responsibility."

Reima "I can agree to that, but the school will be within my territory... And, I'll need all of the students to drink Veritaserum and answer my questions." he states.

Harry's eyes squint at him, "Why would you need them to do that?"

Reima "Ah, you don't know do you." he says facepalming himself, "I'm actually the King of a country, national security matters most to me."


Harry "YOU'RE WHAT!?!!" he exclaims, shocked.

Reima clears his ear with a finger, "A king, geez, calm it... Royalty isn't all that foreign to you, you're English after all!"

Harry nods, "Yeah, but you never said anything about it before!"

Reima smirks, "It's a recent development..."

Harry turns and walks back towards the school, "Then, I'll trust you... You'll have to prepare your own Veritaserum though, there's nothing left to make it. There's around 460 people within Hogwarts last I counted." he says, leaving Reima behind.

Reima stands there amidst the ruin, tapping his foot and wondering what to do if someone is actually a threat to Ichor... Harry wouldn't let him toss them into the fallout would he?... "Whatever, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." he mutters, following Harry.